Locating spells (2)

They arrived in Paris and bought another map of the city.

«It's so nice as a souvenir, isn't it?» Vera said while the shop assistant wondered who used paper maps nowadays. «We can write down which places we visit. Which colour would you like to use?»

Neven shook his head. «Red?»

«Love it!»

«Are you going to wear a red dress if we happen to go somewhere nice?»

«It doesn't suit me,» she chuckled. «By the way, are you sure it's wise to leave Florian in Spain?»

«He'll assist the police. We signed a contract with them, after all. Also, he would be in danger here either way.»

«You're right. I was just surprised, that's all. You take care of your employees. You're a good boss.»

«Am I?»

«Of course!»

She bought the map and a red marker, dragging him out to find a secluded place for the spell. She couldn't do that out in the open.

«We can go to my place,» he said.