Yesterday was really not my day, so many complicated things happened that I just don't know what to do. Am I that unreliable? Or is my feeling wrong?
Anyway, it's now around 7am and while I'm trying to get up and start my day by getting washed, I hear my sister singing. I think she really likes to cook....If she could cook every day, huh.
"Morning sleepyhead Rin! The one and only! And how did you sleep?"
"Thank you for ruining such a nice start for me by being a pain in the butt. I appreciate it."
"Ohh, showing your cute side is so... gross ehehe~"
Well, anyway. The real thing is, what is she cooking? The smell is so delicious…
"I'm cooking ramen as we don't have much left to cook at home anyway. I hope you don't mind."
"Uh huh, yeah s-sure."
"Prepare the table already, grab cutlery and cups."
"Don't command me like I'm your soldier. I happen to be older than you."
When I finished setting the table, my sister joined me with the ramen and we started to eat. Of course, without my mother, who is on the way to work. Honestly, I feel a little guilty for her since she does it all on her own.
"What's with these looks? Does something bother you?"
"Oh no, that's okay, it's just that mom works really hard, you know? I think she's totally overdoing it."
I wish I could help her no matter what, this would make me feel better if I could help her.
"Well, that's just the way mom is. Don't take it personally, she's doing it for us, for our sake. I would do the same thing if I had kids, there's nothing wrong with that."
"You think so?"
"Come on Sleepyhead, you better slurp that ramen and shake off that snooziness if you don't wanna be late for school. Chop Chop."
"I can't be late, not with you always reminding me. Your nagging skills are so good, you should consider a career in customer service. You could remind old people to pay their bills and make a killing."
"Wow, I didn't know you could crack jokes like that to your gorgeous and charming sister. Maybe you need an extra whack to wake up, haha!"
"Ehhh? Come on now sis. You know I only joke around because I'm still half asleep. But if you insist on giving me that extra beating, I suppose I'll have to oblige. Watch out, world, the sleepyhead is waking up!"
It's really not easy to go to school when you have to wait for an idiot who takes too long!
Speaking of that idiot, she's finally here…
"Good morning Araya, did you sleep well?"
"Ah yes, good morning Rin-kun. Are you ready?"
"Yeah, we better move fast, I think Yukari is already waiting for us. Poor girl had an early shift today, hah."
The enormity of the school was overwhelming, navigating through the labyrinthine hallways and endless flights of stairs was a daunting task. It felt like an eternity to get from one end of the building to the other. Nevertheless, I was determined to find the inventor even if it meant venturing to the depths of hell itself!!!
"I finally made it... I can't believe I survived."
"You sound and look stupid, you know? That wasn't so hard, haaa."
"Stop nagging, you monster, do you even know what kind of creature you actually are? You are definitely possessed..."
As we entered the class and discussed her true identity, we began to hear a familiar voice.
"Oh my gosh, I already miss you guys so much!"
"Good morning Yukariiiii, I have missed you too, you know."
"Geez, Yukari, it's only been 24 hours. Do you have separation anxiety or something?"
"Hey, I'm a girl, I'm allowed to be dramatic! Plus, I missed the dynamic duo - that's you and Araya, Rin!"
"Ah, I see. So you missed me, but not Araya, right?"
Yukari playfully swatted at me and gave me a teasing smile. How cute….
"Hey now, I missed both of you equally! Don't be jealous, Rin."
"I'm not jealous, I'm just calling out your sexist behavior, Yukari."
"Ehehehe, you got me on that one."
Well, that's not bad, I guess?
"Anyway, I'm going to my seat now, I'll catch you later."
The atmosphere in the classroom, or rather in the whole school, bothers me. I thought I was seeing things wrong, but more and more I noticed how the boys, some even girls, were giving me glances, in any case not quite good glances....
Well, that's understandable...a guy like me hanging out with girls who are out of his league. That must be a dream of guys my age.
