Concept Magic

AN: I decided to change the day I post my chapters, It will be on Mondays and Thursdays at 00:00 Webnovel time, stopping calling the second posted chapter a "bonus" chapter as I basically post it every week so the bonus chapter will be posted when the power stones reach the numbers 50, 100, 200, and so on. Have fun.

Jayr POV - Tortus, Frost Caverns of Schnee - 2013

A week passed since our first meeting with Vandre Schnee, it was a quite peaceful week, we spent most of the time trying to fulfill Vandre's request to summon the souls of his clan members, if not to revive them, at least to properly say goodbye, unfortunately, too much time passes, and most of their souls dissipated or entered the cycle of reincarnation.

Only one soul was barely clinging and holding on, thanks to its strong will and attachment to Vandre but this caused a lot of damage to the soul itself so much that, in fact, as soon as Eri summoned her soul, I had to quickly use a combination of Restoration Magic and Spirit Magic to restore it as it was about to collapse and possibly be gone forever.

Anyway, once fixed, the soul quickly accepted to be revived, especially when she learned that Vandre is once again alive and that she can once more stand by his side.

So we quickly start the lengthy and draining process of reforming the body and binding the soul to it by rebuilding the connection between the soul and the body.

But, that isn't the only thing I did during this week, I also made sure to fully prepare for casting my Concept Magic, studying and perfecting the plan from any angle, from the exact shape that my wish or desire has to take to work, to calculate the possible cost to cast it and use it, using the only Concept Artifact I have, the Compass of Eternal Paths, as the basis to also conditioning my will and mind to the perfect state so that my wish and desire is strong enough to cast the magic.

And when I wasn't doing that, I spent time relaxing with Tio and Eri, or watching over the still-growing community of Nymphs, I have to admit, that I have grown quite fond of them, different from their previous monster self, these beings are very pure and lively, and more important, since their evolution, I noticed that they brought an unexpected change to the Soulbound Territory.

At first, even if someone can live in the Soulbound Territory, it wasn't a pleasant place to do so, as the air felt stale and somewhat artificial, and even if plants could be grown in this place, nothing in it felt natural, almost like a greenhouse without good airflow, it can be pleasant for some time but then it becomes uncomfortable, and you feel the need to get out, but now the Nymphs' presence changed the whole environment, everything feels more alive and natural, even the medicinal plants I'm growing became more lively thanks to them.

It seems that just like their namesake, these little beings are really spirits of nature, that nurture everything around them, and even Eri and Tio seem to be quite fond of them, as I have seen them playing with the Nymphs many times.

Another thing I did during this week, was to train my new magic Advent of the Divine Dragon Lord, getting used to the power it brings and the bigger and different body shape, while also adapting my body to this new form, and slowly making it a part of my own being, so to permanently gain the ability to transform into the Dragon Form and the ability that can't be named without the need to cast the Metamorphosis Magic Spell, because no matter how ridiculous it is and sounds, it is still something that makes me stronger, and knowing what kind of bullshit are present in the Omniverse, I need all the strength possible to guarantee my and my dears survival.

Not only that, but this training will also help me in developing the other transformation I have in mind, while it may seem redundant as I already have my Cloth as a form of protection it isn't, because the Cloth raises my defense and energy, it doesn't change my body, meanwhile the transformation I have in mind will elevate my physical body to tremendous levels, combine them both together and I can't even imagine what kind of power I'll be able to unleash, moreover it is always good to have a back-up plan in case I'm forced in a fight with a Champion with the rule that prevents the use of external objects.

And so after a week, we are standing in front of the Sanctuary at the end of the Frost Caverns of Schnee, I, Tio, Eri, Vandre, the slime Batlam, and the resurrected Margaretta Schnee, who is dutifully standing behind Vandre.

Margaretta is a woman with dark red skin and pointed ears, she has long red hair with black streaks, a muscular build, and a sharp glint in her eyes, ready to defend Vandre at any moment, she is very diligent and possesses a warrior's mentality, but despise that, I can clearly see that care and affection she has for Vandre, something that he appears to reciprocate.

(Image Here - Margaretta Schnee)

Without wasting any more time, I open a gate leading to the Beastman Country of Verbergen, then I turn to look at my companions, and with a smile on my face I say, "Let's move!" and step inside the gate, as the others quickly follow after me.

