353. Battle of River Pass - Invisible Hand

As Sylvester left, just the next day in the evening, rows upon rows of boats, small and big, appeared in the White River. There were hundreds, all filled with luggage and people. 

In turns, they all stopped at the small port of the former Duke's castle and unloaded. The soldiers had already taken positions across the town, manning various streets and watchtowers. The people were slowly guided through the streets and shown places to live for the time being. 

As the people went further, they came across a magnificent town square. The paving stones were smooth and even, and the area was bathed in ethereal beauty. They stood in awe, marvelling at the picturesque scene before them. The square was full of vendors' carts spread about, and the empty storefronts stood as silent sentinels, testifying to the town's prosperity.