Unfolded secrets (2)

Neven ticked on the desk with his nail, considering what to do. There were two urgent issues: Vera was working on vacation, and Vera had a close male friend.

«Okay,» he decided, in the end. One was still more urgent than the other. «Check in the database of the agency if you find any trace. I want everything on a report if you do find something.»

«Sure, boss. Anything else?»

«Oh, yes,» he said. «When you're done checking whether my wife is working, dig up every single detail about her male friend.»

Tom lifted his brows. He was not one to react, so that gesture made Neven understand that maybe - just maybe - he was crossing a red line. But he needed to know; the doubt would have eaten him alive.

«Do you have anything to say?» Neven asked.

«Actually, yes,» Tom sighed. «I have the investigation done and ready.»

«Oh, nice.»

«I'm just surprised you didn't think of it, boss. I don't leave any path unexplored, do I?»

«That's right.»