
Seiya POV - Underworld, Judecca - 1987

We finally reach the Hades Palace, but once inside the devastated chambers of the Lord of the Underworld, it is clear that we are still too late, the only thing I can find here is Shun's body donning his Andromeda Cloth on the ground near the throne, and seeing him, I quickly rush toward him, and holding his body I yell worried "Shun!! Shun!!".

Shun slowly opens his eyes and says a little dazzled "Oh... S... Seiya...", I quickly notice that he is fine, and from his Cosmo, it is clear that he is truly Shun, so I say "That's great! You are yourself again!", then Hyoga asks the most important question "Where is Athena? What happened to her?".

Shun shakes his head a little then he says "I... I don't know, but I sensed their Cosmo disappearing behind that curtain...", and points at the shredded black curtain behind the throne, which reveals another path leading somewhere deeper into the Hades Palace, and looking at it I comment "That curtain, huh...?", and while Shiryu helps Shun stand up he says "Then that is our next destination... We have no time to lose!".

We keep moving deeper into the palace, and soon we find ourselves in front of a huge wall marked with two unknown effigies facing each other, as well as the Faravahar symbol, seeing this I ask "So where did Athena and Hades go? It's just a dead end", then carefully looking at the wall I exclaim "Man, that wall is huge, what is this thing?".

And a familiar voice answers "The end of the Underworld, the Wailing Wall...", I turn around and see Shaka's figure kneeling on the ground and bleeding, and surprised to see him in this state I yell "Shaka!!", meanwhile he continues explaining "Athena pursued Hades beyond that wall...", and hearing that Shiryu says "Then we gotta hurry...", but Shaka interrupts him and says "It's hopeless, that wall is the Wailing Wall, only the Gods can pass through it".

Refusing to believe in what he said, I look at the wall and say "No way... We can tear it down...", and Shaka comments as he slowly gets up "I thought so too, I tried again and again... But I couldn't even scratch the surface, now look at me... For us mortals, it's a wall of despair!", and while Shun comments "You mean not even Shaka's great strength was able to damage this wall...", I look at this huge apparently indestructible wall and ask "So what's on the other side? Once you get past the Underworld, what's left?".

Hearing my question Shaka replies "I don't know either what kind of world could lie beyond the end of the Underworld?" then as he realizes something he mutters "Unless... On the other side is...Elysion!!", at the same time, I think, 'I refuse to give up now! If we lose Seika-nee, Miho and the others will all die!', and so I take a few steps back and prepare to destroy this wall.

It seems that Shun notices what I'm about to do and asks "Seiya... What are you planning to do?", and not hiding anything I reply "What else? I'm going to elevate my Cosmo to its limit and launch myself at the wall", hearing my plan Hyoga yells "But that's futile! Not even Shaka at full power could put a dent in it!", and Shiryu adds " Don't do it! Do you have a death wish?", looking at them I ask "Have you guys forgotten? When the Holy War was about to start we vowed we would never give up hope, this may be a wall of despair to everyone but the Gods... But I'll never give in to despair, no matter what! I swear I'll destroy this wall and stop the Greatest Eclipse and Hades!!".

Then I rush toward the wall as I ignite my Cosmo and make it burn to its limits, but Shaka appears in front of me and says "They are right, Seiya! Even if you combust your Cosmo and throw yourself at the wall, it won't budge", I ignore his warning too and yell "We won't know for sure until we try! Move aside Shaka!!".

But faster than I could react, he hits me, he did hurt me but temporarily paralyzed my body, which falls to the ground unable to move, then Shaka says "I just remembered something I heard long ago...The only thing that can destroy the Wailing Wall is sunlight", hearing that Hyoga asks "Sunlight?", and Shun adds "But that's...".

Shaka understands what Shun means and says "Yes... This is the deepest, darkest corner of the Underworld, the rays of the sun can never reach here, it's impossible we mortals simply cannot bring down this wall... But Athena has pursued Hades in Elysion and needs our help... As Seiya said even though we know it's futile, we have to put our lives on the line".

