Two questions

Ognyen was confused by Vera's questions.

They were walking next to the river, and he might have been afraid of it if it was anyone else but the woman who had charmed him not long before. But instead of asking flirty things or maybe telling him why she had appeared so suddenly, she was saying that she shouldn't see him.

It was almost as if she knew more than him about his nature. The question about invisibility was so spot-on that he felt embarrassed to reply.

«I don't understand,» he chuckled, nervous. «What do you mean?»

«You thought no one would see you, right? How could you be so sure I would, though? What if I missed you just like everyone else?»

He could doubt she knew his identity, at that point, but it wasn't relevant. She didn't want to be spotted alone with him by some paparazzi because she knew she would be the only one in the picture.

«You mean, why don't I use a mask, right?» he said. «Because I forgot to.»