Under the Sea

Lordgenome POV - Earth, Teppelin - 1007 AFA-SW

Once again my Generals, Guame the Steady and Cytomander the Swift are standing in front of me to report the failure of Guame's recent operation, and hearing his report, especially about the mini-type Gunmen, I consider, 'It's natural that Gaume lost. No matter how strong he is and how much control he has over his Spiral Power, it is impossible for a Beastmen to defeat a human who has awakened his Spiral Power. For one simple reason, while Guame can produce quite a lot of Spiral Power, he is still very limited by his very mundane origin as an armadillo, moreover, his will to survive and persevere is way too inferior to a normal human, whose these two qualities are inherently part of our genes.'

I give a glance at the two of them as Guame continues with his report and my mind continues to wander following the previous thought, 'There is also the fact that the humanoid shape and form is the absolute pinnacle of a spiral lifeform with the greatest ability to manifest and control Spiral Power over less evolved creatures. And the Beastmen are simply pale and flawed imitations, and while Guame is the most perfect one because his evolution was a natural one that used my Spiral Power as a spark, the fact that he needed my aid to make that step also means that he isn't very gifted in this aspect.'

Guame's reports end and I'm roused from my thoughts by Cytomander's voice as he comments, "The battle seasoned warrior, Guame the Steady... Smacked on the nose by mere humans. How pathetic." making Guame snarl back, "I don't want to hear that from somebody who never leaves the capital."

But Cytomander quickly defends himself, "I'm ready to launch an attack at any time if the Spiral King orders it."

But I ignore their squabble and focus on the fact that there are only the two of them present here, so I ask, "Where's Adiane?" and one of my concubines sitting beside me replies, "We cannot reach her at this time."

Hearing that Cytomander makes a snarky comment, "She's bad at passing on to the next life." but I once again ignore him and continue to ask, curious about the status of the people my daughter took refuge in, "What about the Dai-Gunzan?"

And soon, the floor of this hall changes and shows the image of this world map and on it, I notice the marked route of the Dai-Gunzan that leads right to this place the capital, Teppelin.

At the same time, the same plaything replies, "It's heading directly for the capital." and after a few moments, Guame comments, "This is a good chance for Adiane."

Surprised, Cytomander asks, "What?" but I understand what Guame is talking about, and he soon explains to the young and dumb general, "They're heading straight for the sea."

Hearing that, I give it a slight nod while thinking, 'Indeed, Adiane has an enormous advantage in the water. That's because I created her in that way, I used my Spiral Power to not only give her some form of Hydrokinesis just like Cytomander Aereokinesis and the late Thimylph Pyrokinesis, but I also made sure that her whole being was truly attuned to the water element. That is also why her Gunmen, the Sayrune, can only show 100% of its potential underwater and that her Mobile Fortress is also specialized in underwater warfare. But despite all these advantages, I don't think that Adiane can defeat the rebels, especially considering the fact that one of them controls a mini-type Gunmen. These are truly ancient and mysterious relics of some ancient but way too advanced civilization... Not even after all these years, I was able to uncover all the secrets that these machines hold.'

Jayr POV - Earth, Sekunga region - 1007 AFA-SW

A couple of days passed since the battle between the Dai-Gurren Brigade and Guame the Steady, and luckily for the members of the Dai-Gurren Brigade these days were peaceful, no Beastmen attacked them since then.

But while their journey toward the capital of the Beastmen, Tepplin in these two days was peaceful, the same can't be said for the rest of the world.

Because the "brilliant" plan of the thousand years old master tactician armadillo of showing the "inevitable" defeat and execution of the Dai-Gurren Brigade under the "immense" might of his power to the rest of the world so that he could completely crush the human race fighting spirit and nip in the bud every future rebellion has completely and royally backfired in the worst possible way for him and the Spiral King, Lordgenome.

Because now, all the humans in the villages spread all over the world that witnessed the fight between Simon and Guame were inspired to steal Gunmen of their own and join the fight, in fact, right now all over the world, countless humans are rebelling and stealing Gunmen and mobile fortresses from the Beastmen oppressing them, and are slowly gathering together to join Simon and the others' fight, moreover, all of them are proudly donning the Dai-Gurren iconic flag.

Anyway, back to the Dai-Gurren Brigade, right now their mobile fortress, stopped right in front of the sea, and while the mechanics led by Leeron start to work on the Dai-Gurren so that it will become able to traverse the sea, all the others choose to relax on the beach to swim and play some games.

