“Her sinister lips teased

His rock alike body

Sending shiver down his spine

His not so innocent hands

Caressed her soft bread alike thighs

Roasting her with his touch”

Shivay got up from Anika he couldn’t stop his laugh seeing her all shocked she looks like a coma patient now, he started to laugh holding his stomach and fell on the couch for support

Anika came out of her shock state and saw him, laughing his ass out, first, she smiled seeing him laughing, it’s a rare sight to see SSO laughing like that, but later turned into a frown remembering the reason for his laugh,

She marched towards the couch like an angry bird; shivay controlled his laugh seeing smoke near her ears

She pushed him on the couch and sat him, and started to hit him

A-“You Green eye cat, how dare you to pull that stunt, you shameless creature”

S-“Baby, stop hitting me, its hurt see,” he said with fake hurt, but she knew his acting skills and she hit him more