Shaka sits in the Lotus position as he makes his Cosmo explodes and yells "Combust, my life!!", but before I could stop him, another familiar voice yells "Hold on Shaka!", and appears next to him putting his hand on his shoulder and stopping Shaka from sacrificing his life, looking at him, I can help but yell in joy and relief "Jayr-san!!!".

Jayr POV - Underworld, Wailing Wall - 1987

I arrived just in time to stop Shaka from uselessly sacrificing his life, and say "A man of your caliber shouldn't die in vain...", Shaka looks at me and says "But Jayr...", I stop him and looking at the Wailing Wall in front of me I comment "Really! To destroy this wall you need sunlight, and the first thing you think about is to combust your life and Cosmo in hope of producing it!?" then look a Seiya still on the ground and add "Or simply smash your hard as Gold Cloth head on it in hope of destroying it...".

I shake my head and say "Really... I don't know what to say... You only think about solving things with your Cosmo or fists, can't you guys use your head for once?", then I turn to Shaka and say "Shaka it true that for mortals is impossible to produce sunlight on their own... But something that you forgot and mostly ignore, is that the normal mortals since the Age of Myth didn't use their Cosmo to solve their problems... But use their head and technology!".

I open my territory and from it, I bring out a device that I asked Dr. Asamori to prepare just for this occasion and say "What is impossible for you can be easily done by a smarter mortal with some tools and a little of time... I present you the Cosmo-fueled Solar Simulator... A piece of scientific equipment used to replicate sunlight in controlled laboratory environments, they are essential for research and testing of products and processes that either use or are affected by sunlight, in use since 1975 by various researcher...".

The Solar simulator is made up of a light source, made of many Xenon lamps, a power supply, that is the device that converts Cosmo in energy used by the Steel Cloths, optics and filters used to modify the output beam, and of course the controls needed to operate the simulator, it is quite bulky, but it will get the job done, 'And with this, I can also save all the Gold Saints for killing themselves for producing sunlight through their Cosmo and Cloths!'.

(Image Here - Solar Simulator)

And while setting up the Solar Simulator I explain "With this device, we can easily generate the sunlight needed to open the wall... or at least to weaken the wall enough so that it can easily be destroyed... The only downside is that at least two Gold Saint have to remain next to it to output the Cosmo needed for it to work and to keep the Wailing Wall open...", and hearing that, Shaka nods and says "If this work as you intended, I will do it!", at the same time, another set of footsteps can be heard coming, and the next moments a group of Specters appears, and one among them says "We won't let any of you get to Elysion!".

But before any of them could attack, a beautiful lyre requiem with a numbing effect that paralyzes the minds of those who hear its melody can be heard, and the Specters fall into a sleep-inducing stupor, as Orphèe figure appears behind them and says "Sorry, these ones were able to avoid me long enough to reach here, but I was able to deal with all the other Celestial Star and quite a few Terrestrial Star...", at the same time one of the Specters still fighting against Orphèe's Death Trip Serenade says "O... Orphèe... You... t... traitor...".

Then Orphèe's music changes as his Cosmo explodes, and Orphèe yells "It's time to end your suffering! Stringer Fine!!", and projects the strings of his lyre to catch the enemies and tear their bodies apart, at the same time, Seiya exclaims "Orphèe? Lyra Orpèe? The legendary Silver Saint said to have a better mastery of the Cosmo than even the Gold Saints! What is he doing here?", and Orphèe looks at him and says "It's is a long story... And we have no time for that... Quick Jayr use that thing to open the Wailing Wall, I'll guard you all!".

Hearing that I nod, then turn to Seiya and the others and explain "Guys... before we breach the Wailing Wall, I want to tell you guys what you will find on the other side of it... After this wall, you will find the Lethe River, only it isn't really a river, but a Hyperdimension, a great space and time anomaly which divides the Underworld from Elysion... This area extends for many light years and is a place where space and time are destroyed, only the Gods or people who received their protection are able to cross the area without disintegrating immediately and withstand the great cosmic forces of that place... But you, with your Cloths reforged by Athena's blood, can move through it".

After explaining that, I and Shaka move near the power supply of the Solar Simulator while I explain "The only thing you have to do is place your hand on that red sensor and constantly send your Cosmo in it, which will then be transformed into energy used to generate a strong light through all these lamps, the light then will be pass through that mirror like-thing that will filter and change it to be equal to sunlight, and with it, we will open the Wailing Wall".

