Guys' words (2)

Vera was looking at him as if she was a trapped animal. She knew he was angry, and she could guess why.

«It's something that happened a long time ago,» she said. «I grew up since then, and now I know.»

«You know?» he scoffed, but he clenched his teeth before sounding too stern. He was angry with someone else, but she was suffering.

Couldn't that damn curse transfer the pain to that guy who had broken his wife's heart? Or to the agency or whoever else. Neven would prefer being the one suffering, really! Why Vera, when she was the less guilty of them all?

«I don't think so anymore,» she said, trembling.

He sighed. They had just left the village and weren't too far away. He could stop the car but didn't want to meet the wolves.

On the other side, there was a panicking witch, in pain and thinking she was wrong.

He bit his tongue not to curse again and stopped the car. He opened the car door and stormed out, running to Vera's side.