Age 762, November 5.
Two days had passed since Sun Wukong arrived and trained the Son Family. I am currently making an A.I like JARVIS or something high-class A.I. for it to operate my houses and when I mean by that, I have too many houses in every corner of the earth for vacation.
Since we always train, we don't have enough time to clean the house and the robots cannot be operated automatically which is why I am creating an A.I.
As I was researching and studying different subjects, a burst of light flashed right at my back and an alien with stripe violet and blue color skin appeared with someone next to him that looks like his babysitter.
" Hanes I presume? I am Zeno, the God of this multiverse you are currently living in. I am here to meet you about the unknown being you meet and tell me in full details of the conversation" Zeno said seriously.
" Hmm? Are you a cop or something? If not, you should get the job since you seem to be good at it. I can recommend you if you'd like one" I chuckled, irritating Zeno but he hold it in.
" You don't have to worry Wukong since he won't do anything to this Multiverse you protected. Anyway, how's Zalama, the Dragon God doing? I feel his presence weakening and since I am part of a dragon myself, I know when my species are going to die. I hope you take good care of him for me since I want something from him at a later date" I said, all of this is a fluke since I don't feel a presence for the dragon species at all but it seems I hit something as Zeno reacted surprised.
" Ye, Yeah, Zalama is doing well, you don't have to worry about him. He is currently at his home. Anyway, can you tell me about this Wukong guy you're talking about?" Zeno asked, nervously.
" Sure, He's a being you can't defeat or even me combine. That's all you have to know about Wukong or do you want more? If you do, there will be massive consequences to the multiverse you are protecting" I said, lying to him since I don't know about Wukong that much and I just know that he is super strong, strong enough to destroy universes that are recorded as infinitely expanding.
" I see, there's no need. Also, nice to meet you, Hanes." Zeno said, before going back by tapping his attendant.
" Wait! Before you go, can I spar with this gentleman here?" I pointed at his attendant.
Zeno looked surprised and looked at his attendant before nodding.
" Sure, I'll allow it," Zeno said, surprising his attendant a little.
' Spar with him and see if he is strong enough to boast about himself ' Zeno telepathically said to his Attendant.
" Then, follow me. I have a perfect place where we can go all out." I said to them as I teleported them inside the AHC. They looked around in surprise as the time is faster here than in the outside world.
" I go by the name Grand Priest. A pleasure to meet you, Hanes" He said as he gets into a stance.
" Likewise, Grand Priest" Smirking, I got into position and a clock immediately appeared which I added recently for fighting. As the time goes to zero, I immediately attack with barrages of punches which he dodges with ease. I stepped back for a little bit as it seems it won't work if I charged in like before.
Grand Priest attacked me with his staff technique which consist of swiping motion to the side of my body, followed by an upward slash which I parried with the sword I summoned from my storage. Sparks go off everywhere as each strike of our weapons collided with each other.
With hundreds of exchanges, I slowly overpowered him. Making him have a hard time fighting and soon, he was getting tired of my continuous attacks from every direction. Even so, Grand Priest seems to not go all out at all as he kept dodging and blocking my attacks now and then.
The spar is continuous for two days in real-time which is 20 years inside the AHC. It seems that Grand Priest is a master who lived throughout his whole life honing his skills to perfection. But, it did give me a boost in my swordsmanship and a power boost that increases my power to a large margin. Don't get me wrong, I know that I am stronger than Grand Priest in the power aspect but in martial arts, I am not that strong since my enemies are always getting defeated by me easily.
And Grand Priest is the perfect sparring partner I could have as he seems to have a talent similar to or higher than mine in Martial Arts as we are in the stalemate for most of the time. Of course, I haven't used my transformation for all the years we sparred but it seems that Grand Priest is nearing his limit.
I looked around and saw the place getting regenerated all the time from the destruction we caused. I looked at Grand Priest who also seems to understand by the way I looked at him.
" So, this is the last attack huh? Let's end this" Grand Priest said before powering up to his full power, a silver aura surrounded him and his power increased by a hundred times. I looked at him and smiled before powering up to my full power, except I didn't use my transformation since it would be an overkill to Grand Priest if I did that. I charged up my last attack which gathered at my sword, while Grand Priest also gathered all his Ki towards his staff.
With a single flash step that reaches 0.00000000000000000000001 seconds at each other, a loud explosion equivalent to that of stars colliding with each other occurs. Zeno who was speculating everything was swept by the attack and bounced kilometers away from the collision.
" Is this... The power of the real God?" Zeno said, feeling the beauty of the attack throughout his body and feeling weak.
With the light being destroyed around us, darkness loomed over us before it return to its original state. I looked at where Grand Priest originally was and saw the arm that was holding his staff, missing. While I didn't take any damage at all because of my Draconian Physique.
I healed the dying Grand Priest and create his staff.
" You looked miserable. Well, it was nice sparring as I go all out for the first time. Not my full arsenal but it would do for now." I said to Grand Priest who's still shocked at being defeated and hearing that I didn't use all of my power.
" I lost? And by a person who didn't use his full power at that? Can I see your full power at least once?" Grand Priest asked, still shocked by what happened.
" Sure, I'll go there as I am quite big when I transformed," I said, moving out of the way before going into my Draconic Form which increases my power to 100x, then to my dragon form increases my power to 100k x and the Dragon God which shocks the two as the power I emited and the massive size overwhelmed them.
" A God! A real God!" Zeno said before falling to his knees, worshipping me.
I roared when I finished transforming and the look of Grand Priest was the look of defeat and he seems to think that life is unfair.
" There you go, I showed the two of you my full power. You can go back now, bye and see you later" I said to them and teleported away.
I looked around and continued my project, feeling refresh of releasing my full power. Oh fuck, I completely forgot about the clones which is the reason I remembered the Naruto World.
I really am dumb most of the time, I created hundreds of clones and the progress of creating the A.I. Progress by a large margin in comparison to when without clones.