Jayr POV - Tortus, Beastman Country of Verbergen - 2013

What greets my sight on the other side, is a battlefield, screams of fury, magics flying around, and explosions all around destroying the environment, seeing this, Margaretta, quickly moves in front of Vandre ready to protect him from any harm, even Batlam is squirming in his arms ready to act, while his gaze also focus on the fight going on, and seems to contemplate if he as to act or not.

Meanwhile, Eri and Tio beside me are calm, Tio seeing what is going on only let out an, "Oh my..." while Eri let out a sigh and put her hand over her face saying, "Those baka..."

At the same time, I look at the fighters, unsure of what to do or how to act.

Then a familiar voice yells, "Stand still, you Baka!! Die!" and I see a beautiful Rabbitman girl with blue eyes and light blue hair, chasing down a floating beautiful petite girl with long blonde, almost golden, hair, and sky blue eyes with her huge hammer, while another beautiful girl with blond hair and crimson eyes, is silently shooting all kinds of magic to support the Rabbitman girl as she says, "Miledi, must die. There will be no mercy."

Meanwhile, the attacked floating girl dodges and deflects all attacks while saying in a mocking tone, "Why are you so angry with the awesome Miledi-chan~ It isn't like I specially controlled the Labyrinth so that you would take the brunt of most of the traps, creating many humiliating and embarrassing situation that I have then recorded~ Or made it more difficult and repeatably mocked your every failure, by creating a special room with the picture of the funniest moments~."

Indeed, the people fighting are Miledi, Yue, and Shea, it seems that they are still angry about what they went through in Miledi's Labyrinth, especially Shea, as her face is clouded in rightful fury and is attacking like a berserk bunny as she swings around her hammer and destroys everything in her way, in fact, she is the one causing most of the damage.

Then I look around and notice that Hajime and the others from the Hero party are simply looking at the scene without any intention of intervening, well not really, Kouki and the others are too stunned to move while it seems that Hajime is about to join Yue and Shea in attacking, Miledi, meanwhile, I also notice Meiru, Lyutillis, and Freid, looking calmly at the scene, while Oscar seems about to make a move too.

While I was checking my surrounding, I hear Vandre next to me sigh as he says, "Aaah, Margaretta, Batlam, calm down... This is just the usual... They are probably another one of Miledi's victims..."

Hearing that, I notice, that both the woman and the slime immediately calm down, then Margaretta says, "I kinda missed this... It also seems that Lady Miledi is having plenty of fun... It has been so long since I saw her like that..." and Vandre beside her nods at that.

Just as the fight is about to escalate even more, as it looks like Oscar and Hajime are about to join in the fight, I move and appear between them all, at the same time, I cast a weak Omnipotens Dis (Almighty Push) just strong enough to push them back and hopefully wake them up, then I yell, "Calm down, everyone! Remember where you are! If you truly want to fight, do it where you can't harm and involve innocent people!!"

It seems that it worked as the fight stop, then Miledi like nothing happens greets us, "Heya! Ja-chan, you are finally back~!" then she notices Vandre and Margaretta and with a wider smile she waves her hand and yells, "Van-chan! Ma-chan! It's great to see you guys again~!" but Vandre quickly yells back, "I told you before! Don't call me Van-chan!!"

At the same time, Oscar, Meiru, and Lyutillis also notice their presence, and they have different reactions.

Meiru and Lyutillis seem happy to see him as they say, "Ah! Van-kun is also back!", "Nice to see you again, Vandre, Margaretta..."

Meanwhile, Oscar seems to be torn between being happy and annoyed by his presence as he mutters, "Ugh... Muffler Boy is back... and his stupid muffler with him too..." but that is heard by Vandre that rushes toward Oscar and yells, "Four Eyes! Poor fool, you don't even realize the aesthetic value of a muffler. I guess I shouldn't have expected any better from a second-rate moron..."

In response, Oscar glares at Vandre and says, "It's you that don't know anything! I told you many times that true beauty lies in its simplicity... Your stupid mufflers are too flashy!" which angers Vandre that yells back, "Don't insult my muffler. You just have no appreciation for art, you perverted four-eyes!"

Looking at this scene, I can't help but think, 'What the hell is going on here? I break one fight and another one quickly starts!?'

At the same time, I notice that Margaretta is sweeping a tear from her eye with a finger as she says, "I missed seeing Vandre-sama so happy..." and I look back at Vandre and Oscar that seem ready to start killing each other in confusion, 'Happy...?'.

After a while, the situation calm down, and I learn that Hajime and company just came to the Beastman Country of Verbergen, and also learn from Kouki what they had done until now.

