In the hospital bed, there laid Kate. She laid-back there unconscious. Soon the patient's monitor alarm started going off, some nurses quickly arrived at her ward. The monitor's screen displayed a reading that did not correspond with the clinical picture, soon it started fluctuating numerical value and waveform, and then it stopped showing readings.

The nurses were shocked, they couldn't believe their eyes. One of them quickly called the doctor, he came in and they showed him what was happening to the monitor, he was confused but he finalized that the monitor was behaving like that because the sensors were not receiving any information. So he decided to use the defibrillator.

"Clear," The doctor said as he rubbed the defibrillator together and used it on her. He repeated this three times until she jerked back to life. Jordan was awake in Kate's body, she had been unconscious for two months. A day in Haven is like a month on earth. The doctor and Nurses cheered for Kate. They were happy that after two months she had finally come back to life.



It had been three days in the underworld since Haden left for the earth. But on earth, it had been three months since he left. The demons all gathered together. They grew more impatient day by day. So they all gathered to complain about it to Lucifer. He sat on his throne listening to their complaints.

"Master-" a demon said as he bowed before him. "We are tired of being stuck here, you promised us freedom." He said. Another demon came complaining, "Master, you sent your son to destroy the link between the earth and the Havens, so that we may be free of this place, we haven't heard from him since." Others continued to murmur amongst themselves saying, could it be that the master's son is dead? Lucifer on hearing this was filled with rage.

"Nonsense!!" He yelled. "My son Haden knows the plan very well, the link is slowly losing its stability, but it hasn't been destroyed yet!" All the demons were loquacious at this point. One decided to ask why he hasn't destroyed it.

"Impatient imbeciles!! You can't rush the process!"Lucifer yelled.

"Master forgive me, but when would this happen?" Another demon asked, trembling with fear.

"Oh... It has already happened, I received word that the Superior sent an Angel, a level 3 angel- Lucifer emphasized on level 3- to restore the balance." As Lucifer said this all the demons laughed including him. Then he stopped laughing and said,

"Haden would set us free from this place. All hail Haden!" Lucifer exclaimed. All the demons began to chant All Hail Haden!

Jordans POV~

It was not long before I resumed my work as a receptionist at the Pacific Terrace Hotels, where Kate worked. I was welcomed by everyone with delight. The staff, the managerial officers, and even the owner via Google zoom. They were indeed all happy to see me, I mean Kate.

"Party tonight at the hall, in honour of Ms Kate Del Rey." The manager said. They all cheered for her. I stood behind the desk smiling. Soon everyone resumed their normal position.

It was break time. Sadie, Kate's co-worker came up to me to give me the latest news. "Del, I'm so happy to see you," Sadie said while giving me a big tight hug. Sadie was a bit plump so she almost squeezed me to death. I was struggling to breathe, when Sadie noticed it she immediately stopped hugging me and apologized.

"Anyways, you've been out for two months, which probably sucks." Sadie began ranting until I asked, "Sadie right?" Sadie was puzzled as to why I was confirming her name. "I don't understand, did you get knocked out along with your memory?" Sadie asked laughing in-between thinking she was funny, but I did not budge so she immediately rephrased her sentence,

"Oh my goodness, I'm so sorry what I meant to say was how can you forget me, 24/7 gist buddies for lifers."

I had no idea what this crazy lady was talking about. Gist buddies? For lifers?! Angel Meridith was right Earth is nothing like the Havens. I quickly thought of what Kate would say since I read her personality traits on her file. I couldn't think of anything so I had to lie,

"I'm sorry, my head hurts. Like you said I've been out for 2 months." Sadie told me not to worry and that she'll fill me in on all the latest news and gossip around the hotel. "So there's this man, he's a billionaire, he lodged here about 2-3 months ago. And he's been staying here ever since. He is so hot." Sadie said as she squealed.

I wasn't concerned about any of the things Sadie was saying, all I could think about was how to find Haden. Sadie continued talking, "I know it might be wrong to make a move on him, but he's so hot Kate. I mean.....just his face alone, let's not forget about his body and his name... Oh my God!!" Sadie moaned.

I was getting irritated at this point, but I had to complete this mission unnoticed. Sadie kept on talking and I couldn't take it. "Shut up!" I blurted. Sadie was astonished. Kate had never screamed at her before like that. She changed her mood, "I mean, I get you've been out for two months that doesn't mean you should act like a bitch to me." I recollected myself and tried to apologize, but she did not listen.

Shortly after Sadie's fiasco, I was granted permission to go home early as I had not been home since I left the hospital for work. I had stayed in the hospital throughout and asked them not to tell Kate's relatives that she had awakened because I was scared to go to her home. I had no idea what I'd say to Kate's daughter, Adelaide. Eventually, I had to go to Kate's home to prepare for her welcome-back party.