The Stranger

When Jody and Trina left the shop, a man wearing a hood approached them.

"How are you, Jody Santillan, Gustav's daughter?"

Jody suddenly had a flashback to the man in the woods. Jody was stunned. Like when she first saw him, he wore a facemask and a navy blue hoodie jacket that day. Trina glanced at Jody.

"Jody, why?" Trina asked while holding Jody's arm. "Is there a problem?"

"I don't know this man," said Jody.

"Who are you? Why do you know my friend?" Trina asked.

The man chuckled. Trina pulled Jody's arm so they could leave in front of the man, and the two immediately did, but the man grabbed Jody's wrist. Jody looked at the man's hand on her wrist.

"Leave me alone," Jody said. The man held Jody tightly, causing her to feel pain in her wrist. "Aw, what the hell, it hurts. You're hurting me."