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«No way. You're not going to do anything to her. Don't even try it,» Neven said, getting up to leave - but a single glance from his father stopped him.

«Your mother will be back soon. She'll be displeased to hear that you left without greeting her. After so much since the last time you two met, at that... Sit down and wait for her with me.»

«While you try again to convince me again to let you test my woman? No way. She's not someone you should approve by the way. I'm the only one concerned.»

«Your mother is worried,» Styepan said, avoiding meeting his son's eyes. He had heard about a curse on that poor girl. Between a curse and the charms of a dragon, there was no way a normal woman would still stay.

He had to find out more about her. Especially about her capacity of resisting. Even his wife wouldn't say no when he was especially settled. How could that woman resist his son's charms?