It seems that their journey back to Heiligh Kingdom was quite peaceful, especially since Hajime built a freaking airship to fly around Tortus, once there, they quickly conquered the Divine Mountain Labyrinth as Hajime, Yue, and Shea already fought against Ehit's Apostle before and gained the Age of Gods Spirit Magic.

After that, Hajime and the others escort Queen Liliana S. B. Heiligh to the Hoelscher Empire in her diplomatic mission to rescind the engagement with the prince, especially since the Empire started to do some unusual and suspicious moves focused against the Beastman Country of Verbergen after the Demons attack to their country where they used the monster that had been kept locked up in the imperial coliseum to cause chaos through the city.

The Demons then took advantage of the Monsters' rampage to assault the imperial palace in an attempt to kill Emperor Gahard, however, this assassination attempt had been thwarted due to the emperor's combat prowess and were killed instead, after which the emperor had personally led a charge into the city and annihilated all the Monsters.

In a desperate bid to quickly restore the capital after the attack, the empire decided to raid the Sea of Trees and capture many Beastmen to be used as slave labor for their reconstruction efforts.

But of course, before this could happen, Hajime and the others went on a rampage until they managed to convince Emperor to dissolve the engagement and the enslavement of Beastmen in the empire.

They also forced him and his entire family to wear cursed necklaces that would kill them if he broke his vow or if they tried to remove them, of course, courtesy of Hajime, and after dealing with the Hoelscher Empire, they escorted the Queen back to the Heiligh Kingdom, then came here and of course met with Miledi and the others, and then the enraged Rabbitman started the whole thing.

After listening to their tale, I tell everyone our adventure in the Frost Caverns of Schnee, of course without telling them the precise details of the trials, only their nature, so as to not sabotage the eventual conquest of Hajime's Party, then I tell them my next plans.

That consists of me trying to cast the Concept Magic, and, if successful, to deal with Alva and Ehit once and for all.

Then I ask Miledi, Oscar, Meiru, Lyutillis, Vandre, Hajime, Yue, Freid, Tio and Eri, and the others, to input all the magic power they can in a Divinity Stone storage, surprised by such a request Hajime asks, "Why do you need so much mana?"

But before I could reply, a faster Oscar explains, "Because Concept Magic burns a lot of magic power, moreover, the stronger the Concept Magic one wants to cast, the more magic power it demands... But even so... To need also our power despise how big your mana pool is... Are you really going to do that?"

Hearing Oscar's question, and seeing the curiosity on everyone's faces, I simply smile and say, "Yes, I'm sure that it can be done..."

Then I continue to move toward the guest villa given assigned to us by the Elders of Verbergen followed by the revived Liberators, Hajime's Party, and my lovers and Freid.

Once there, I wait for everyone to input their magic power into the Divinity Stone Storage, then I alone move to the basement with it and the Crateris Pandora Box, but not before telling them that they can come to look after I start to cast the magic if they are curious, and prepare to cast the Concept Magic.

I open the Pandora Box and check the Crateris Cloth, then I sit cross-legged in front of it with the Divinity Stone Storage between my legs, and mutter, "If everything goes as planned, you will truly turn into my best trump card..."

At the same time, I touch the Cloth, still in its Constellation Form, and close my eyes, then I start to focus on my desire, going through all my most important memories and experiences, raising it with Spirit and Evolution Magic so that I can turn it into a Concept that can be imposed on reality.

Eri POV - Tortus, Beastman Country of Verbergen - 2013

We all are waiting in the hall of the guest villa for Jayr to cast his Concept Magic, I take a look at everyone's faces and see many different emotions, some are genuinely curious, like Oscar, Hajime, and Freid, some apprehensive, like Suzu and Shizune, some are indifferent and casually chatting among them, other excited at the prospect of the defeat of their godly enemies like Miledi, Meiru, and Lyutillis, but still everyone is patiently waiting for something to happen.

Meanwhile, I'm calm, I know that Jayr won't fail until know he always kept his promise, and more importantly, he never lied to me, he was always honest, so if he is sure that he can defeat Alva and Ehit then he will be able to do so, then I move closer to Tio and made sure that everything is okay and that nothing can harm her and more importantly, our child, 'Now, the most important thing is to protect my family... Even if I have to kill everything else to do so!'

All of a sudden, I'm roused from my thoughts by Vandre as he asks, "By the way, how can you guys be sure that he can truly defeat Ehit and his Apostles as he said? Sure he is strong, after all, he was able to conquer all the Labyrinths we built, and even revive us, but even so-"

But before he could continue, Miledi says, "Van-chan, we all trust that he will do what he said for one simple reason~ Even after fighting him, we still don't know the true limit of his power..."

