193. Darkness

Sylvester stood up and looked at the man's visor. He could sense the scent of anger and rage from the Lord Inquisitor. But, this was the case most of the time he met him, so he was unaware of what he was angry at. 

"I will hand over the fully detailed report by evening. The gist of the matter is that a foreign conspiracy caused the war in Northern Gracia. Thousands died in the war before I stopped it. At the same time, the case of someone murdering noble women and cutting their breasts seems to be a widely spread occurrence. 

"I sent Sir Dolorem to find a knight in Green City, as surviving female victims claimed the knight was behind the attack. But, I did not hear from Sir Dolorem until I found him on the outskirts of the Green City, naked, injured, covered in mud and faeces, fighting bare-handed against three Gracia Royal Knights. Now, Sir Dolorem is fighting for his life."