Spin and Spiral Power? 

Jayr POV - Jayr's Soulbound Territory - 1007 ATF-SW

I look at Kamina's figure as he lies sprawled on the ground with his katana beside him as he heavily huffs as he tries to recover his breath, at the same time he looks at me as I'm standing in the same spot when our fight started without even breaking a sweat even after an hour of "intense" fight, and says, "Haa... What kind... Haa... of monster... Haa... are you!?"

And with a wry smile on my face, I reply, "I'm someone that went through a form of training that is on the limit of self-torture from the young age of 5, to become one of the strongest warriors of my world with the duty to fight for justice, peace and protect those I care for... You won't like to hear this but even if you use your Gurren you would still be easily defeated by me barehanded, in fact, even if you join forces with Simon and use the current Gurren Lagann, you still would be defeated..."

Hearing that, Kamina's gaze turns serious, and asks, "And despite all this power, you are still wary of this Antispiral dude?"

Hearing that I nod and say, "As I told you before, to deal with the Antispiral, we need enough power to destroy multiple Universes in one blow... and that isn't an easy feat. At my current power, I can barely destroy a universe, and that only by using all my power in a purely destructive way... but multiple of them, well, I'm not strong enough for that yet..."

After listening to my reply, Kamina fall silent in deep thought for a few minutes as he continues to recover his breath, then he grabs his katana, does a quick kip up, and yells, "Very well! Let's do this one more time!" and once again he rushes toward me, this time, he is even faster than before, and as I parry and deflect his blows with my finger, I also notice that he is also getting stronger.

Seeing this, I realize, 'Wow! Kamina is quickly reaching the Silver Saint level, his attacks are becoming supersonic! Spiral Power is truly a bullshit form of energy!! As long as the willpower is strong enough there is basically no limit to its growth... under my guidance and pressure, Kamina's strength is increasing at an outrageous pace... And the source of all this power is Kamina's will to protect and pave the way for Simon and the others, his only limit is the quantity of Spiral that he can produce. I have to admit that he is quite low... Especially when compared with Simon that seems able to pull out an absurd quantity of it!'

But at the same time, I also realize his flaws, 'Even so, Kamina is way too reckless not only in his actions but also his fighting style. He leaves way too many openings... Time to fix this!' and so as I once again deflect another of his reckless attacks, I quickly counterattack by hitting him right on the nerve near his elbow with my finger causing him to yelp in pain and drop his sword in surprise.

Kamina then shakes his numb right arm to try to shake off that annoying numb feeling that comes right after the pain of being hit there and asks, "Ouch! What the hell was that!?" and with an evil smile, I reply, "The warm-up is over! Now every time you leave an opening for me, I will attack back... and with every mistake, the pain will increase."

Hearing that, Kamina picks up his katana once more and rushes toward me while yelling, "You sick bastard! Take this!!" only to have his attack deflected once more and take another hit, this time on the left knee and so he falls on the ground with a numbed leg.

And so our spar continues for another hour before Kamina truly can't continue anymore and decides to go back to the villa to rest.

Once I remain alone in the training area, I look at the faux sky and seeing that it still simulates the light of the sun, I realize that I still have enough time to focus on my own training, and mutter, "Time to see if I can use the theory behind the Spin from Jojo on the Spiral Power..."

And quickly raise my hand and will my Spiral Power to appear in the form of a spinning ball, and in an instant, a small bright green spinning drill of energy appears above my open palm that quickly turns into a small spinning ball, and looking at it, I continue to study it, "This is the most basic form that the Spiral Power can take... I can shape it however I want, but its most natural state is that drill-like shape."

As I look at the still spinning ball that at times spins faster and at time slower all under my control, I also observe how the Spiral Power act as I let go of all the control I have over spin, and a smirk forms on my face as I realize, "Yes! I can control the spinning speed! Moreover, the spinning speed doesn't increase naturally but remains constant to the level of willpower I used to produce it! This means my fear that the Spiral Power is in a natural state of perfect rotation is unfounded."

Once I confirmed that, I dissipate the bright spinning ball and say, "Well, that was the easiest hurdle I had to face... Now comes the hard part... I have to somehow kick start a perfect rotation in my Spiral Power. But how exactly? Oh well, let's start with some visual support..."

And after I said this, I move in front of a nearby boulder and use some basic Water Magic to generate a strong jet of water from my finger and start to engrave on the boulder the thing that will help in the next part of my training, to visualize the perfect rotation and then trying to emulate it.

So I quickly engrave on the boulder the Golden Rectangle, a rectangle with a proportion equal to the golden ratio, approximately 16:9, that when recursively divided into a square and another golden rectangle, traces the path of the Golden Spiral, a self-similar and thus endless spiral, but I quickly stop and break the boulder as I made a mistake resulting in an image that isn't precise enough, and move to another boulder to try again.