Hearing that a smile forms on my face, and I feel incredibly proud of my man.

Then all of a sudden, an impact resembling a strong wind pressure runs through my body, its identities are waves of an enormous familiar magical power, that spreads through the wall of the villa and I notice that everyone's body responds to it in shock.

"This is… Jayr-san! Incredible..." exclaims a surprised Hajime as his gaze is fixed on the floor, as if he is looking through the wall to check on Jayr, at the same time, I hear Freid mutter, "As usual... What a monster..." while Oscar comments impressed, "His magic power alone is comparable to Miladi, Muffle Boy and I together...".

Meanwhile, the waves of magic continue to pulse intermittently, making the magic power in our body stall a little with its overwhelming power but even so, it doesn't bring any harm to us, and unable to hold our curiosity any longer, we start to move closer to the basement.

The waves of magical power seem to increase in density the closer we approach the basement, and once we arrive directly in front of the door of the room Jayr is currently in, it is as if a typhoon has hit us, then without hesitation, I open the door and walk inside.

What greets our sight, is the scene of Jayr sitting in front of and touching his Cloth as a torrent of red magical power spirals upward, as the Cloth emits a pale light, at the same time, I hear Hajime comments in awe, "So that is his Cloth... Incredible, to think that I can see something like that in person..."

At the same time, Oscar mutters in wonder, "He is really doing it..."

Meanwhile, I notice that Jayr is sweating heavily, and it is clear that he is fully focused on casting this magic, as he didn't even notice our entrance.

I hear the worried voice of Shizuku as she says, "Maybe it is better to leave or at least step back a little…"

Then a strangely serious Miledi adds, "Yeah, while there is no danger involved, it is better to not disturb him too much, let's step back a little..." I agree with them and slowly we all start to retreat.

At that moment, Suzu exclaims, "What's this?" followed by Shea, "An image?" and Kouki adds, "An open-air... gym?"

Indeed, various kind of images begins to appear before our eyes, like a fog projecting a picture instead of a screen, magical light fragments become a medium.

In this strange situation, we all forget to get out and all focus on the images appearing in front of us, as they show us the scene, of some kind of gym where many small kids are gathered, their age varies from 5 to 12 years old maybe, moreover, everyone seems really focused on their training, and something about that training seems to surprise the most experienced fighters among us, as Ryutarou exclaims, "My god! Those kids are monsters! They are making a 150 kg sandbag fly with their kick and punches!!"

Shizuku nods and adds with admiration on her face, "Moreover, the ones sparring over there are also amazing... Their techniques, timing, and sense are extraordinary! I'm sure that the version of me before coming to this world would have surely lost if I fought against any of them..."

Even Meiru is surprised by what we are seeing as she says, "Indeed, it's astonishing, for someone as young as these kids... all of them are already terrifying warriors..." and the other Liberators also nod in agreement.

Meanwhile, the scene continues, and we see all the kids gathering together, as a tall imposing one-armed man with long green hair and eyes and a scar that runs across the bridge of his nose, and more important something about him seems very familiar.

The man starts talking, and at the same time, he taps a rock with his finger and makes it crumble, with little to no effort, at the same time, through the image, I can feel a strong excitement, longing, and happiness toward such power and also the affection directed toward the imposing man.

At the same moment, I realize what we are seeing and speak my thoughts out loud, "These are Jayr's memories!!" Tio next to me who realizes the same nods and adds, "Indeed. It is Husband's memory. The memory of a place important to him... But who is that man? Through the image, This one can clearly feel Husband's affection..."

And at that moment, Hajime guessed, "His facial features are similar to Jayr... Especially the eyes, he could be a member of his family..." and hearing that, I remember what Jayr told me about his childhood, "Right! That is his grandpa!!"

Hearing my exclamation, Suzu yell in surprise, "Say what!? Such a young hunk is his grandpa!? How is it possible? He looks no older than 35 years old!!?" but I chuckle and say, "Well, from what I know, he is 92 years old at the moment, and still looks pretty young from what Jayr said... He calls it the perks of having a strong Cosmo..."

Meanwhile, the scene continues, and we reach the point where Jayr ignites his Cosmo for the first time, and through the image, what he felt that moment, is transmitted from that magic that fills the room, the happiness, the power, the ambition, all the feeling that Jayr felt at the moment, the beginning of his path.