And it is during those games that Nia showed her overwhelming physical abilities, like hitting a ball during a match of beach volley with such force that the ball generated a small crater in the sand, or when instead of crushing a watermelon with a pipe, she was able to cut it perfectly in half, or when she was able to last underwater without breathing for over 30 minutes.

But that sparked a kind of rivalry with Yoko who still dislikes her for the harshly honest words she said about Kamina before and thus distrusts her because of her unusual origin, and it doesn't help the fact that all the guys are fawning over her, making Yoko even more suspicious of her.

Anyway, while looking at them playing on the beach, my mind can't help but wander back to my family, my parents, sisters, Seika, Saori, Eri, and Tio, especially Saori and Tio's current state, on how for the first time in my two lives I'm about to become a father, something I both longed and was terrified of and now more than ever because of my unusual situation.

But despite my insecurities and fears, I'm also very excited, about taking care of them, teaching them, protecting them, watching over them, and feeling proud about the first time they blow up a continent, something that knowing their mothers is likely to happen, watch them play and enjoy their lives to the fullest, be prepared to become an Omnipotent being so that I can turn every male in a lightyear radius impotent in case they are girls, and in the inevitable case of them finding a lover, scary the shit out of them in every possible way.

While I was lost in thought, Leeron and the others finally completed the modifications on the Dai-Gurren so that it can safely traverse the sea, as Leeron loudly yells with his arms spread open, "Main modification... COMPLETE!!"

But seeing that all that Leeron and the others did to make the Dai-Gurren seaworthy is just add flippers and a paddle, a worried Simon asks, "Will it really be okay like that?"

Leeron turns around and faces him then he gives Simon a thumb up and says, "For the time being it's okay!" then they all return back to the Dai-Gurren and prepare to proceed on their journey toward the Beastmen's capital, Teppilin.

Seeing that they are about to embark, I also prepare to follow them, and so, I simply put Cratergann back into my Soulbound Territory, and simply use my Spiral Power to cast my Gravity Magic to float while muttering, "Yeah... It will be more difficult to notice me like this. Now that I think about it, I can also simply use my Spiral Power and copy the Flight technique of Dragon Ball, but I'm not really proficient with that method yet, and I could easily cause some slight disturbance, like sonic booms or splitting the sea apart..."

While I'm flying as stealthy as possible, the Dai-Gurren blasts off with such force that it flies across the water for hundreds of meters before it finally lands in the water and starts to row with its huge paddle and furiously kick with its flippler-covered feet.

Soon the Dai-Gurren moves forward with a steady pace, and as I follow them from the sky, I see that some of the members of the Dai-Gurren Brigade started to once again start to relax on deck, some exercising, some fishing, some simply enjoying the sight, some sunbathing.

And among them, I notice the Bachika sister, Kinon, with her glasses and a green swimsuit, Kiyal the youngest with dark purple hair tied in a long twin-tail, wearing an azure swimsuit, and Kiyoh, a voluptuous young woman with blond hair and a yellow swimsuit, for sure all three of them are eye-catching.

(Image Here - Kiyal, Kiyoh, plus swimsuit version)

Of course, while, I'm enjoying the sight, I don't have any other thoughts about them, not only because I don't have any intention of getting my little brother wet, especially at such an important moment, but also because Kinon and Kiyoh already have feelings for someone else.

But after a while, I sense a couple of torpedos quickly closing in on the Dai-Gurren, and further behind, I sense the presence of the underwater mobile fortress the Dai-Gunkai, Adiane's flagship, and mutter, "Here it comes. Round three has begun."

And it starts with a blast as the two torpedos hit the Dai-Gurren's hull raising waves as the mobile fortress shakes.

I focus my senses on the Dai-Gunkai below, and the image of Adiane sitting with her leg crossed on her command seat with Viral standing in front of her surrounded by her men appears in my mind.

She is receiving a report from a Beastmen that looks like a copy of Squidward Tentacles from Spongebob who says, "Torpedo Gunmen, one, two, three, at your command."

Hearing that, Adiane comments, "They're like summer bugs flying into the boiling sun, aren't they?" and Viral, like a puppy replies, "Yes."

