Herr and Frau Kaplan (3)

«Were you going through a difficult period, Frau Kaplan?» Vera inquired.

«Mark and I were having a crisis. He was too busy with the company to spend time with his family. I was too taken with social events, as well, and we drove apart. It turned out we were growing distant, and we started arguing often. We had a marriage crisis.»

«I see,» she nodded.

«But we worked on it after coming back from Hohenau. We solved it, and we're now a happy couple. Our family is now as solid as it has never been before the crisis.»

The dark witch tapped on the armrest, thinking about the matter in detail. She had sensed something was wrong with the matter, and she was starting to connect all the dots. The Kaplans had a crisis during the time they went to Hohenau after a long while.

The house was uninhabited most of the time. Then, when the owners finally returned, they were at odds? She could understand how the spirits must have felt.

«We can't send the spirit away,» Vera said. «But we can solve the problem. The house you own wasn't free from the house spirit before you went there, but they seem to have been active only during your second visit. The first time, everything was fine. Wasn't it?»

«As I told you, I might have not noticed.»

«Have you done anything to the house, by the way? Have you renewed some parts or changed the room disposition?»

«Nothing. Mark does pay ridiculous sums of money every year or two for renovation projects, but he wants it to stay exactly the same. Even after the incidents with the ghost, he continues to invest in that place.»

«The good news is that you will be able to live there. But first, I'll help you understand what is happening. Your house has a spirit living in it. Usually, they are protectors. They live in your same house, so it's in their interest that everything goes the right way. However, when they disturb humans, there must be something wrong to solve. I suspect, in your case, the spirit sensed how Herr Kaplan and you were having a crisis. Spirits are quite susceptible when it comes to vows: they don't like to see one broken in front of them.»

Sara scoffed on the sofa, right next to Vera. Her eyes glared, telling her not to go overboard. Cohabitation with a spirit? What was she talking about?

It was clear enough that, as a dark witch, she was biased towards those disgusting creatures.

«I will explain what kind of spirit it is. It can become dangerous if you're not careful, Frau Kaplan. But you're the right person to talk with. You can tame the spirit and ensure a happy life...»

Not paying attention to Sara, Vera continued with her explanations.

«But we need to discuss it before deciding,» Sara said out loud, tired of that show. She had gone there for the mission, not to teach people how to perform rituals for evil spirits.

What would the General say if he knew? Nothing good, for sure.

«Also, your children will need to collaborate. It's nothing much, really. Their role is to listen to you while you're on vacation. But I'd like to explain to them why. If you agree, of course.»

«I think they should know,» Helena Kaplan said.

In the end, the thought of shouldering the whole responsibility alone didn't make her too excited.

«And Mark, of course.»

«Yes,» Vera said, nodding. «Herr Kaplan is our employer for this case, so he will hear every detail for sure.»

«I wasn't expecting you to be like this,» the woman said, relaxing on the chair. «Oh, I'm still reluctant at hoping it will work... Don't take me wrong, but it has failed so many times already. However, Mark loves that house so dearly. I can't give up if he doesn't renounce before me.»

«To be like this?» Vera repeated with a polite smile on her lips.

«I mean... I was expecting two guys like ghost-busters. But two women, so pretty at that? I was surprised.»

Vera's forehead wrinkled.

Helena Kaplan wasn't expecting two witches. Was her husband, Mark Kaplan, the one asking for them? Without telling his wife?

Their marriage wasn't in crisis anymore, so there was no way he would hide that information just because... There was something terribly suspicious.

Maybe, Vera thought, the General had lied. She couldn't delete that option from the possibilities. But there was such a small chance: what reason would he have?

«I hope I haven't offended you!» Helena Kaplan said, misunderstanding Vera's expression.

«Oh, no. Not at all,» the latter replies, still lost in thought. «I was just considering... We don't have ghostbusters at the agency. Do we?»

Sara snorted, finally happy to be useful.

«We do,» she said. «There's a section for ghosts. But since they have their own line of work, we don't interact much. Ghosts are more a metaphysical event than supernatural creatures. They're in a different section of the Bureau.»

Vera resisted the urge to cover her face with a hand. Why was Sara revealing so much to a stranger? Not that it was relevant, but... Why?

Hadn't they taught her caution during the training?

«It's not a ghost,» Vera repeated. «We're the best agents for your case. You were lucky we were sent, Frau Kaplan.»

«Oh, I feel like I need a lot of luck for this,» she said, chuckling. Her face showed how glad she was. It was not a lie, she truly thought what she said. «I hope everything else goes smoothly.»

«It will,» Vera said. «We'll solve it. We just need a couple of days to check if there's something amiss in the house. As a precaution.»

«Oh, are you going to Hohenau?»

«We all are,» Vera said.