Another man

Vera liked her office. The fact that she was alone made it only more enjoyable. She didn't need to get along with anyone, for the moment.

And she could choose the desk.

Since she wasn't sure how much office work she would be asked to do, she chose one by the window. That way, she could look out when she was jobless.

The desks had a computer each, and there was a smaller tablet in every drawer. Or, at least, Vera supposed it was in every drawer because she didn't check it out. In hers, there it was, along with some white paper.

She turned the computer on, hoping it wouldn't be too difficult to use. Even though she had learnt how it worked in high school, she hadn't used any tech during her university years or at work. She used to send reports using her phone or make Ethan write them.

A keyboard must have been easier, but she feared being laughed at once everyone realised how slow she was at typing.