A Letter And an Answer

Hajime POV - Tortus, Orcus Abode - 2013

I wake up feeling my whole body being wrapped by something warm and soft, it is a very nostalgic feeling, this is the feeling of a bed, a cushion gently catches my head and back and the softness of feathers wraps around my body and keeps me warm.

But my dozing consciousness is thrown into confusion by this, 'What is this? This is supposed to be the labyrinth…Why is a bed…', I'm also fumbling around as my consciousness isn't fully awake yet, however, as I try I realize that I can't move my right hand, it is wrapped in a soft feeling that is different from the bed, and my palm is also wedged into something warm and soft, 'What's this?'.

Still blank, I move my hand and feel a certain elasticity between my hand, I touch it and it is squishy, something about it just relaxes me, and somehow and it becomes a habit to keep touching until I hear, "…Ahn..", and my body freezes.

For some reason, a seductive gasp is heard, and at that moment, the first visage of my consciousness comes back to me.

I raise myself in panic, and see that I really am in a bed, the bed has a pure-white sheet and it feels luxurious and it even has a canopy, it seems the bed is on a stone pavement in a terraced atrium, as a refreshing breeze blow on my cheeks and the canopy above me is slowing moving.

My perimeter is surrounded by pillars and a thin curtain, the whole space is filled with a warm light that I haven't seen in a long time, this peaceful atmosphere confuses me even more, just a while ago I was in a desperate struggle fighting against the Hydra in the Labyrinth, 'Where is this? This place…don't tell me it's the afterworld…'.

But soon my thoughts are interrupted by an amorous voice next to me "…Hn…Hajime…Au…", and on instinct, I turn over the sheet and see her, she is not wearing a single thread of clothing, and is clinging onto my right hand sleeping completely naked, she is Yue, a vampire with wavy golden blonde hair, crimson red eyes, and a porcelain complexion, despite being over 300 years old, she has the appearance of a 12-year-old child due to the side effects of her immortality.

(Image Here - Yue)

At the same time, I finally notice that I'm also naked, and say out loud, "Indeed…is this the morning chirp…that's not right!", I did a Tsukkomi on myself for my stupid thoughts, meanwhile, I see that Yue starts to wake up a little and say, "Yue, wake up. Yue.", but she lets out a cute, "Hn~…", and curls up and shakes her head to fret.

I feel that my right hand is between Yue's thighs, it is approaching a dangerous place, and say something stupid by reflex, "Ku…Don't tell me this is really the afterworld…is it Heaven?", meanwhile I try to free my right hand, but every time, "…Hn…Hn…", Yue pants seductively, and in distress I try to persuade myself "Ku, calm down me. No matter how old she is, her appearance is still of a child. Impossible for me to get excited! I am absolutely not a lolicon!".

I give up trying to free my right hand, and instead try to wake up the cause but no luck, and gradually, I start to get irritated, and soon, I can't swallow this situation any longer and as I feel a vein popping on my forehead I yell, "That's enough, get up! This natural erotic vampire princess!", and invoke the special magic Lightning Clad.

Electric discharge start to gather in my right hand, and Yue is shocked by the discharge and finally releases my arm and opens her eyes while she twitches a little, "-!? Ababababababa", then she looks at me with her eye widened and says, "…Hajime?", and I reply "Yeah. It's Hajime-san. Sleepyhead, wake up…".

Yue then yells "Hajime!", and the next moment, she jumps towards me, still nude, making my body tremble, but I stop when I notice that she buried her face into my scruff, and she is sniffing, so I decide that there is no helping it, and just stroke her head with a smile and say, "My bad, seems like I worried you a lot", and she just replies, "Yeah…I was worried…".

It seems she doesn't want to stop clinging for a while, and I just let her do it until she is satisfied because she did take care of me, so I continue to stroke her head gently.

When Yue finally calms down after a few minutes, I ask about what happened, "So, what happened since then? Where is this?", she, who is now covering her body with a blanket, starts to explain what happened after I passed out.

She said that after the battle, she felt dizzy from her magic depletion and snuggled right next to my body, then the double doors in the room automatically opened, at first, Yue stayed vigilant but nothing ever came out of them, and when she started to recover bit by bit, she decided to enter the door.

Meanwhile, the sacred water was healing me little by little, still, I was in a dangerous state with all my serious injuries and thanks to my tough body I had escaped death, but she didn't know when the sacred water would lose to the poison, then we both would be finished if a new monster appeared, therefore, she had to check it out.

And in the depths of the door, she found, "…Abode of the Traitors", and continues to explain the layout she found when she entered this place once she confirmed it wasn't dangerous, Yue searched for a bedroom and took the unconscious me to it and nursed me with the sacred water.

