Chasing (2)

While getting on the train, Vera secretly threw some magic on Neven. Protective spells only, at first, but also very mild dark spells.

She needed to convince Joe. That was all she used those for. She promised herself she would have released Neven from those as soon as possible, and she would have returned the favour in some way.

Maybe with extra protective spells? But she had the impression those wouldn't work on him.

Also, she highly doubted the dark spells would have an effect either. He didn't change his behaviour one bit. If he could keep dark spirits away without any effort, her magic was a kid's play.

«I need to be more convincing,» she said, swallowing hard.

No matter her considerations about ethics, the thought of having him wrapped around her little finger did make her blush. It was a hell of temptation, but she had to resist. She didn't want to transform into an actual evil witch.