Hearing my explanation, Shaka nods and says impressed "Truly the mortals' technology advanced so much in these few years that they are almost able to make miracles I thought impossible without the use of Cosmo... It seems that I truly detached too much from the world to not notice how much things changed...", I let out a wry smile and say "Well, some things changed, but some a still the same, people are still suffering and many still do many wicked things... but there is still hope that things will get better...".

Then we both put our hand on the sensor of the power supply and start to send our Cosmo into it, activating the Solar Simulator, then the array of lamps lights up, and starts shining their light on the mirror-like filter that converges the light into a bright shining beam of sunlight that impacts against the Wailing Wall, after a few moments of silence, just as I was starting to get worried that I fucked things up and that only by sacrificing 12 Gold Saints can this wall be destroyed, I hear Hyoga shout "Look! The Wailing Wall, it's melting!!".

Then I hear Shiryu yells "Shit!! I looked directly at the light, I can't see anything! Guys, I think I'm blind!!", and can't help but roll my eyes and think, 'Dear Athena! If he isn't undressing, he loses his sight! What the hell was Kurumada smoking when he come up with Shiryu's character?', meanwhile, Seiya says "God This wall is almost a few kilometers thick, I can't see the end of this hole...", and finally Shun says "Come on! We can't continue waste time like this let's move on!", and soon I feel the four Bronzes running into the hole we made.

Meanwhile, Shaka says "This device consumes a lot of our Cosmo, but we can't stop, I can clearly feel that if we stop using the Solar Simulator, the Wailing Wall will quickly regenerate, so we are stuck here...", hearing that I nod and say "Not really both Orphèe and Kanon can take our place... only Kanon is still on his way here, but it shouldn't take too much time for him to come", at the same time, I feel two other familiar Cosmos coming here and mutter "They are also here...".

Seiya POV - Underworld, Hyperdimension - 1987

After walking through, what I think are, a few kilometers of the wall, I, Shun, Shiryu, and Hyoga finally stand in front of what can only be the Lethe River that Jayr told us, and now I can understand why he called it a Hyperdimension, it is a seemingly endless tunnel-like space, in which, I can clearly see with my naked eyes that time and space are constantly changing within it, something I didn't even think was possible.

I look at this space and exclaim in wonder "This is the Lethe River... it is truly a Hyperdimension...", Shun next to me comments "Look... Time and Space are in constant flux here...", at the same time, Shiryu picks up a rock a throw it in the space, and we look in horror as the rock is obliterated the instant it was inside the Hyperdimension, and I hear Hyoga mutters "No wonder only Gods can pass through".

I look into this strange space tunnel and quickly notice a light in the distance and from it, I feel the traces left behind by Athena's Cosmo, so I point at it and yell "Look! That light must be the way to Elysion! That's were Saori-san is chasing Hades' soul, and also where we need to go!", Shiryu nods and says "You are right! Let's go, it's all or nothing!!".

We look at each other, then nodding we do a leap of faith and jump in the Hyperdimesion, but soon I feel an incredible force pressuring my whole being, it is so strong that I feel all my bones turning to dust under such pressure, even my Cloth appears to be on its limit about to break at any moment, so much that I can't help but yell "Unnh... What incredible pressure! My body and Cloth are both about to get pulverized!!".

While still in pain, I look at the other's situation and notice that not only they are in the same state as me, unable to move at the mercy of the forces of this space, but we are also drifting apart and away from the light leading into the Elysion, "We're getting pulled away from Elysion!! A... At this rate, well be done for!!", and hear my brothers calling each as we drift further apart unable to interfere.

As the pressure is getting stronger, and we are drifting apart unable to act, I almost give in to despair and say "Unnh... I guess there was no way for humans to do this, after all, only the Gods can walk through this road to Elysion... E...Even with these Cloths, which were revived by Athena's blood... Cloths that were supposed to be invulnerable...Unh!! Wh-What is this?", all of the sudden, I feel the pressure around me decrease, but that isn't the only thing that happened, from my Cloth a pair of wings appeared, and with their appearance, I can clearly feel that now I can control my movement in this space.

