546. Continent Of Beastaria

There was nothing Sylvester could do to make the voyage faster. It was a ship, and to force it on the ocean waters was inviting trouble, knowing that formidable creatures lurked in the depths, making even the mightiest castles seem like dwarfs before them.

So when nothing eventful occurred, there was only one thing they could do on the stolen ship, which had been taken from pirates who had themselves stolen it from the Holy Fleet—Barbecue!

"Haiyaa! This is life." Miraj sat near the ship's helm while Sylvester learned how to steer a ship from Avanss. The fluffy and 'not fat' cat had eaten a few plates of tasty meat and was now in the midst of sunbathing. 

Sylvester also ate occasionally with Avanss while talking and navigating the ship. The sea was calm, and the weather was sunny, so there was nothing special to care about. Sylvester tried to gather as much information about Beastaria as possible, things that weren't in the books.