234. What Now?

'What would you do if you had the power to do anything with a snap, Max?' 

'What a silly question, Felix. I'd immediately erase myself from everyone's mind and go somewhere secluded with my mum. There I'd grow my own food, chop my own wood and be at peace.' 

'That's crazy. No world domination? Not becoming a god? Not getting all the pretty ladies?' 

'Ugh… too much work and stress in that. Why be a god of someone else when you can be your own god? Anyway, go to sleep now; we have work tomorrow.' 

A random exchange with his friend passed through Sylvester's mind as he slowly felt his senses returning to the body. He felt strong wind brushing past his skin, and there was also the warmth of the Solarium. 

"Hmm…" He hummed while trying to wake up. 

"So you woke up? Don't worry. I will carry you to the village as you did for me the last time."