The sacred water finally beat out the toxins, and it was able to display its usual restorative prowess, but then Yue became exhausted eventually and fell asleep next to me.

Realizing everything she did for me, I say, "…I see, you took care of me. Thanks, Yue", hearing that, Yue's eyes brighten up joyfully from the bottom of her heart and she simply says, "Hn...!", then I ask the question that is plaguing me since I wake up "By the way…why am I naked?"

She sensually licks her lips and replies, "…You were dirty…I cleaned you…", seeing that I continue asking, "…Why did you lick your lips?", and notice her bewitching smile, which is the same as when she sucks my blood, and for that reason, every time she does that, for some reason, makes my body shiver, while I continue to question her, "Why was Yue sleeping next to me? Also…naked…", but she doesn't answer and just stare at me with a voluptuous look, "...Fufu...".

Seeing that this is going nowhere, I decide to give up on the questioning and start exploring the abode, Yue hands me some high-quality clothes she found and after I confirmed my good health, I dress up, prepare my equipment, and soon we start to explore this place.

After a while, we finally reach the third floor's back room, the only room on this floor, and as I open the door the first thing that catches my attention is a 7-8 meters wide exquisite and delicate magic formation engraved on the floor in the center of the room, the design is something that we have never seen before, a rather splendid geometrical patterned formation and it looked like art.

However, something else is more noteworthy, on the other side of the magic formation is a figure sitting in a regal chair, the figure is a corpse, a skeleton wearing a stunning black robe embroidered with gold on its body, there isn't a single stain on it and it seems to be an object from a haunted house, but on the corpse, there is another thing that caught my eye, there is a bright white envelope on the corpse, too new to be here for the same amount of time of this skeleton, moreover written on the letter there are some quite familiar characters, the kana characters.

Staring at it, I can't help but mutter out loud, "To the kind attention of Nagumo Hajime-san... What the...?", and Yue who notices what I'm looking at asks, "…Suspicious…What do you want to do?", I stare at the letter, then at the magic circle on the floor, then at the corpse that seems to be waiting for someone, then I say "Well, if we want to reach the surface, I think this room is the key, the seals in the library and studio resisted my transmutation… So we have to investigate... Yue wait here, and if anything happens I'll leave it to you", after hearing that, she nods and says, "Okay…Be careful".

I step forward carefully moving around the magic formation, and slowly get closer to the corpse, once I'm in front of it, I ready myself, and quickly grab the envelope, while getting ready for any kind of trap it could activate, but after a few seconds of holding it, nothing happens, so I slowly open it, and see a simple letter inside.

I carefully pull it out and after seeing that it is safe, I start to read the first line, it also causes my eye to widen in surprise and exclaim, "How!?", and while I focus on the letter, I hear Yue asks "...What is it...? What does it say...?", still in disbelief, I start to read out loud "Hello there. Hajime and Yue...", and at this point Yue takes a sharp breath, quickly realizing like me the implication of someone knowing her name, a name given by me just a little while ago in this dungeon, something that only I and her should know, but this reveals that there is someone else who knows that, and the implications are startling.

Trying to keep my calm I continue reading, "...congratulation on conquering the Orcus Great Labyrinth, that Hydra should have been a tough challenge for the current you, but you were able to overcome it losing only an eye.", and reading this I think, 'Another detail that no one should know about! How is this possible!? Could it be some form of magic that allows the one who wrote this to see the future!?'.

While thinking that, I continue reading "Now, I'm sure you are curious about who I'm and how I know so much. Well, for one, my name is Jayr Pucci, I do not know if you remember but I'm the "adventurer" that was with you guys when your class fell into that trap...", and then I realize who wrote this, it was that strange guy that jumped from that dammed bridge.

While remembering that guy figure as he seems to easily and calmly deal with the monster while everyone else was panicking, I continue reading, but the next line almost makes my breath stop, "... and like you and your classmates I'm not from this world... What!?", I look in shock at the letter and focus back on reading "... but I'm from a different Earth from the one you come from, and unlike you guys, I was first reincarnated in what I think of my home Universe and came here willingly and can go back anytime I want.".

Reading that makes me quickly think about the Multiverse Theory and also about some of the light novels I read before, and filled with curiosity I continue reading "And I'm sure that an Otaku like you will quickly think of the Multiverse Theory, so I won't explain to you that, but will just say that you are thinking in the right direction, by the way, Tortus is in an alternate universe of the one in which your Earth resides, you can think of it like a tree, these universes are connected on the same root, they reside on different branches, while mine is on a totally different tree in a whole other forest".

