548. O' Good Mother Remira

As if a thunderbolt bellowed, Sylvester arose from the ground, erupting through the muddied, grass-covered patch. His legs propelled him upward, granting him momentum, swift enough to resemble a blinking blur of a shadow.

The spear of infinity remained firmly clasped in his grasp, and with a wave of Solarium seeping into it, the length elongated at the speed of a snap. The dragon hovering above in the air, spewing fire at the forest, had no idea of what was coming for him.

The resounding boom enveloped the area the moment the Spear of Infinity connected with the dragon's scale, rendering everyone in the vicinity deaf for a few moments. However, a surprising sight awaited them as the dragon remained unharmed.

The most vulnerable part of a Dragon was the underside of the belly, and it was also the most protected part, as any experienced dragon would never allow his belly to remain undefended. To protect it was akin to an automatic response.