The Boys

When Jody saw Brian, her eyes got bigger. Brian sat on a big rock and held a bottle of water. Also, he has a bag on his back.

"Is that Brian?" Jody's friends asked suddenly.

Brian looked at the people Jody was with. He got up and went over to them right away. Zev frowned as Brian walked passed by him. Zev's friends watched Brian until he got close to Jody's friends.

"Hello, I'm Brian." Brian put out his hand to shake hands with the two girls. "You must be Jody's girlfriends."

"Yeah, we are. By the way, my name is Laurie." Laurie reached out and shook Brian's hand.

Audrey also shook Brian's hand and said, "Audrey."

"I'm Cassy." she shook Brian's hand as well.

"Nice meeting you, ladies," Brian said, smiling.

Jody said, "I thought you were returning to the city."

The group of friends looked at Brian and Zev, who were both looking at Jody.