After a few tries, many broken boulders, and some flowery curse that would make a sailor blush, I was finally able to engrave a precise Golden Rectangle, and a Golden Spiral as perfectly as possible, only I destroyed all the boulders in the area and was forced to engrave the image on the ground, of course before doing so, I leveled the terrain to make it as even as possible.

Once I have the visual support ready, I focus my gaze on the engraved Golden Rectangle and the traced path of the Golden Spiral and try to imprint it into my mind, and at the same time, I will my Spiral Power to appear once more in the form of a small spinning spiral ball above my right hand.

I feel that something is happening to the spiral ball, so I throw a glance and see that on the usual bright green ball of energy, there are now some traces of gold, but as soon as I focus on the ball and not on the Golden Rectangle, then Spiral Power in my hand goes out of control and collapse on itself generating a strong shockwave that sends me flying toward the Spatial Barrier around the training area with such force that while spinning in mid-air, I cough out some blood, as I feel my internal organs rattle.

On instinct, I maneuver my body in mid-air and use Telekinesis to stop my body from crashing against the Spatial Barrier, then land on the ground in a crouching position, and after a few seconds, I get up and shake my head as I feel still a little dizzy from all that spinning, then a smile form on my face despite my failure.

After a quick cast of Restoration Magic to fix the damage I received, I mutter with glee, "It is possible! It is possible to use the theory behind the Spin on the Spiral Power!" but then a frown forms on my face as I continue to replay in my mind the scene of my previous attempt, "But it is quite hard to do... Even with the visual support, I wasn't able to perfectly apply the Spin on Spiral Power and that resulted in an imbalanced Spiral Power that needs constant focus to function, and if the concentration slips even for a moment, it instantly collapses on itself... It seems that I'll need a hell lot of practice to make it work. But at least it is possible!"

I once more move in front of the Golden Rectangle engraved on the ground and focus on it, then I once again try to apply the Spin to the Spiral Power, but once more, my control over Spiral Power slips, and this time I'm violently flung toward the sky crashing face first against the Spatial Barrier.

Once I land on the ground, I try to heal my wounded pride and mutter, "Damn, it is quite a wild horse, if I focus only on the Golden Rectangle and Golden Spiral, the Spiral Power powered by the imperfect Spin still goes out of control and collapse..." then I quickly realize what is my mistake, and yell, "Stupid Jayr! You just gained your Spiral Power and didn't even master it then you want to add another thing that you just learned on top of it!? Basically, you barely know how to walk and you already want to do some parkour moves!? It's natural that you screw up, fail, and get hurt!"

After realizing my mistake, I stop and plan my next moves, 'Now the first thing I have to do is master my Spiral Power as fast as possible, I have to reach the level that I can unconsciously use it and control it without my active thought... At the same time, I have to practice the Spin but instead of using it on the Spiral Power, it is better to start first with some object... I can't rush this, I have to take it slow!'

And while thinking that, I pick up some random rocks on the ground to use them to practice the Spin on them, at the same time, my thoughts continue to wander, 'I feel that the Spin is fundamental to increasing my power, I'm sure it is the last ingredient I need to fully merge all my energy sources into a single one as right now they are only tightly interconnected but they are still at the end separated, instead I feel that the right way is to use the Spin to enhance the Spiral Power even more and then use that power to merge it with my Cosmo and Magic Power turning it into a single powerful and versatile energy that I can call my own with all the advantages of all my current ones and without the need to switch between them. An energy that will be able to swallow and integrate other energy sources if needed, so that the thing that happened when I came into this Universe won't happen again... And that will allow me to always be in my most powerful state...'

And thinking about the potential of a new merged energy source, a frown form on my face as I think about one critical aspect, 'But if I'm successful, how should I name this new energy? Simply Energy? No! That is way too bland!! Culture Power? Nope! Logically, If the main components are Magic, Spiral Power, and Cosmo, then new should be a combination of them like Magic Spiral Cosmo, or Mystical Spiral Cosmo, but I feel like it is a mouthful... Oh, well, the name will come when I successfully merge them...'

I rid myself of all distracting thoughts and focus back on my training, first by fully adapting my body to the Spiral Power, and turning my usage of it into an instinct as I have done with my Cosmo and Magic Power, and as I prepare to immerse my body in my Spiral Power I think, 'After this... I will fully focus on the Spin, where I'll try to generate a perfect rotation using these rocks I picked up until I'm able to casually do it without focusing on the Golden Rectangle...'

And after that that last thought, I empty my mind, and focus only on the Spiral Power coursing through my body and around me as I generate a small Spiral Power force field all around me in the form of a Spiral Ball.

