421. Duel Under Faith

The Grand Duke stopped in his tracks and turned to look at Sylvester in disbelief. As far as common knowledge goes, Sylvester was an Archwizard at best, so fighting two Grand Wizards at the same time was no less than asking for death. 

"Can you repeat that?" the Grand Duke asked incredulously.

Sylvester repeated his challenge. "I propose a Duel Under Faith with both of you. If you win, you face no consequences, and the Sorrow Kingdom will be yours. But if I win, well...you die."

Grand Duke Victor Zee Maverick turned to Grand Wizard Einarr with a bewildered expression. "Am I hearing things? Is this mere Archwizard challenging both of us to a fight? I cannot make any sense of this."


Sylvester began to take off his armor one by one since it was useless and a mere hindrance when it came to battles of higher levels. The armor was going to shatter away anyway. 

"Do you accept the duel?" Sylvester asked again.