Scattered Jealousy

Zev and Jody didn't talk to each other during the trip. Jody was in the passenger seat with her eyes closed and a headset on, just like before. Zev couldn't stop looking at Jody. They got to the school a few minutes later. Jody was about to get out of the car when Zev reached out and grabbed her wrist. Jody looked at Zev's hand, and then she looked at Zev. Zev took his hand off Jody's wrist as soon as he realized what he was doing.

"Perhaps the police will show up unexpectedly. John wasn't convinced by what you said last night, so that he will check out the school today."

"Okay, I'll remember."

"No, you don't understand." Zev took a patch off the dashboard. "It is necessary for you to do this."

"What? Why?" Jody asked, surprised. Jody thought she would put something like that on her face, and people would stare at her. It was so embarrassing.

"That police officer will be surprised when he sees you are fine."