Chapter Seven : Venefica & More Snakes

Regina woke up early at 4am, as she wasn't quite sure when the Raven would arrive. She suspected it may may arrive before sunrise which happened at 6am in order to attack her enemies when their minds were still half asleep. If it did not arrive, she would have all the more extra time to plan and prepare. She spent an hour planning battle strategies as she lay in bed. Bras restricted her and she felt too lazy to wear a shirt without bra at home simply for the sake of being clothed, therefore she remained nude in the dark room. She could never experience this freedom when she lived with Victoria, though.

~If no one's watching and even the sun hasn't risen why must I compromise my comfort?~

As she lay in bed, lost in thought, she heard a familiar tapping on her window. She slipped into a thin yet long shirt that previously used to be her nightwear when she lived with Victoria. She wasn't a fan of loose clothes or tight ones, she preferred those which had a perfect fit. The shirt reached down to her hips, slightly lower than her ass.

Drawing the curtain aside, her eyes met the exact same vine as in the afternoon. Opening the window slightly, she yanked the vine inside and closed the window and curtain once again. Switching the lights on, she sat on the bed and placed the vine in front of her.

~... Mr. T-Rex?~

It instantly transformed to the green haired boy, he nervously held his hands together in front of him. Due to his nervousness, he faced his head to the side but his eyes couldn't help glancing at her every second. Regina questioningly stared at him, expecting an explanation for the knock. She did not wish to accept it, but she had felt somewhat gladdened on his arrival.

~Certainly did not expect him again so soon...~

" S - so I just wanted to say ifyoueverneed... any help... I live alone and don't have many friends so I'm always free to help! "

Regina contemplated his words, patting the side of the bed and beckoning him to sit beside her. He gently blushed and did as asked, sitting beside her about a meter away. As she thought about anything related to shifters she may require his help with, he ran his eyes across her. He tried to remain gentlemanly but he couldn't help but notice how much bigger her breasts looked...

It was obvious she wasn't wearing her underwear, she must've been sleeping nude! Rex may have had noticed her body but he certainly did not wish to imagine her sleeping, what if she saw him get hard!? Regina walked to the cabinet, her bountiful breasts bouncing gracefully with each of her movements.

She bent inside the cabinet to grab the stubborn book that refused to open, her shirt slightly riding up and Rex was quite sure he'd glimpse her clit if he stood behind her. Her smooth white hips curved, showing off her perfect ass as she struggled to find where she had hidden the book inside the cabinet. It took all the effort Rex had, not to think of her in sexual ways...

Finally pulling the book out, she held it in front of her against her hips, hopping onto the bed and placing the book between the boy and herself. The entire time, he sat mesmerized watching all her unrestrained muscles magnifying her true, angelic perfection. Every time she moved, it was as gracefully as water as she applied the exact amount of pressure and speed executing perfect strokes making her look as if she continually performed some kind of elegant dance.

Regina opened the book and rotated it so that Rex could read the sentences that emerged. His eyebrows furrowed for a moment, and then he said

" You know how to read Venefica? "

" What's that? "

" These lines... they're written in the language of witches... this book is meant to provide an understanding of shifters to the unique ones who are both witches and shifters. I had to learn Venefica, but those who are naturally witches understand the language and read it easily without having to actually ever learn it. "

Regina's eyes widened, as she and Rex stared at each other.

~This can only mean one thing...~

" I'd say the only way to prove that you are a Therianthrope to a book is to shift. Did you try shifting only your hand and placing one of your human hands beside one of your paws under the lines given here? "

" I haven't learned to shift a specific body part yet... "

" Oh, it's simple! accumulate your energy around that specific body part instead of letting it flow around in your whole body. Visualize the part you want it to shift to. "

Regina complied, however she was unable to restrain her energy only to her hands for more than a few seconds but those few seconds were enough for the pages to be unstuck, allowing her access to the book. Regina grinned and thanked him again.

