Awkward Feeling with Brian

Their other friends were surprised when Loel got out of Zev's car, and so was Jody. Loel immediately approached his friends and gave them a high-five as a greeting.

"What happened? Why are you with them?" asked Kross.

"I'll tell you later, and I'm sure you won't like what I'm going to tell you," Loel said.

"Why? What happened?" Kross asked with a frown. Loel didn't speak yet. Instead, he laughed.

"Guys, what happened at the wake last night? Any news?" Zev asked.

Jack shook his head. "Nothing. It was very peaceful last night. Anyway, Ayesha's body will cremate today, as her parents said in their announcement last night."

Zev just nodded. He held Jody's hand while it was in his hoodie pocket.

"Then she won't be buried?" asked Jody.

"Not anymore. Ayesha's parents say they'll sprinkle a little on Rivendell and take the urn to another country. They're supposed to live there." said Drake.
