Vera walked into the agency with a frown she didn't think she could allow herself. She had learnt to hide her emotions and wishes not to let the agency take away her bits of freedom, but she had forgotten how to since leaving.
She feared the call from the agency meant Neven was already getting tired of her. But she also couldn't do anything to save the situation.
She didn't have a weak point anymore because her grandmother couldn't be hurt by them. She didn't need to hide anything because there wasn't anywhere they could hurt her anymore. Prohibiting her from visiting home wasn't effective anymore.
«I'm here to see the General,» she said at the reception.
The secretary nodded and pressed a button which opened the elevator doors. Vera went up, this time as a visitor and not a worker. It was weird... When had it been the last time? When she was twelve and they had made her sign the first contract. Ethan wasn't anywhere to be seen, at the time.