“You are the only thought in my head and all the love in my heart”

Shivay entered his mansion after dropping his Angel, his face beamed with immense happiness, he entered his room sleep was far away for him, he craved for her, he wanted to be with her, sleep holding her in his arms, he opened his phone and started to check his mails, to distract himself.

On the other side, Anika’s condition was not less, she was feeling empty, as is her soul missing its solace, when she entered inside the mansion, her whole family caged her in a bone-crushing hug, when they saw the ring in her hand, they were beyond happy seeing her blushed face, her eyes were twinkling with happiness

She told them about the proposal, how he asked her to take his as her boyfriend, to which her mother and her sister was crying in happiness, let’s just say they were overdramatic and over the moon as if they were the one who was proposed by SSO

AnaMal – Oh my god! They both screamed together

M - "Did he just asked you to make him your boyfriend, aww how sweet of him no one can say he is the same almighty SSO. Now it’s confirmed why he’s always on top in everything, he knows how to balance both, he seems ruthless to the world, but for you he’s just a man who could do anything to bring smile on your face".

Their mother nodded her head at Malika’s word, she was happy for her both daughters, indeed they got gem as a life partner. Nevertheless, both mother and daughter looked at their respective partner making them gulp hard; their looks were sharp and could kill anyone.

VeerAru – at a time, "why are you staring at me?"

AnaMal – "You useless monkey’s learn something from SSO, see how romantic he’s, don’t you dare enter the room, idiots". With that, they left to their rooms.

Both the men’s sat there with a shocked expression, they were cursing SSO for their situation. Anika laughed at their situation both men’s were looking like grumpy kids, they both glared at her and told her not to share her Hulk romantic side with their partners, with that they left laughing Anika and went to their room to specify their angry birds.


Soon the time passed, it was the day of Malika’s marriage, all the Raizad’s landed three days before the wedding, today was the wedding, all the rituals will be conducted in the morning and the wedding at evening in Christian style, as it was Punjabi + Christian marriage, and it’s been 1 week to SSO proposal, they are GF and BF.

A few days back, Shivay asked her whether she’s comfortable meeting his family, she just freaked out, her only thought was will they like her, what if they say no all negative thoughts were running in her mind.

He just hugged her and told her he’ll introduce her as his GF after MalAru (Malika + Arnav) marriage, he assured her his family is going to love her not to worry about this and just concentrate on marriage functions.

He badly wanted to introduce her to his family, day-by-day his brother’s irritation was increasing; they were acting like total CID, looking at him suspicious, their twist questions just to make him spill the beans

His families questioning gaze, not to forget his mother, her question gave him a heart attack, she just asked him, “Are you gay shivay”, there was a big pregnant pause; it broke when he screamed and told them “he’s not gay and his liking is towards a girl”.

He couldn’t believe his family members especially his mom, how can she just ask him that question, her reply shook him to the core, she told him “then prove you are not gay and your liking is towards girls, don’t forget if you are SSO then I’m your mother PSO (Pinky Singh Oberoi)”,

She was serious this time, this was the main reason he wanted to introduce her as his girlfriend, not just for his family sake, now he didn’t want to hide her from his family, they had the right to know, they were worried about his future, he wanted to assure them.


The whole D’Souza mansion decorated with flowers, the marriage was held on the lawn, the lawn was beautifully decorated for the evening, the Mehendi function was held inside the mansion, and everyone was busy in their respective task.

Oberoi’s were also invited, as they are close to Raizad’s (Even Raizad’s and Oberoi’s are friends, media always shows them has rivals coz of SSO and ASR), they were staying in D’Souza mansion for a day,

Anika was hell nervous to face them though Shivay told her he’ll be introducing her after the MalAru marriage she had to face them here, they were Guests.

All tension fade away when she met them, earlier she had met Gauri and Bhavya and it was her first time meeting elders and the rest of the family.

When Oberoi's met Anika, they were spell bounded by her beauty and simplicity, Pinky and Janhvi were looking at her in adoration they wanted Shivay’s bride to be exactly like her, Gran instantly like her nature when she took elders blessings, she touched her forehead loving and blessed her.

Tej and Shakthi were no less, they instantly liked her, they told her to call them dad, she was such a nice girl, they were happy Oberoi's doesn’t have girl child, they treated GauVya as daughters of the house, and now Anika was also in their precious daughter lists.

