At The Hotel

Jordan's POV~

During my break, I decided to go to Mr Simmon's suite to visit him. I knocked on his door and he opened it. When he realized that it was me, he grabbed me into his room, closed his door and showered me with tons of kisses.

"My baby, I've missed you so much. Lying down on my bed throughout yesterday and all I could think about was you, and how you make me feel."

What a confession, and my baby? But I decided to play along. So I laughed and then I said, "It's very normal to miss me. I'm the best remember?" Then he kissed me all over my neck and he said to me, "Yes you are. You're the best my love." He succeeded in making me naked and fucking me all over again like the last time.

Each time we slept together, it always felt like it was the first time. The feeling was always so sensational. We eventually made it our usual thing. So each time I was free, I'd always go to his suite and we'd always get intimate with each other which made me forget about all my problems. "Are you ready, should I go in?" He said to me. "Yeah," I replied. Then I closed my eyes then he went in.

He could sense that I wasn't okay. "I feel like this isn't a good time." He said as he pulled out. "Oh my goodness!" His pullout game was good. He laughed then he said to me looking more concerned, "What's wrong Kate?"

I was lying on top of him and I couldn't tell him anything. For the past week, Antonio had been my number one problem. Plus, I had completely forgotten all about my mission here on earth.

"Come on my love, what's wrong?" He said as he looked me in the eye. I knew I couldn't tell him the truth. I couldn't fill him in on Kate's private life. So I decided to say this instead,

"What am I to you?"

The question came as a shock to him. I could tell by his facial expression. He fumbled, he didn't know what to say. I wanted to believe that it was at the tip of his tongue but he couldn't just find the words. Until he said,

"What do you mean? I don't understand?"

I almost regretted asking him the question, but when I thought about it, it was a question that needed to be asked. So I repeated myself,

"What am I to you?"

Mr Simmons POV~

What am I to you? This question was what I've been avoiding throughout our time together. What am I to say? I don't know how to react to these kinds of questions! Plus, I know she's the Angel sent to destroy me so I can't fuck up my chances with her. So I said,

"Kate, we've been fucking for about a week now. So what does that mean to you?"

She got up from my body abruptly and laid on the other side of the bed then said to me,

"You can't be serious. Don't do that shit where I ask you a question and you reply me with another."

She seemed agitated. "Come on Kate, what the fuck do you want me to say?" Then she stared at me looking dazed. She couldn't believe my response. I couldn't even believe it myself! Everything was new to me, I'm pretty sure I had ruined my chances with her.

"Jesus Christ Mr Simmons! It's a straightforward question. What am I to you? You're my this or you're my that. You don't even know what the fuck I am to you!" She said disappointed by my response.

After she was done ranting, I said to her, "First of all, that name Kate. And second, I don't know what to fucking say." When I said this, she got up from the bed and started dressing up, "I can't believe this." She murmured as she wore her clothes.

"Kate, Kate, wait, don't go. Come on my love." I pleaded. I stood up from the bed in my shorts, then I held back by the hands, "Kate, okay what do you what me to say? Then I'll say it. I swear!"

Then she looked at me with disgust and said to me, "You just don't say it, Mr Simmons! It comes from the heart, from the fucking heart."

She took a pause, then she continued, "Do you know what I've realized, you've never told me that you loved me before. You always want to have sex with me. Never do you just want to talk! Come to think of it, I don't even know the man I've been sleeping with."

That was true. I've never seen a girl so naive throughout the months I spent on earth. Just tell her pretty words, make kind gestures, and you'll have her falling for you like the London bridge.

"Let me go Mr Simmons." She said to me agitatedly. "Kate, please. You're overreacting!" I said to her. Then she said, "I swear if you don't let me go I'll scream rape. Test me!"

I had to let her go. She left my suite angered by the way I reacted to what she said.

"Shit, shit, shit, shit, shit!!!" I said as I bent my head low in disappointment. "What the fuck have I done?"

Letting Kate go means allowing Angel Jordan to resume her mission. I couldn't let that happen. Because I needed her to fall completely in love with me. So that I could manipulate her into letting the Angel's of the Havens come down on earth. And now I let her walk through my doors. How am I going to get her back? I don't even much about her private life. But I know where she lives! Right, I could start from there.

Jordan's POV~

I took a cab home. I was truly sad about the way things turned out with Mr Simmons. I came back home to meet Kate's mum on the dining table reflecting.

"Mom, I'm back." It was late in the evening. So I expected both her and Ad to be asleep. "Kate my dear, how was work?" She asked me wearing a smile on her face.

I sluggishly went to sit next to her, and with my face frowned, I said to her, "Mom, tell me some good relationship advice." She was surprised, "What? Has my dear Kate started seeing someone?" I immediately stopped her from filling all sorts of images in her head, "No mom! I haven't! I just want you to give me good relationship advice."

Kate's mum cleared her throat before saying, "Well, I'm not that good at giving these kinds of advice but what I do know is that, make sure that the relationship is requited. We don't want a relationship where is just one person that's returning the energy?"

As I listened to Kate's mum. It dawned on me that what I and Mr Simmons had was an Unrequited love.