And this already gives me some ideas on how can I return back home, but still doesn't answer why did this guy write this letter and how he knows so much, "And now, I'm sure you are wondering why I'm writing this letter, how I know so much and what I can gain from it...", and reading that I exclaim "What the hell!? Can he see the future?", and while agitated I continue reading, "...keep calm, I'm getting there, and yes I saw the future in some way. You see think of it this way, any games, anime, manga, and books in your world in fact represent a Universe, and the stories that they tell are in fact true events that some gifted people were able to see in their dream and used various means to tell the others. That means that in some universes exists a book, an anime, or a legend about your story...".

Reading this, I almost go through an existential crisis, 'What that means... I'm a character in an anime... that everything I do or will do is already written... That I do not have a choice...', but before that could go on further, I feel Yue holding my hand and supporting me and the lesson I learned in this hell, and will I forged going through all these near-death events pull me back from that hole, 'It doesn't matter! As I said before, if there is an enemy I will kill it and devour it, I'll grow stronger and return back home with Yue and live happily... Anime character or not, I'll decide what to do and whatever stands in my way will die, no matter what is it!'.

After that moment of reflection I focus back on the letter, "... and so is mine, I'm not sure if you know about it, but my Universe is ruled by an energy that we call Cosmo, and there are warriors of peace and justice called Saints that follow the Goddess Athena in her quest to protect the world and humanity from the ambition of the others God, and I'm also one of these Saint...", reading that I quickly realize what is his Universe and yell "Saint Saiya!!!".

Hearing that Yue looks at me curiously and asks, "What is this Saint Seiya?", I look at her trying to hide my shock, and explain, "It is the name of a famous old anime in my world... These warriors called Saints have some really crazy powers level... I clearly remember that the strongest of them are able to move and attack at speed faster than light and with enough power to destroy a galaxy... basically for them the Hydra is just an ant...".

Seeing Yue's eyes widening in shock I continue to think 'Damn the power level is quite a bit higher than ours, it is the difference that there is between an RB-79 Ball and the ZGMF-X20A Strike Freedom Gundam...', then I focus back on the letter with an even more serious attitude, "... and the reason I'm telling you all this is to warn you, you see I'm not the only intruder in this world, there is another reincarnated individual from another universe, and I do not know what his intentions actually are, but he could bring harm to you and those you care for, so be careful.", reading that I can't help but complain "Seriously... who cares, I just want to go back to my world... I won't let anyone stop me no matter who is it!".

Then I feel Yue tugging my clothes and when I look at her she says "...There is more...", and again read the letter "P.S.: The Magic Circle will tell you the true story of this world and teach you the Ancient Age of Gods Magic, Creation Magic, and you can also use it to get out of this place, but it is better that you train a little more before you do so, after all the other Great Labyrinths, that you will for sure search to fulfill your wish, will test you in many ways, and this place will teach you a lot... P.P.S.: Ah, I forgot, Kaori still didn't give up on you and is getting stronger to rescue you so do not forget about her, may the power of the Harem Protagonist be with you... Ciao!", then I grin realizing the implication of his words, and say "It seems that to go back to my world I need to conquer all the other Labyrinth... That is if he is telling the truth... Well, there is only one way to know...", but then, I frown thinking about what he said about Kaori and the other person from a different Universe, and something about the Harem Protagonist ticks me off.

I look at the letter in my hands for a few seconds, then I look at the magic circle and without hesitation I step forward, moving toward its center, and as soon as I'm there, it begins to shine with so much intensity, that I'm forced to close my eyes, and the next moment something invades into my head, and immediately after, I go through the time I fell into the abyss and everything after like a revolving lantern.

Jayr POV - Reisen Great Labyrinth - 2013

Inside this last boss room, golem knights are flying around freely and with great speed, and looking at them I think, 'If they were living beings, it wouldn't be weird for them to die due to the tremendous G-force...', and also notice that their movements and tactics became better after they entered this space, and Eri who notices the same says, "The one who controls the golems might be here, in this room, I think?", to which I agree with a silent nod while still carefully sensing the movement of all the enemies.

Right now, the surrounding golem knights aren't trying to attack us and instead only moving around more like an act of intimidation, but all of the sudden, I sense something big approaching us really fast, and holding on Eri, I quickly jump over another nearby floating block and immediately after, a meteorite-like illusion comes and it crashes into the block that we were on just a moment ago, blasting it into fine pieces passing right through it.

Then I look below from the edge of the block searching for the thing that attacked us when it suddenly flies up with tremendous momentum, and it goes above us in no time, then stopped in place, its eyes shining in bright red while glaring at us.

It is a super big golem knight that floats in mid-air, although the armor is the same, its height should be at around 20 meters, and its right hand is burning as if it is a heat knuckle, probably what caused the block from before to be blasted to pieces, and in its left hand is a chain equipped with a flail-type Morningstar.