OmRu were glad to meet her, she felt homely, Ru always started to flirt with her; he started to call her Sunshine, Om was happy to have a sister in her.

Ru liked to flirt with her, he even asked her to be his crime partner to which she happily agreed, he got smack on his head by Om, everything was perfect, they all gelled with each other,

Anika’s family also relaxed seeing Oberoi’s behavior towards Anika, it was their daughter future and they were happy seeing love and care of Oberoi's.

All these were unknown to our hero as he was busy in a meeting,

Aru was trying to call shivay but his phone was switched off, he was sitting like a grumpy angry man, here his soon to be bride was all ready for her Mehendi function but this man was thinking about his only best friend thinking how to murder him.


Malika was seated on the sofa all Mehendi ladies started to apply Heena on her hand, rest were seated in their respective place applying Heena, Anika was next to Malika, few ladies were swaying their hips to the song.

Ru observed Aru face, it looked like smoke coming out of his ears, they were seated near ladies watching them getting applied Mehendi,

R- "Aru bro, your bride is here, why are looking like your bride has eloped from marriage and you are ready to kill someone". He laughed at his own joke

When Anika heard Ru’s statement, she started to laugh hysterically, Malika who was biting her inner chin to hold her laugh but ended up in joining her sister in laugh, rest others were confused seeing D’souza sisters laughing like a maniac, they wanted to know why they were laughing.

R – "Waa see family you guy’s never appreciated my jokes but see them, Mal Sis, Sunshine, I know my joke was good (poor Ru he really thought these sisters were laughing on his joke), but why are you guy’s laughing please share with me also please", he was making all cute puppy face to know the reason.

MalAni chuckled seeing everyone’s reaction and looked at each other

MalAni – "He’s missing his Juliet", they said at once

All shouted "Juliet, but who", adding fuel to Aru’s annoyance, first of all, he hated that name, how they call him Romeo and SSO as Juliet, a cherry on top these two sisters gave him a hard time everyday teasing him, Aru saw Annie laughing figure he smirked looking at his Doll,

Aru – "Yes My Juliet", stressing on word Juliet, "but you know Ru you’ll get to know soon who’s this Juliet, after all, he’s Annie’s fave Hulk Professor, right Doll", she sat rooted to her place, D’souza family knew, they both are one and the same, they were controlling their laugh seeing her all still.

R – "Aww bro you mean to saw Juliet is not she but he, and he is sunshine professor", he told as if he had solved some mysterious case,

M – "Ru why so hurry, you’ll soon meet his Juliet and Annie’s Hulk, in fact, I tell you, you gonna faint when you meet him", she winked at her sister who was all ready to kill her superman and her sis,

All the Oberoi's were eager to meet this person, only if they knew, they goona get the biggest shock of their life’s, Anika gulped hard.

Soon the environment changed to a teasing session, AniGauVya and OmRu started to perform they dragged all the family members to the dance floor,

OmRi special performance on jeena jeena

RuVya performed on sathiya

Elders (Raizad’s, Oberoi’s and D’souza) performed on Dainagad Dainagad

The whole atmosphere filled with happiness.

Anika stepped on the dance floor, everyone’s eye’s was on her she stood magnificent her beauty stole everyone’s heart. Nobody budge a bit when she started to perform, it was magical everyone was captivated by her moves, she swayed her hips just like a peacock enjoying its dance in rain, it was a treat to an eye, she was performing on Ghar More Pardesiya, her eyes were twinkling with every move, waiting for her love to show his face.

Two pairs of eyes were looking at her, one filled with lust, other with pride, love, adoring her moves and beauty, his chest swelled up with pride knowing she was dancing for him, seeing her eyes looking at the door every time she swirls he badly wanted to go and hold her in his arms,

It looked like even god wanted to fulfil his wish, Anika’s leg got stuck with her lehenga, her foot twisted, she was about to hit the ground but saved by one pair of hands, it looked magical, both looked like a power couple,

Everyone froze to their spot, all pair of eyes watching them, these two stole the limelight, as if time stopped, both were drowned in each other’s eyes, only their eyes were speaking.

He held her more close to his chest, her hands were on his arms, his one hand on her waist, other holding her hair and they were so lost in each other, their faces were an inch apart, he slowly whispered,

“I’ll always catch you my dove”