Past mistakes (2)

That evening, the weather gave them a break. It was a little colder than usual, letting people breathe.

It was the perfect chance to take a stroll in the centre.

«Have you been to Piazza Duomo already?» Vera asked Neven once they had left the restaurant.

«Not yet.»

«And you've been here how long? Two weeks?»

«A little more than one week,» he pointed out.

«And you didn't find the time to visit the centre? You're unbelievable!»

«Well, I was caught up in a dangerous mission.»

«It's not an excuse,» she sighed. «Let's go now. You're lucky it doesn't get dark until late during summer. You can see the Duomo, at least.»

She grabbed his hand and showed him the way.

«It's not too far. We can walk there. It'll take around twenty minutes. Are you okay with it?»

«The alternative would be the subway, I guess,» he said.


«We shall walk.»