Change of leadership (1)

Vera had no words. That woman did not just wound her, but she didn't even say sorry.

It was Vera's fault for getting scratched, sure.

She hated that attitude more than ever. It must have been part of her white witch nature, but it was annoying.

«As if,» she scoffed. «You were hoping for it, weren't you? Why do you even keep long nails if not to scratch people like that?»

«I am not! You are the dark witch among us two, aren't you? I don't need to hurt anyone to perform my enchantments.»

«Neither do I,» she murmured, turning her back and leaving towards the office. She would come back and collect the napkin from the trash bin as soon as she was done with the boss. She had no reason to leave her blood in that place, not even a few drops.

White witch my ass - she thought. She knew well enough they weren't as harmless as humans believed them to be.

«Wait!» Sara exclaimed. «I'm coming with you!»

«What for?»

«The boss asked me to. I need to be there when the contract ends.»

«Okay,» she sighed. It did sound suspicious, but she had to bear with it a few minutes more. For her freedom, she thought.

Vera knocked at the door and opened it when she heard the voice on the other side. The boss was sitting at his desk, just like he had done for ten long years. He had always been there when she had to report.

«Please, sit down,» he said.

There was also another person in the room. Another man, close to the boss in age. He was standing a few steps from the desk, right next to the window, wearing a uniform with a few decorations on the chest. His shoulders were decorated with four stars, Vera noticed. The boss had just three, and he was a captain. That other person must have been...

«This is General Blasi. He will take my place tomorrow. He's here to observe and assess the situation,» said the boss.

Vera nodded. It was the same and not her business. That person wasn't going to be her boss, so it was the same whether he witnessed it or not.

«Now, report,» the boss sighed. «Why didn't you stop the storm?»

«I couldn't,» Vera explained. «I got the message from Gamayun. She told me: darkness is returning. Then, she continued on her journey to spread the news.»

«Darkness is returning?»

«Yes, those were her words. I believe she's talking about the end of the world. The creatures of darkness have been hiding since the advent of artificial lighting. They first retreated to the countryside until almost disappearing when electricity filled every street with light. They are darkness. As for returning, maybe something will happen that will encourage them to return in broad light. I don't know... Watch out for blackouts.»

«So, this is your interpretation.»

«Yes, exactly. I can't know what it means. That's why I suggest you write down the exact words for future analysis. As for the storm, it simply can't be stopped.»

«Where is... ehm, Ga-ga?»


«Where is it?»

«She,» Vera corrected him. «It's not it, but a she.»

«Okay,» he sighed. «Where is she now?»

«She headed west. You can keep track of her journey.»

«Will she continue like that until returning to wherever she came from? Will she fly around the world or visit every single continent?»

«I don't know. I doubt she'll fly over the ocean. She will likely take a turn and go back.»

«So, will we have another round of storms?»

«Oh, no,» Vera said. «You won't. She brings storms only when she flies from the east to the west, following the sun. On the way back, everything will be calm. But you can send another agent to talk with her.»

She turned back, eyeing Sara.

«Sara can hear more from her.»

Vera knew well enough that the other woman not only didn't know much about dark creatures, but she didn't speak the old language too fluently. She was there for her powers, sending curses and blessings for the agency. She didn't have the capabilities for complex missions.

But Sara was pretty and smart, so they all liked having her at the headquarters.

Differently from the dark-haired girl with scary eyes, Vera thought. They would be relieved to finally get rid of her.

«We won't send anyone,» the man behind the boss said, talking for the first time. His voice was firm and cold like ice.

He stared at Vera with those chilly blue eyes. It was as if he knew something she didn't, but she tried repressing the shivers and thinking about something nice: life was waiting for her. Just a few minutes more.

«If this is all,» she said, «I'll be going.»

«You will not,» was the reply.

The boss didn't say anything. He just looked at her without any hint of worry. She could just spot a weird light in his eyes, resembling... regret?

Regret for what? Letting her go and never seeing her again? He didn't need to be so sentimental!

Before she could get up and leave, Sara walked to the desk. She spread the napkin she had used to clean Vera's blood on a golden object.

So, that witch hadn't thrown the napkin away, Vera realised while dread filled her veins.

Sara had her blood; she knew her name. She didn't need more to perform an incantation. She wasn't powerful enough to kill Vera, but she could bring damage or... entrap her.

«Here, general,» Sara said. «This amulet will allow you to control her.»

She turned to Vera and smiled.

«It's for your own good, Vera. The world is too dangerous for you. The agency will protect you like this. And you will help the whole continent with your abilities. It's for everyone's sake.»

«You fake bitch,» Vera whispered, but she couldn't get up to slap her. Her arms were too heavy to move.