Seeing them, I can't help but exclaim "Wings!! My Cloth sprouted wings!!", then I quickly move and reach for Shun, at the same time, I notice that also Hyoga's Cloth sprouted wings, and he went to the rescue of Shiryu, at the same time, Shun asks "How did you grow wings?", to that question I simply answer with "I don't know! Probably was Athena's blood that made these grow...".

Then as soon as Hyoga and Shiryu arrive, I yell "All right! Now we can get to Elysion!! Let's go!!", and together we fly toward the light in the distance while withstanding the pressure of the Hyperdimension.

Jayr POV - Underworld, Wailing Wall - 1987

As I'm powering the Solar Simulator with Shaka, I feel Ikki's Cosmo coming closer, and he isn't alone, following slightly behind him is Pandora, so to avoid further drama, I'm about to warn Orphèe about her presence, but it seems that I'm too late, as he is looking at the entrance to the hall with a frown on his face.

Soon Ikki and Pandora walk inside, and I can clearly hear her surprise as she mutters "The Wailing Wall... Open... so easily...", at the same time, I see that Orphèe is about to attack, so I quickly send a telepathic message, 'Orphèe... Don't be so quick to judge her... I know she did harm you and Eurydice, but it isn't like she had any control over her actions... I saw what she went through... At a very young age she fell under the influence of Thanatos and Hypnos, two Gods, how could she resist them, a defenseless young girl... I just ask you to not judge her yet... After all, now Euridyce is fine... Give her a chance!', and I see him slightly relax and nod in my direction.

Meanwhile, Ikki notices my presence and asks "Jayr-san! What happened to Shun? Where are the others?", and so I quickly reply and give him a summary of what happened since he was thrown in the Cocytus, from Shun's exorcism to the opening of the Wailing Wall with the Solar Simulator, until the point where Shun, Seiya, Hyoga, and Shiryu already moved toward the Elysion.

Hearing that Shun was free from Hades' influence, Ikki lets out a sigh of relief, but when he heard about the other moving past the Wailing Wall, he simply nods and starts to move to regroup with them, but before he could move closer to the hole in the Wailing Wall, Pandora stops him "Hold, Ikki! If you go after Shun, Shiryu Hyoga and Seiya, you'll be obliterated... I heard that the Phoenix Cloth can repair itself... So I suspect it hasn't received the protection of Athena's blood".

Hearing what she said, Shaka is about to say that under my instruction, the Phoenix Cloth also received Athena's Blessing, but with my eyes, I signal him to shut up, meanwhile, with his back facing Pandora, Ikki says "It's not a problem... I've gotta go!", then Pandora hugs him and with tears in her eyes she says "I'll help you go to Elysion... But in return, avenge me, please, Ikki".

Ikki slightly looks at her and asks "Avenge you?", and she takes a step back and simply replies "Yes", then Ikki says "So that's why you freed me from the icy hell of Cocytus...", but Pandora shakes her head and deny this by saying "Heh... I'm sure you could have escaped in time without my help...", then she explains while holding a necklace in her hand and looking at it "But I finally woke up, I remembered that 13 years ago my family was slaughtered by Lord Hades...".

Holding the tears in her eyes she tells us her story "Hades Castle... It was once known as Heinstein Castle, a palace surrounded by beautiful kales and greenery, I was born and raised there... My family, the Heinsteins, were bright and loving people... My gentle father... My beautiful mother, pregnant with her second child... And me, raised with love and care, like a little princess, but one day... I brought evil upon the Earth with my own hands".

At this point, she shudders remembering what happened, but she doesn't stop and continues with her story "One day, I ignored my father's warning and moved by curiosity, I went into the old woodshed in the deepest corner of the garden... It was said that its doors had not been opened for over 200 years... But I watched as an invisible force unbolted the heavy lock... And as if compelled by a spell, I stepped inside, and found a small jewel box... shut with Athena's seal".

