Mrs Ashton was looking at Megan earnestly as she began to speak

" a few days before John left, he came to my place. We talked for a while then I noticed something was wrong, I'm not too sure but I think something was bothering him. You know how he is" 

" yeah he never opens up. He always wanted to handle everything on his own" 

" yeah and I really didn't like that part of him"

" but it made him a very reliable person" 

" I know right. One time when I was still little, he... ahh" Megan let out a sigh as she tried to remember what she was originally saying. Behind the on the stairs Sarah was disappointed, she wanted to hear about when they were little.

" when I asked John what was wrong, he didn't answer he only made me promise him one thing"

" what was that?" Mrs Ashton was in a hurry to hear it

" he told me that if anything were to happen to him that I should promise him to watch over his little girl"