The Forbidden Castle

This dream came to Laila constantly. She was the reason for her sister's death. If she had been a little stronger, her sister would be alive now. This dream kept haunting her, making her unable to focus on anything. She decided to end this once and for all. It was time to face her fears and go for revenge. She asked me that she would leave for 3 days and then come back.

After a 10-hour trip, I arrived at the castle. Layla's heart pounded in her chest as she stood before the majestic gates of Malachi Castle, known as the Forbidden Castle. Massive stone walls loomed large, casting dark shadows over the surrounding landscape. Laila took a deep breath and prepared herself to face the challenges that awaited her inside. With a firm step, Laila opened the heavy gates and entered the foreboding courtyard. The air was thick with an eerie silence, broken only by the howls of invisible creatures in the distance. The path ahead was filled with statues of ancient warriors, frozen in time as if to warn intruders of their impending doom. While delving deeper into the castle, laila encounters a series of deadly traps and puzzles designed to deter any would-be heroes. You skillfully dodged swinging blades, jumped over endless pits, and deciphered mysterious codes etched on the walls. Each obstacle strengthened her resolve to reach Malachi and get revenge. Finally, Aria reached the heart of the castle, a large room bathed in an ethereal glow. In its center was a pedestal decorated with sparkling crystal - the source of Malachi's power. Layla knew that destroying her would weaken him and give her a fighting chance. But as I approached the base, a figure appeared from the shadows. It was Malachi himself, his eyes shining with hatred. "So, I came to seek revenge," he sneered, his voice dripping with arrogance. "But you are no match for my sacred magic." Laila tightened her grip on her chained scythes and met Malachi's gaze with unwavering determination. She answered defiantly, "I may not have your light powers, but I have something much stronger – my hatred and hatred for you and my vindictive love for what you did to my sister." With these words, Laila charged into battle, engaging in a fierce duel with Malachi. Sparks flew as their weapons collided, each strike fueled by years of pain and determination. Layla's agility and skill proved a formidable match for Malachi's holy magic. As the battle raged, the room trembled from the intensity of their clash. Their attack was loud. Malachi became very angry because he thought that this battle would end quickly. With every blow he directed, Laila calmly blocked it. She was flexible and agile in every movement she made, and at the same time she studied all the loopholes and sent him the scythe, controlling it from the chains. She had the advantage in long-range combat. She did not want to kill him quickly, so she hit him quickly until She makes him bleed a lot. She wants him to suffer, so he can regenerate. That's why she wanted to kill two birds with one stone, so she tortures him with bleeding, and she wants to kill him slowly, and also in revenge, for this, time did not matter to her. Two days had passed since the fight, and in the end, Malachi was killed, and blood was everywhere in the room. Laila returned to the kingdom, but after arriving, she fainted. I carried her to her room and took care of her