Soon the scene change, but the next one isn't so happy, in fact, the next scenes are basically a chilling training montage, the scene of a 6-year-old Jayr climbing a cliff with his bare hands with two massive rocks tied to his legs, moreover, once he finally was able to climb up, he was once again kicked down the cliff by his grandpa with a smile on his face, or the brutal sparring where each hit of his grandpa broke a bone, the deadly training course, with traps that makes the ones in Miledi's Labyrinth seem tame, especially thinking that the ones facing this training course are young kids or even his almost torturous training in the dept of the sea.

Through the magic, we felt everything, his every pain, the cuts, the bruises, the broken bones, the pressure of the ocean, the chilling cold, even colder than Frost Caverns of Schnee, or the searing heat, we felt everything, so much that the weakest among us, grew pale, some even started puking, or their whole body shaking, meanwhile, I feel tear falling from my eyes, and see that Tio his hugging her body and biting her lips with such strength that they start bleeding.

But even so, what overwhelms all this, is Jayr's determination and persistence, no matter how much in pain he was, how much agony he felt, he never gave up, he always strived to get better and stronger, overcoming all the odds, at the same time, we start to hear his desire and longing.


Then the scene starts to change, and we have a few moments to recover what we just went through, then I hear Freid comment, "Now, I can understand why he is so strong... Going through that kind of training at such a young age..."

And Kouki adds, "That is basically child abuse!! How could his own grandfather put him through such torture...?"

But soon Hajime, probably the only one that knows the most about Jayr's Universe among us, snorts and says, "His grandfather didn't force Jayr to go through such training, Jayr chose it! He chose to become a Saint, a warrior of the Goddess Athena, who fight with their lives on the line to protect the world from evil... And did you notice that in every memory of his training, his grandfather was there watching over him?"

But we didn't have the time to reflect further, as the scene changed once again this time, it seems that Jayr is facing a handsome and scary young man with long light grey hair donning a gorgeous gold armor, and seeing this man, Hajime exclaims, "Saga!!"

Then we watch in horror the fight between Jayr and this man, and for the first time, everyone is stunned by what they are seeing, their speed, the power of their attacks, so much so that the only voice that is heard, is that of Vandre that says, "Damn it! Those two makes the Apostles look like kids...", at the same time, Jayr's voice echoes once more.


And in response, the magic filling the room pulses with even more power.

Then the scene changes once more, this time, Jayr is facing a tall, handsome young man with light blue hair and greenish blue eyes, donning a dark gold armor, and with a golden trident in his hand, but something about him is different from the previous opponent, in fact, even though the image, I can still sense its overwhelming power and presence, it almost feels like I'm an ant standing in front of the ocean, making me feel so small and powerless moreover I have the impression that the man is also looking at us in some way.

And I notice that I'm not the only one, many others are going through the same, so much that I hear Shea stutter, "W-what is h-he?"

And even Hajime has a grim expression on his face as he says, "He is a God..."

Hearing that, I notice that the Liberator group stiffens even more, then Hajime continues, "He is the God of the Sea, Poseidon!" at the same time, the scenes of Jayr and his comrades' struggles are shown until they all join forces to fight back.

And as the scene start to change once more, we once again hear Jayr's shout as the magic pulses more and more frantically, and I notice that his whole body is now covered in bright red light, at the same time, the magic power shoots up.

-Burn my Cosmo!

Soon a new scene appears in front of us, this time, Jayr's feelings are more chaotic and raw, he seems desperate as he faces a tall and thin handsome "man", with long jet-black and some strands standing on end, turquoise eyes, and his skin is quite white with a shade of deathly pallor.

He dons a jet black armor, and he also gives the same kind of feeling as the previous man, a God, but he is different, something about him feels more malevolent and scary.

But then we look at the scene of Jayr unleashing his strongest attack that is even able to wound God and destroy his armor, and together with this scene, Jayr's voice grows louder and stronger.

-Explode my Cosmo!! Expand to the limit of the Universe and beyond!!!

At the same time, the torrent of crimson magic power focuses and mixes with the golden energy radiating from the Crateris Cloth, and starts swirling and taking a shape that reminds me of the Milkyway Galaxy, then the magic and the images gather into the Cloth, making it shine in a multicolored glow.

Then I see Jayr open his eyes, and say, "Bring my Cosmo to any place I want!", and a moment later, a torrent of dazzling light like a fixed star blows up around Jayr, the point of origin is the Cloth that quickly dyes the room in blinding pure white light, at the same time, I feel my consciousness painted with white as well.