174. But Why?

Sylvester gritted his teeth as he already smelled the increased scent of death the closer they got. But, this time, the smell of death didn't come as a reminder of danger to him but as a messenger of the news—that death was spreading.

"Look at the sky." Lady Aurora muttered. 

Sylvester glanced, frowned and increased the pace. In the distant sky, he saw many burning balls flying from Jartel county towards Raftel County. The catapults were at work, but that also confused him. "I don't remember Jartel possessing catapults." 

"Me neither." 

They rushed as fast as they could and soon crossed the last ridge that brought the view of the whole battlefield plain to them. 

It was a mess… utter chaos. There were thousands of men, impossible to count. They fought each other with their weapons of choice. Magic knights used their flashy magical knight moves, Wizards used their destructive spells, while the common soldiers thrust their swords into each other.