Wilona's P.O.V

"Everybody wants to rule the world." I fill in, watching for the moment of recognition that never comes. "By Tears for Fears," I add but the words slide off him as his cut vegetables slide of the chopping block. A colorful arrangement of bell peppers, mushrooms, onions and carrots falling into the awaiting pan.

"Name is nice but I've never heard of it." He admits, blue swirls glancing my way between his focus to cooking.

"Then what on earth do you listen to?" I ask, genuinely intrigued about what music could pull someone from such a classic.

"You wouldn't know any of it." He replies, continuing before I could press any more. I let the chicken pour into the pan of awaiting vegetables, leaving us side to side, a barely noticeable gap left between us yet I didn't feel the urge to widen it.

"But you like this," I state, not needing to question it with the way he still swayed while his head tipped back and forth in a rhymic motion.

"Sadly." He agrees with a small hum. "Who would've thought."

"You are very strange Damon." I voice looking up to him while he steers the chicken.

"Is that a bad thing? To be strange?" He asks, his eyes parting from the pan to look at me, seeking an honest answer.

"No," I say honestly, smiling happily at him. "Not with you."

Damon stills, eyes glued to me while my feet took me closer to the hypnotic sapphire gems. My arm brushes against Damon's, the second his skin rubs against mine my eyes flutter shut, an undeniable rush of energy circuiting through me making my entire soul buzz with life.

Damon steps closer, letting more of us touch, his head just above mine, close enough to me to hear his raging heart and desperate breathes. My body goes into a desperate reboot while his height shadows over me, his presence a strong warm thing I wanted to latch onto.

My heart thumps to the brink of collapsing at the contact that was meant to make me break out in hives and empty my stomach. But instead, it ran through me like electricity, switching on every light inside of me to leave me full of a profound, radiant energy that made my mouth dry with the need for more.

I force my eyes open, force myself to look at Damon and jump back when I see him. A shriek tears from my lips making Damon blink rapidly stepping back to create even more distance between us.

"S-Sorry." He scrambles out, his body stiff like my own. "I didn't mean t-to do that. I'm sorry."

His earnest words fly straight over my head as I look at the blurred image of him that I was used to, the image of him I'd seen for a split second clear in my mind.

My heart heaves with confusion, worry and ache at the handsome man I'd seen, or had I. No, I had. I saw him, saw the strong jaw with the bright, blue eyes and the luscious pink lips everything in me screamed to claim in a sudden wave of hunger.

I blink repeatedly, letting my fingers brush the still tingling skin that left every inch of me thirsty with want and raw desire for the blurry man who stood across from me.

"I'll go." Damon breathes when my silence rings on.

"No." I snap quickly, running a hand over my face and through my hair. Forcing myself to pull it together for just a moment. "No, it's fine. It's okay. J-Just forget about it and let's finish this off."

Damon nods quickly, whispering numerous apologies that landed on deaf ears as he slowly repositioned himself in front of the stove.

Blue swirls pinning me every other moment, fear and worries practically rolling off of him in waves while I trapped myself against a counter. Using my back to shield me from his probing eyes, my mind a muddled, bewildered thing that rung.

The image of Damon still fresh and tempting in my mind, my heart swollen in my chest with want and need to be close once more.

I'd seen him. For a moment, not a second longer, I'd seen him. Experiencing a clarity I hadn't touched since the attack I saw Damon. Saw all of him, not just the conspicuous parts....

....and he was handsome.


Damon's P.O.V

I fucked up.

I mean, it's not like I'm not used to fucking up because I am. But to fuck up to this caliber with something so new and good, that was different and it hurt. Hurt a lot more than I was prepared for, but I guess that's the case with mates.

Wilona had one rule. One simple, yet stupid, annoying rule - no touching.

She'd made it abundantly clear from the moment we met that skin to skin contact was off-limits. And I, Damon Calderon, went and threw that out of the fucking window the moment she looked at me as if I was worth even a spec of her kindness. I wasn't.

And to top it all off, I got hard.

Got fucking hard for a little human of all things. Feeling her soft as silk skin brush mine, even for that all too short moment, made me harder than ever before.

Just touching my mate sent electricity rocketing through my veins and left me panting like a pup in heat. It made me feel alive in a way I've never felt before, silencing my mind and overwhelming my body with its delicious feeling.

If she didn't scream, I would've claimed those perfect lips without a second thought and not stop there. Goddess knows I would've submitted to my most primal urges and licked her little, human body all over until she was begging for more.

But she had screamed, she'd screamed and jumped away with fright and shock in those big, blue eyes. The look sending a sword of agony straight through my heart and silencing all my stupid wants.

Now, Will had barely spoken to me since my little fuckup in the kitchen, only responding to my attempts to rekindle a dead conversation with one-worded answers.

I'd upset her, hurt her maybe.

I couldn't tell, not with the stoic look on her face. But I could tell that Will locked herself tighter than when we met, leaving me shut out in the process.

To know I was the cause burned like a festering blister on my heart. It was me, her mate, who did this no one else and that knowledge left me weak with regret.

Why the fuck did I have to go and ruin something good, again?!

Things were going well, so fucking well! She was smiling, laughing... she was happy. Goddess, she was so happy it made me ache with the need to keep it that way for as long as I could possibly manage. But best of all, Will was comfortable with me. Relaxed enough to open up more than ever before, share a little piece of the secrets she kept locked up... until I ruined it.

You just need to turn this around, it's not over yet - Theo says, trying his best to be supportive despite the anxiety that rang through us. She said to stay, that must mean something.

She probably said it out of obligation- I grumble while spinning the noodles around my fork.

When has Will ever said anything out of obligation, she's more direct than you - Theo argues with a bit more momentum. She was probably just shocked that's all, she doesn't hate you now.

I hate me - I reply, aware that it was more than a whine than a reply.

Damon, I am not the wolf to a baby, I am the wolf to an amazing, alpha. Now get your shit together and fix this - Theo snaps angrily, using a bit of force to nudge my entire body.

You seriously need to calm down with the cursing - I reply, smiling gently at the way my skin heated up with his embarrassment as he faded away.

I let my eyes raise to Will, finding her chewing mindlessly on her chicken while she stared at me. Her eyes narrowed with intent, studying me like an abstract piece she couldn't understand. The sight makes me still with surprise, but she snaps out of her little daze and looks away immediately.

"Sorry." She mumbles quickly, eyes trained to the plate of food sat before her.

"I'm sorry, for earlier," I reply, with my millionth apology for the night.

Somehow I'd managed to apologize to Will more times over the past half hour than I had in my entire life. It should've been harder than it was, but the need to make things better had apologies pouring out of me.

"I already told you, it's okay Damon." She insists despite the deep concentration directed to her plate. When I don't reply, her eyes raising to me for a brief moment. "Accidents happen."

It wasn't an accident.