A couple on a date (3)

After the appetiser, they had soup. Vera enjoyed every single sip, forgetting about her initial purpose to avoid overeating and looking like a glutton. Yet, the food was too exquisite to resist.

And Neven would explain what she was eating with his usual, alluring tone.

Little by little, he had come closer. By the time the steak was served, he was an inch from her. His elbow was on the sofa, and she knew his arm would surround her shoulders sooner than later.

Just, she wasn't sure it was wise to get so close in a public place. Some things were for more proper places, after all.

«How long are you staying here?» he asked at some point.

He remembered he had to collect information if he wanted to progress with their relationship. A date already was a bit step forward, by the way. He wasn't expecting her to accept so readily.