«What will you do?» Neven asked, nervous like never before.
Not once in his life had he been so unsure of the outcome of something. He had always had it easy, from business to academics. Vera was the first real challenge, and she was proving to be more complicated than all of his achievements combined.
But she also wasn't just a challenge but a person.
«It's in the past,» she said. «We didn't know each other yet. It's not like you lied to me yesterday, right? And you wouldn't do it again.»
«No, of course not,» he hummed, even though it was a lie. He didn't regret doing what he did because it had brought her to him. The agency had never played clean, so he wouldn't have been able to reach Vera if he didn't use a trick or two on his own.
«Is there anything else I need to know?» she said. «Like, have you messed with my life again after Paris and Vienna?»