Sullen and melancholic, Kate stood by a corner, sobbing after listening to Mr Simmons say sweet words to Daya. She wanted to leave distraught but then she remembered what Kate's mother said to her,


Kate's mum: "Chase the one you love, my dear, you should never let it go because if you do, someone else will take it from you and you'll find yourself regretting your decisions."


 "I hope I don't regret this," She said to herself as she wiped the tears off her face and went into his suite. Mr Simmons was startled to see someone dressed like that barging into his room.

 "Shhh, don't worry Mr Simmons, it's me, Kate." She whispered as she slowly took off her shades and her cap and placed them on the bed.

 "Kate, Kate I'm sorry." He said to her. Then she immediately shushed him, "It's okay. How are you?" She asked.