Lordgenome POV - Earth, Teppelin - 1007 ATF-SW

Sitting on my throne at the highest point of my gigantic castle the Teppelin, a large drill-shaped fortress that breaks the cloud barrier that I proudly built in these 1000 years, surrounded by six of the beautiful members of my own harem, my own creation, my toys, one of the few things that makes my grave and heavy duty of being the guardian of humanity somewhat lighter.

I look down at the three "people" standing in front of me, my generals, as they tell me about the result of the latest human uprising and comment, "Thymilph is dead, eh?" and my concubines reply at the same time, my toys say, ""Yes. The Dai-Gunzan was also taken from us.""

And one of my generals, a young man with light green skin, short grey hair, and eyes, regally comments, "One of the Big Four let his guard down." he is the one with the most human-like appearance among all the generals, having a few references to his avian genetic makeup in his rooster crest and peacock feathers, he is Cytomander the Swift the commander of Teppelin's aerial forces and owner of the flying battleship, the Dai-Gunten.

(Image Here - Cytomander)

Followed by Guame the Immovable, the general that specializes in ground combat, who says, "There is a saying... When cornered, even armadillos show their fangs." then he puffs out some of the smoke he inhaled from his pipe and adds, "It's not exact, but it's something like that." his appearance is like that of a crocodile and armadillo and the oldest and strongest among the four generals.

(Image Here - Guame)

The reason for that is pretty simple, Guame is the pet that stood by my side since the First Anti-Spiral War, at that time he was a simple armadillo but then towards the end of the Anti-Spiral War, he evolved himself to better serve me, after years of accumulating Spiral Power from me, that means that he is a naturally evolved Beastmen, and the only one that is capable of using Spiral Power, and despite the fact that his Spiral Power is pretty weak he is still league ahead of the rest of his flawed, incomplete brethren.

Hearing that Guame said, the last general replies, "What's that supposed to mean? Even if an armadillo bares its fangs, it can still be crushed." she is the only female general among their numbers, Adiane the Elegant, she is almost completely human in appearance, appearing as an attractive woman with blue hair, large breasts, and a curvaceous body.

Her long, thick, scorpion tail and snake-like eye are the only physical indications of her true nature.

She wears an eye patch over her left eye, with the straps coiling all the way around her body and down her leg, a loose-fitting dress, and heels.

(Image Here - Adiane)

Hearing that she said, Guame let out another puff of smoke and says in a provoking tone, "You just' don't appreciate the niceties of these things." but before this matter between them could escalate, Cytomander says, "You two! You're in the presence of the Spiral King."

Then he looks at me and asks, "Your Majesty, please entrust the task of retrieving the Dai-Gunzan to me, Cytomander the Swift." but quickly Adiane steps forward and says, "No, that task must be given to me. Thymilph was a courageous friend of mine. Please give me this opportunity to avenge him with my own hands. Your majesty!"

Hearing that, a smile forms on my face as I think, 'Adiane is surely the one that was hit the most by Thymilph's death... Their relationship was much closer than ordinary friends...' and amused by this, I decide to play with her and ask, "Courageous friend?" to which she replies while hiding the unease in her tone, "Yes. Our friendship went beyond the boundaries of gender."

And quickly Guame once again provokes her saying with a perverted grin, "In other words, he wasn't enough of a man for you?" making Adiane quickly threaten him with her scorpion tail, "Silence, freak." then grown bored of this, I chose to stop this farce and say, "I made all of you. Do you think I don't know what goes on between you? Very well. You may go, Adiane."

Hearing that, Adiane bows and says, "Thank you very much. I, Adiane the Elegant, will make those human scum feel the power and terror of the Spiral King." after that, she disappears in a whirlpool of water that transported her back to her quarters.

Soon after Adiane went away, I notice the frown on Cytomander, and curious I ask, "Are you displeased, Cytomander?"

He bows and declares, "The Spiral King is the creator and ruler of everything in this world. In my heart, there is not the slightest disobedience to your judgment."

Hearing that, and weary about all this pointless stuff, I say, "Then leave." he complies and disappears from here with a small gust of wind, leaving me alone with Guame, who disappears quickly after with a crumbling earth sound.

After they are gone, the floor on the ground turns into a screen showing me the images of the inside of my castle, but all I can see are countless interconnected metal pillars functioning as the residences of my creations, but also as factories where Gunmen and their equipment are produced or the labs where I create new Beastmen, at the same time, I get up from my throne and start to randomly walk as I wearily think back to all the human uprising I stopped as I protected them from an even worse fate, one of the few amusement of this despicable life of mine and mutter, "They search for light, even though they know death awaits them. It's hopeless. Yet it's the nature of human beings".