I see even the boys don't want to talk to me. They must think I am arrogant. Does it matter? It doesn't, right?
As I laid my head back and tried to rest the remaining time until the break began, I heard two people approaching me. A tall man and a pretty little girl.
"Are you Rin Takahashi by any chance?" She said with a feminine tone.
"Uh huh, y-yeah, that's me?"
"Good, are you able to come with us? Actually, it's an important matter."
Important what? What did I even do…?
"What kind of matter are we talking about?
You could hear in my voice that I was nervous, but I still tried to speak normally.
"Just follow us and you will see what kind of issue it really is."
"No, I'm not moving an inch until you tell me what this is all about."
"Are you serious?"
"Yes I. Am."
"Sigh…Yanagi, can't I just take him out of class? It's really annoying right now."
"Wait, you can't just take me out of class, can you ahaha…wait you can't, right…?"
Wouldn't that be against the rules?
"Fine with me, but make it short."
As he walked toward me and held out his arms to pull me out of the class. I tried to understand the situation. What was this? That should be against the school rules!
"Wait...wait! We can talk it out. I-I...I will follow you without wasting time, I swear!"
"Too late, too bad Ha Ha Ha."
"What a play on words! Araya, Yukari, help me, this guy wants to kidnap me!"
When I looked in their direction, I saw only one thing: joy.
"Good luck, Rinny boy! Eheheh~" Both girls laughed teasingly.
The man who carried me led me to another place, which was a little smaller than the actual rooms. I guess it is a room for a club activity?
"Are you sure you won't run away?"
"It's not like I have a chance to run away."
"I like your honesty, boy."
"It's Rin Takahashi, and aren't we about the same age? So stop calling me boy!"
Opening the door and entering the room, I saw 3 girls and 2 guys, excluding me. As I already was aware, the room was really no bigger than the classrooms, so it must be a club activity.
"So that's Rin...? He looks so innocent." Said the one girl with short brown hair. Her eyes sparkled a shade of green and she glowed like a plant doing photosynthesis.
"Mehhh, he definitely looks weak, what a joke!"
"Leave him alone, guys, he won't accept our offer if you harass him."
"It's not like he can turn down our offer, Ha Ha."
What was that maniacal laugh? It scares me….
"Okay, Rin, before we proceed any further, let's begin by introducing ourselves. My name is Yanagi Yukiji, and I have the privilege of serving as the chairman of this esteemed school council. The individual standing next to me is Hirata Namie. She serves as my assistant and my trusted right hand. Her cheerful demeanor and positive attitude are a constant source of inspiration for everyone around her. The gentleman who carried you in his arms is Edano Seiki. He is a valuable member of our team and is always ready to assist us in any way he can.
Now, Rin, I must apologize on behalf of the council if Naito Tetsu's words caused any offense or discomfort to you. He's known as the "mood elevator" around here, but in reality, he's nothing but a total idiot. Please do not take his words to heart as they do not reflect the opinions or beliefs of the council as a whole."
"Whoa! That was mean, you know. I have feelings too!"
"Finally, I would like to introduce Narita Akane, the vice-chairman of the council. Although she may not be very talkative, her intelligence and sharp mind make her an invaluable asset to our team. So, I suggest you pay close attention to her as she has much to offer. Once again, welcome to our school, Rin."
What just happened?
"I'm feeling a bit confused. Firstly, could you please clarify where I am? Secondly, I'm curious about the purpose of this sudden gathering. And lastly, I would like to know why I was kidnapped!"
"Your teacher had spoken highly of you and believed that you were the perfect candidate for the position that was to be offered. For that very reason, I opposed anyone who tried to take that opportunity away from you."
My class teacher...don't tell me this is an act of revenge...!?
"Wait, this is a misunderstanding, I swear she was trying to get back at me for not introducing myself properly!"
"Well, that's what happens when you don't introduce yourself properly, Rin. We're excited to have you join us as our assistant."
"I look forward to working with you, Rin Ha Ha."
Damn it.