378. A King In Distress

With haste and determination, Sylvester set to work, setting the printing press to one side and directing his energy towards creating the ballpoint pen. It was a laborious task but one that posed little difficulty for a seasoned wizard such as him. The most critical component of the pen was the tiny ball tip, which required a flawless ink that could flow seamlessly through the minuscule gaps surrounding the ball and dry at a moment's notice.

It was no easy feat, but he overcame it because Sylvester had already spent a long time researching and experimenting with inks for the printing press. Yet the mechanical aspect of the pen was relatively simple for one skilled in the ways of alchemy and runes. The greatest challenge lay in the precise placement of all the various components, but even for that, Sylvester devised a miniature assembly contraption to aid him in his task.