Surprised Attack

Zev and Jody are on their way home from school. During the trip, the two were silent to one another. It would be better for Jody if they didn't keep battling each other. Jody glanced at the watch on his wrist. They didn't know when it was, so they went home at 9 p.m. It takes a long time to get from school to Glendir's house.

Jody was taking in the sights of the nighttime forest as she regarded the scene through the window. Looking beyond the woods, she saw a peculiar light that made her tired. She got nervous suddenly because that light looked like eyes. The memory of the accident flooded back into her consciousness suddenly. Jody took his hand as Zev held the gear. He looked at Jody's hand and then at Jody, who was looking out the window. Zev saw red eyes looking at them.