I put Eri down, and take my stance, then I hear the surrounding golem knights flying closer until we are finally surrounded, and stood in line, raise their large swords in front of their chests, it is as if they are saluting their king, seeing all that I say, "Well I give it a 6 out of 10 for dramatic flair... It lacks some kind of epic music... Maybe I'll let you listen to Rip and Tear from Doom, I'm sure that it will give you such a kick...".

Then silence fills our surroundings, raising the tension in the air, giving the impression that the moment they move, the game with our lives at stake will begin.

But then the gigantic golem destroyed this atmosphere with her greeting, "Yaho~, nice to meet you~, Miledi Reisen that's loved by everyone is here~", I and Eri look at each other for a few seconds in silence, then I shrug my shoulders and say, "Good evening miss Reisen, you have built a nice place here... bar some nasty jokes here and there... I'm Jayr Pucci, that comes from another universe, and this is one of my girlfriends Eri Nakamura, one of the victims summoned by Ehit, nice to meet you", and soon after, Eri slightly bows and says, "Nice to meet you... I quite like your work... and will for sure steal some of your ideas...".

Hearing that, the gigantic golem lets out in a surprised tone of voice, "Ohh~, that's really something rare, some youngsters with some proper manners… Moreover you guys know who I am... And you just said that you are from another Universe, interesting~ Can you tell me more~?", it seems that Miledi spent a lot of time here alone, and needs a real conversation after all this time, after all, all the golem surronding us are still flying around, but they aren't making any move against us.

So I lower the Tactical Arms, without relaxing my guard, and say, "I don't see why we can't chat a little before going through the last trial of your Labyrinth... So... What do you want to know?", and hearing my question, the gigantic golem lower itself on a nearby floating platform and sits down that it asks "How charming~ Let's see... First tell me how do you know about me?".

I think about it for a few moments, then decide to be honest and say, "Well that is quite a long story... As I told you before, I'm from a different Universe...", then I start to explain to her everything, about the many diffrent universes, about me being reincarnated and the competition, and about my knowledge of a possible future of this world that is no longer valid because of my and the other champion's actions, but still the knowledge of various character and events is still valuable as a source of information, and that is why I know that she bound her soul to a golem so that she could wait for the right moment all alone, just for one last chance to fight back the God and save the world, even if she had to wait for thousands of years to do so, I also told her everything I have done until now.

After hearing all that, Miledi stays in silence for a few minutes, then the Golem gets up and looks up at the ceiling with a very human-like expression, then she looks back at me and in her usual tone she says, "I see~ That is quite the story~ To think that there are so many universes with so many wonders... Well, that isn't important now... And since you have conquered O-chan's Labyrinth I'm sure you know how it works right~ If you want to learn the Age of Gods Magic I protect, then magnificently try to defeat me! Well something along those lines, tehee~".

Then all of the sudden, the way she speaks changes, and the frivolous atmosphere that she put on up till now vanishes and carries a dreadful seriousness instead and she says. "But before we start I want to ask you something... What's your objective? What do you need the Age of Gods Magic for?", her tone is clearly implying that she won't forgive any falsehood.

Looking at this side of her I think, 'That is probably her true nature... If I really think about it, she even challenged the Gods for the sake of the people of this world... That is why she doesn't want to entrust her magic to someone with an unknown purpose... It is different from the will in Orcus's image recording, no matter if hundreds of years pass by, she intend to keep waiting deep in the labyrinth to ascertain the challengers' purpose... In a way this is almost a form of self-torture for her failure in defeating Ehit, even her frivolous attitude is a bluff, the real her is someone who has great patience and will, it could be said that she has a really strong sense of responsibility...'.

I find really difficult to hate and lie to such a person, one able to sacrifice everything to save others, I also notice that Eri is looking at Miledi with a gaze between annoyance and admiration, probably because she realizes that Miledi's attitude is quite close to mine, 'Well, to be honest, she is a lot better than me... I admit that I want to help as many people as possible, and I'm also willing to work hard and suffer for it... But I'm not willing to lose the things important to me for it... That is why even if reluctant I'm still able to kill my enemies, despise my values as a doctor... And also why I try so much to get stronger... So that I do not have to make such a choice!'.

I looked straight at Miledi Golem's glinting eyes and replie without any falsehood "My objective is to become stronger... I like my current life, and love my family and lovers, I like the idea of going to many different worlds, those that I could only dream of in my wildest dream, and try to change them for the better, I like the idea of meeting new people and fulfill my childhood dreams... I do not want to lose it all because I wasn't strong enough to defeat my enemies willing to do everything to reach their objectives... I admit it, I'm selfish and lustful... But I can also honestily say that I never did anything evil, and everywhere I have gone, I have always tried to do good and help... And that is what I'll do... I'll kill Ehit for all the pain he brings to this world for his amusement! He isn't even the first evil God that I'll be forced to kill!".