The Preparation

"Oh, my gosh!"

Their hot sharing didn't end in the car because they kept doing it in the bathroom, room, and bed for the last time. Zev and Jody both let out a loud growl at the same time. They reached the peak simultaneously, and Zev dropped his body on Jody's back. He kissed her shoulder, and then they both let out a breath.

"Love, aren't you tired? Just as we're done, your bottom is poking my back again."

Zev laughed instead of answering. "I don't get tired. I think it's time to mate now..."

"Jeez, your stamina is different."

Zev left Jody behind, sat on the bed, and went to get a tissue.

"Face to me, love.."

When Jody turned to face him, she didn't expect Zev to be back between her legs. She was sure Zev would get back in her, so it surprised her when he used a tissue to wipe her womanhood. She folded her thigh right away to hide the fact that she was a woman from Zev, which made the young man laugh.