The Descent into Darkness

Every time I sleep, I see Angra Maniyu's past passing in front of me. He was a boy who was loved by the people of his village. He helped everyone without exception. He defended the weak and maintained his fitness by using Soryu style, which made his team win the fighting style competitions whenever he entered the competitions. This made all his competitors envy him, but they couldn't hate him because of his good heart.

But one day, the way the village treated him changed. They insulted him, beat him, and cursed him in the most violent ways. These were the methods of torture he received, even the King of Hell would soften his cruel heart towards the boy. But he didn't stop smiling at them, but inside he had a lot of anger, hatred, and malice towards them. Angra maniyuu didn't want to get angry and kill them one by one.

One day, he saw a scene that became the straw that broke the camel's back. He saw his lover with his best friend Ray. The betrayal stung, but it was the words spoken that catalyzed the birth of the first Shadow King, ANGRA MANIYU, the Lord of Evil. As he confronted them, a dark aura hovered around him, and the air pressure seemed to rise.

The confrontation turned into a fierce battle. Angra Maniyu, channeling his rage, utilized the physical fighting art of Soryu. His movements were precise and powerful, reflecting years of discipline and mastery. Ray, in contrast, employed advanced kung fu, showcasing fluidity and adaptability. The two clashed, their strikes creating shockwaves that seemed to echo the turmoil within Angra Maniyu's heart.

Ray attacked first, his fists moving in a blur as he tried to overwhelm Angra Maniyu with speed and agility. But Angra Maniyu's Soryu style was built for both offense and defense. He blocked and parried Ray's strikes with ease, countering with bone-crushing force. Each blow he landed sent ripples of pain through Ray's body, but Ray didn't relent.

"Why, Angra?" Ray shouted between blows. "Why are you doing this?"

"You betrayed me," Angra Maniyu replied coldly, his eyes burning with a crimson fury. "All of you did."

Ray attempted a sweeping kick, aiming to trip Angra Maniyu, but the latter leaped gracefully, landing a devastating elbow to Ray's shoulder. The sound of bone cracking echoed through the clearing. Ray fell to the ground, gasping in pain, but managed to roll away from a finishing blow.

Summoning his last reserves of strength, Ray launched himself at Angra Maniyu, trying to land a decisive hit. But Angra Maniyu anticipated the move, sidestepping and delivering a crushing knee strike to Ray's abdomen. Ray collapsed, clutching his stomach, as Angra Maniyu stood over him, his expression devoid of pity.

"It's over," Angra Maniyu said, his voice a chilling whisper. With one final, merciless blow, he ended Ray's life.

After the killer is finished and Ray dies, his lover says to him: "You are a monster."

He smiles at her coldly and his red eyes say, "You created an invincible monster. Take responsibility for your actions." He killed her while she was screaming. From there, the extermination of the village begins, from the girl and Ray to the villagers.

Angra Maniyu stood over the lifeless body of Ray, the rage in his heart mingling with a strange, bitter satisfaction. His lover's accusation echoed in his mind: "You are a monster." He glanced at her, seeing the horror in her eyes. Her fear was palpable, but it only fueled the darkness within him.

"You created this monster," he said, his voice a chilling whisper. His red eyes glowed with an unholy light as he took a step toward her.

She backed away, stumbling over Ray's body. "Please, Angra, don't do this. We can still fix this. We can..."

Her pleas were cut short as Angra Maniyu's hand wrapped around her throat. He lifted her effortlessly, his grip tightening. "There is no fixing this," he said coldly. "You and Ray betrayed me, just like the rest of this cursed village."

She struggled, gasping for breath, her eyes wide with terror. "I'm sorry," she choked out. "I'm so sorry..."

He watched her for a moment, his expression unreadable. Then, with a final squeeze, he ended her life. Her body fell limply to the ground, joining Ray in death.

Angra Maniyu turned his gaze to the village. The people who had once adored him now cowered in their homes, whispering prayers that would go unanswered. His dark aura flared, the air around him crackling with energy. The pressure was almost unbearable, and the villagers could feel it, a suffocating force that pressed down on them.

He walked through the village, his steps slow and deliberate. The first house he came to belonged to an elderly couple who had once treated him like their own grandson. They trembled as he entered, their eyes pleading for mercy.

"Angra, please," the old man begged. "We didn't mean to hurt you. We were just... scared."

Angra Maniyu's eyes narrowed. "Scared? Of what? Of me?" His voice was laced with venom. "You should have been scared of what you were creating."

With a swift motion, he ended their lives, their bodies crumpling to the floor. He moved on, house to house, person to person, his wrath unstoppable. The village that had once been his sanctuary was now his slaughterhouse.

The army arrived as the sun dipped below the horizon, casting long shadows across the burning village. Soldiers in gleaming armor marched forward, their faces set with grim determination. They had heard tales of Angra Maniyu's transformation, but they were not prepared for the reality.

He stood in the center of the village, waiting for them. His dark aura swirled around him, the air pressure rising to a suffocating level. The soldiers hesitated, fear creeping into their hearts.

The captain, a tall man with a scar running down his cheek, stepped forward. He wielded a massive spear, its blade glinting in the firelight. "Angra Maniyu," he called out, his voice steady. "Surrender now, and we will show mercy."

Angra Maniyu laughed, a cold, hollow sound. "Mercy? There is no mercy for the likes of you."

With a swift motion, the battle began. Angra Maniyu's dark aura surged, meeting the soldiers head-on. Despite their training and numbers, they were no match for his newfound power. One by one, they fell, their weapons clattering uselessly to the ground.

The captain fought valiantly, his spear dancing through the air with deadly precision. But Angra Maniyu was relentless. He dodged and parried, his movements a blur. With a final, crushing blow, he disarmed the captain, sending him sprawling to the ground.

"You should have run," Angra Maniyu said, standing over the defeated captain.

The captain looked up, his eyes filled with defiance. "I would rather die fighting than live as a coward."

Angra Maniyu's red eyes flickered with a moment of respect. "So be it."

With that, he delivered the fatal blow, ending the captain's life. As the last of the soldiers fell, Angra Maniyu stood alone, the village in ruins around him. The darkness within him had consumed everything he once held dear.

But even in his victory, there was no peace. The cries of the dying and the flames of the burning village haunted him, a constant reminder of the monster he had become. In the end, Angra Maniyu realized that he had lost everything, including his own humanity.

With a final, anguished roar, he succumbed to the darkness, his body collapsing to the ground. The village lay silent, the Lord of Evil defeated by his own inner demons. The legend of Angra Maniyu, the first Shadow King, would be told for generations, a cautionary tale of how love and betrayal can birth a monster.