Jayr POV - Earth, Gekorn region - 1007 AFA-SW

A week passed since the battle between, the eastern Human Eradication Army led by Thymilph, and nothing new or worthy of note happened since then.

I continue to train Kamina in the use of Spiral Power and combat techniques, and he is improving a lot on both of them, but despise that, his pure raw power somewhat stalled, and if I have to rate his strength, I would say that he is about as strong as a weak Silver Saint.

With the support of his Spiral Power, he can move and attack at supersonic speed, but he can only output enough power to bring down a big building, still considering that he is a normal base human, that is still a lot of improvement, in fact, I'm sure that he can now destroy a Gozu without piloting a Gurren using only his body and katana.

On the other hand, my own progress is very satisfying, after many hours of gruesome training, I finally gained full control over that wild horse that is the Spiral Power, what helped me is the fact that despite their different nature, the Spiral Power has many points in common with Cosmo, both are a fundamental aspect of their own Universe, both are intrinsically connected to the aspects of life, and both are able to produce limitless energy, but while the Cosmo is a full-on explosion of energy that appears in an instant, the Spiral Power is a constant exponential increase of energy that keeps getting stronger without limits.

On the Spin front, I also gained some progress, I can now produce a near-perfect rotation without using the visual support of the Golden Rectangle, at least not the one engraved in the training area of my Soulbound Territory, as after a week of constant staring at it, the image of the Golden Rectangle imprinted into my mind.

But despite this, I'm still unable to perfectly merge the Spin with Spiral Power, but at least, now Spin enhanced Spiral Power doesn't collapse on itself sending me flying into the stratosphere, and the green with golden traces of Spiral Power produced by this imperfect union is already a lot stronger than the usual Spiral Power because it enables me to produce more energy with way less cost than before, but still, I decided that I won't use it until I can fully merge the Spin with the Spiral Power for one simple reason, I don't want to make the Antispiral notice me and force his eventual early attack.

I'm right now outside my Soulbound Territory, keeping an eye on the Dai-Gurren Brigade from the distance, and well, it isn't a beautiful sight, not only did the rainy weather that persisted throughout the week affects the overall mood of the Dai-Gurren's crew, but many of them are still strongly affected by Kamina's "death", the most obvious are of course Simon and Yoko, one because he lost what he basically considered his last remaining family member, while the other because she lost the person she loved.

Add to all that the fact that they are still constantly attacked by the Beastmen of the Human Eradication Army, that the newly acquired Dai-Gurren still doesn't work properly yet, and that Simon's Spiral Power is growing more and more unstable with each passing day and the picture of the situation in front of me become even bleaker.

Sensing the members of the Dai-Gurren Brigade as they go through their motion with such low morale, I can't help but think in relief, 'Luckily I prevented Kamina from coming with me using the excuse that in Cratergann there is only enough space for me and that he needs to train more if he wants to make an awesome impression when he will reunite with Simon and the others... Because for sure he wouldn't be able to stop himself from trying to fix this depressingly soul-crushing mood... And especially seeing Simon's current state, that seems almost that of a hollow husk that lost its heart whose sole purpose is to destroy the enemy that killed his dear Aniki...'

While thinking that, I also take a closer look at the former Dai-Gunzan, the newly named Dai-Gurren, which was remodeled to accommodate the Dai-Gurren Brigade members.

The walking battleship is still mostly the same, hundreds of times larger than conventional Gunmen, it still has the numerous heavy artillery gun turrets and heavy armor, with the arms attached to the control tower that serves as the hangar bay launchers for its housed Gunmen, but now sports a red color scheme and a different tower on the head as the original was destroyed when Simon took control of it using Lagann.

(Image Here - Dai-Gurren)

As I'm studying the changes that the Dai-Gurren went through, I sense the presence of another group of Beastmen quickly approaching them, and soon, they appear in front of the still Dai-Gurren, and I see that it is a group of 6 Gunmen of the Human Eradication Army.

The Beastmen's Gunmen then advance toward the Dai-Gurren, and at the same time, from it, the Gurren Lagann jumps out and starts to fiercely attack them.

Under Simon's control and fury, the Gurren Lagann attacks the enemy Gunmen with a ferocity akin to a wild beast, as it wildly punches and kicks them with reckless abandon.

At the same time, I can't help but notice the strange behavior of Simon's Spiral Power, as it gushes out from the Gurren Lagann's neck area as Simon continues with his furious assault as the Gurren Lagann stomps continuously on an enemy on the ground, and sensing further, I notice that Simon's Spiral Power is actually starting to clash against itself as counter-currents start to form in both Simon's body and into the Gurren Lagann.