417. Friends or Foes

Sylvester rode his horse with Sir Dolorem and Bishop Lazark at his side. He arrived before the army of thirty thousand soldiers, all looking healthier with their clean armour and shining blades.

Their eyes were filled with the hope of a better future and victory over The Patch. They had no idea how they would do it, but whatever the rumours and the posters told them, they believed it. 

Sylvester raised his longsword in the air and addressed the crowd. "Prepare to march to the east! We go beyond the Barrier mountain range — We shall enter the enemy lands and take what is ours. As we speak, the Grand Duke is busy fighting a war with the Highland Kingdom, so this is the best time for us to strike. Remember — we either win today or die trying. So raise your blades and chant the name of the Lord, for we have cried enough, and no more tears we can afford!"