And with a choked sob, she continues "When I foolishly opened that box... I opened the path to doom, and freed the souls of Hypnos and Thanatos, two Gods at the service of Hades who told me how to fulfill my destiny... at the same time, my mother gave birth to the soul of Lord Hades, and from that day forward... Nothing could live in Heinstein Castle but my new brother and me, even the grass and flowers withered away, Lord Hades' shield descended upon the castle, keeping everyone out... Heinsten Castle transformed into a castle of death... Hades Castle".

Ikki, who listened to her whole story, then says "I see... So that's why you came after Shun when he was a baby... To give Hades a body", Pandora nods and adds "That's right, Thanatos and Hypnos told me that the one chosen for our Lord's flesh was a Japanese Orphan...", hearing that I can't help but think, 'Really a Japanese Orphan... Only that? Do you know how many there are? Only Mitsumasa Kido sired over 100 of them... plus all the other unlucky ones, and you have a pretty long list...'.

Meanwhile, Ikki lets out a sneer and says "Heh... You're the commander of Hades' Specters, but you are begging me to help you take him down... Have you lost your mind, Pandora?", hearing his question Pandora lowers her head and says "I told you, I woke up... After colliding with your fiery life force... Before that, I'd been a slave of Hades since the age of 3, everything looked dead and gray. the color of the sky, the color of grass... Even the color of blood... But after meeting you again here in the Underworld, I remembered... That the sky is blue, the grass is green... And the blood is a bright, bright red".

Then she raises her head and says "The Specters and I believed that when Lord hades took over the Earth... The corrupt Human World would be transformed into a utopia and those living in it granted eternal life..." then tears fall again from her eyes and marks her beautiful face as she says "But now I think that is a lie... And that all life on earth will perish just as my family did...", then she takes the necklace and offer it to Ikki saying "With this, you can travel freely across the Underworld... Even through the Hyperdimension, this was the greatest privilege Lord Hades bestowed upon me".

While this is happening, I sense something coming, and it seems that Shaka felt the same as he mutters "Huh? Now this is interesting...", meanwhile, Ikki doesn't take Pandora's necklace, but looks at her in the eyes and asks "What are you planning to do next?", and Pandora with a sad smile replies "Heh... Now that I have betrayed Lord Hades... There's no way he... Or Thanatos and Hypnos... will forgive me...".

And as her words fell, I can clearly feel an invisible attack coming from afar, clearly aiming at Pandora, but before it could reach her, another blast of Cosmo comes from the entrance of the hall, and intercepts the invisible attack defending Pandora from it, at the same time, Ikki notice the exchanges and yells "What was that? Pandora! What's the matter?".

But she doesn't have time to answer as another familiar voice replies "That was an attack from a God... made it purely from his will to kill, a normal mortal can do nothing against it... Girl for sure you pissed off some big shot!", and following the sound of footsteps, Kanon makes once again his appearance, 'It seems he recovered a little from his fight with Rhadamanthys...'.

Meanwhile, Pandora faces again Ikki and says "Ignore me... Hurry to Elysion, but just remember this, don't let your guard down the ones you should fear the most are the attendants of Hades... Thanatos and Hypnos!! Compared to them the Judges are infants, they serve Lord Hades, but are Gods in their own right... It is no great feat for them to kill from afar with just a thought", and right on cue, another attack came, but this one was again deflected by Kanon, at the same time, Ikki explains to Pandora that he doesn't need the necklace and that she can keep it.

Seeing this, I shout "Kanon, Orphèe! Take our place and power the Solar Simulator..." then I turn to Shaka and say "Shaka can you protect them... and her from the Gods' attacks? After all, between us all, you have the strongest defense... And I feel that she needs a chance to truly live her life free of Hades' influence...", Shaka looks at Pandora for a few moments and declares "I feel no evil within her... She will have her chance...", and so I use my telekinesis to pull Pandora near the Solar Simulator, while Kanon and Orphèe take our place in powering it.

Then together with Ikki, I leap into the Hyperdimension and use the wings of the Sagittarius and Phoenix Cloths to move toward the light that leads to the Elysion, beyond ten billion lights, past hundreds of billion kilometers of darkness, all while enveloped by an almost crushing pressure, we finally reach a world that only the Gods and those they approve of can reach, Elysion.