" No need to thank me... Instead I should thank you for allowing me inside or else I would've been alone and probably bored too... "

Regina gently blushed and answered,

" You can come by anytime you wish! "

" But then I'd be living with you! Do you mind? "

They both blushed and giggled.

" Well... Victoria isn't in the house... I don't really have any friends either... You can easily hide your existence at any given time considering your shifter abilities... I'm sure you can be highly useful to me, to be honest. How much do you know about information related to shifters and witches? "

" Basically everything there is to know that is available to the shifter public, if I do say so myself! "

Regina happily clapped her hands together and grinned,

" Well, it's settled then! You may hangout with me all you wish and help me with all information I shall require regarding shifters, witches and all that stuff. However, I don't think it'd be nice of me to accept your assistance for free without providing anything in return! Is there anything I can do for you? "

He laughed as if she was crazy to think of such a thing, as he mumbled,

" Getting to spend time with someone as unique as yourself is a gigantic honor in itself... "

She chuckled, as if he was crazy to think such a thing and insisted on finding something she may aid him with... He wondered for a while and answered,

" Well there is something... Why don't you... help me get stronger? It's something that'd hard to accomplish on my own but I suppose if you're there with me I'll surely be able to be stronger! "

Regina wanted to ask what made him feel the need to be stronger but she felt she might be digging her nose in his private affairs and merely nodded in acknowledgement. They both swung their heads in the direction of the window as they heard a tapping noise. Regina opened the window and Rex instinctively shifted to a flower and hid inside her quilt.

She opened the window a little and instructed the Raven to wait at her back door and that she will be there in a few minutes. The Raven handed her an image and flew down to her back door. Forgetting all about Rex, she rushed out of the room grabbing her daily attire along with underwear. Locking the door, she quickly swiftly up inside Victoria's currently vacant room.

Regina hurried out of her house locking the back door once she had worn her boots. The Raven sat on a bush in front of the back door, patiently awaiting Regina's arrival. She shifted to her cat form, not too big as she wished to save her energy for the upcoming test, only big enough to easily match the Raven's speed of flight. The Raven disinterestedly began flying not too high and Regina bolted after her.

It led her in the opposite direction of the graveyard, and then they crossed the forest region. After a long while of running, the Raven flew to the top of a cave located at the border of the forest region and the foot of a giant, almost entirely barren mountain. Regina climbed a nearby tree and shifted, surveying the location. She then pulled out the image that the Raven had handed her.

~Is that... a Machete handle? Oh well, whatever it may be, my task is only to hand it over! It is meant to be a test, it would be foolish to risk a high value item for a test.~

Shifting back to cat form, she silently crept near the cave and hid behind the tree nearest to the entrance of the cave. It was almost pitch black inside, but as a feline shifter, the dark did not hinder her abilities in the slightest. Eyeing the caves, she could not spot any guards at the entrance and crept inside, keeping herself close to the walls of the cave as her eyes darted suspiciously all round in all the other directions.

After walking for a while, she noticed the end of the cave nearby. It seemed as if the cave was entirely empty! Surely she had somewhat skilled enemies that had been adeptly concealing themselves... Climbing over a circular platform, she opened the glass case in front of her and secured the Machete handle she had to acquire safely in her belt.

However, as she was fastening it in her belt. She felt the round structure gently pushing her towards the glass case. The moment it understood she had noticed what was happening, it quickened the procedure attempting to squeeze her to death. Regina pulled out her machetes and slashed the " platform " into two.

Her breathing heaved as she glanced in every direction, expecting more than one enemies. Just as she had thought, the thick "irregularities" of the walls all begin to slither down as Regina found herself encircled by snakes. She knew her dress would not let poison pass through, so she was not entirely fazed by their difference in numbers.

The biggest enemy, however, was right behind her. She whipped around to see the gigantic snake bare its long yellow fangs as it menacingly hissed at her. A bead of sweat trickled down her forehead, as she decided to deal with the smaller snakes first and tire the bigger snake as she did it.

~I have been told to eliminate all my enemies... I WILL PASS THIS TEST!~