Then she pulls a Sharon Stone's Basic Instinct as she uncrosses and crosses back her legs, hell, even the absence of panties is the same, as she says, "I'm taking Seyrune out. You'll be taking over command of the Dai-Gunkai." and Viral who missed such view because he was focused on the screen once more nods and says, "Yes!"

Then Adiane declares, "Human scum, I'll make you regret embarrassing me! You can have a funeral at the sea!" and stands up while calmly heading toward the hangar bay.

Meanwhile, the Dai-Gurren Brigade, tries to attempts to return fire, but it doesn't score any direct hits with either the Dai-gurren's cannons or depth charges because the Dai-Gunkai's position is way too deep for such means to be effective, so the only effect they were able to move some a water and generate huge pillar of water.

And indeed, I hear the report from Squidward Tentacles lookalike that says, "Explosions on the port bow!" while Viral comments, "Human scum, you're no match for us, no match at all!" then he commands, "Fire tubes one through six!" and the Dai-Gurren is once again hit by this wave of attacks.

And as panic starts to spread among the crew of the Dai-Gurren, a fed-up Kittan carelessly chooses to head out and jump into the water with King Kittan followed by Twinboekun piloted by the twins, but they quickly find that their Gunmen are not suited for underwater combat as water starts pouring into the cockpit forcing the Dai-Gurren to pick them up as Leeron yells, "I told you I haven't made the Gunmen watertight yet!"

At the same time, the Dai-Gunkai releases another volley of torpedos and among them, there is also Adiane's personal Gunmen, the Sayrune, in its scorpion form, even if in the water it looks more like a manta ray with a really long tail.

The Seyrune in the water is a whole other beast, its speed is astonishing and so is its agility as it quickly reaches the Dai-Gurren and severs its lower viewport, which has a quite unfortunate position.

Seeing that, I unconsciously cover my privates with my hands and mutter, "Whoa! That's brutal... A true vicious low blow. If the Dai-Gurren was a male that would have hurt a hell lot."

After that brutal attack, I hear Kinon report, "There are torpedo Gunmen closing in! It's fast!" but one of the crews of the Dia-Gurren Brigade as he reports, "It doesn't look like a torpedo. It's another one of the Big Four's custom Gunmen!" followed by Dayakka who yells, "At this rate, we are done for!"

Then Leeron quickly says, "We've got no choice but to use our special unit! With Gurren Lagann's special self-repairing ability, it might become water-tight! Then it would be possible to fight underwater!" at the same time, the Dai-Gurren grabs Gurren Lagann standing on its deck with its hand and prepare to launch it toward the submerged Sayrune.

Soon the worried voice of Rossiu is heard as he screams, "But we haven't confirmed it yet!" and Simon adds, "We'll find out soon enough!"

Then as Leeron yell, "We're counting on you!" the Dai-Gurren throws Gurren Lagann in the water, which, like a rock, bounces a few times on the surface before sinking in the depth of this sea.

And as they expected, the Gurren Lagann is able to fight underwater but before they could even gain a sense of direction, the Gurren Lagann piloted by Simon and Rossiu is easily knocked around by Adiane's Sayrune, which is clearly superior below the waves.

As the Gurren Lagann continues to get hit, I hear Simon as he curses, "Is it that ray thing? You Bastard!" then he uses Gurren Lagann's lower face to bit the incoming Sayrune and stop it in place.

But soon Adiane's voice is heard as she says, "Hehehe! Filthy humans." then the Sayrune breaks free and changes back into its humanoid form as Adiane continues with her speech, "To challenge me in the water... How arrogant!" then it once again changes back into its manta-scorpion form and start to once again knock the Gurren Lagann around.

At the same time, I sense that the Dai-Gankai is closing in on the Dai-Gurren and focusing my sense on it, I hear the copy of Squidward Tentacles report to Viral, "Adiane-sama is dominating them!" while another one adds, "Our vessel is on course for Dai-Gunzan."

Viral then mutters, "Gurren Lagann... I wanted to destroy you with my own hands... however! I will let Adiane-sama deal with you! Give them my grudge with all of your heart." after that he yells, "Dai-Gankai! Double Cutter!"

And under his command, the serpentine mobile fortress clips the Dai-Gurren's flippers, and I hear one of the operators of the Dai-Gurren yell in panic, "Our feet are being immobilized one at a time!" then the Dai-Gunkai grabs the Dai-Gurren's hull and Kinon exclaims, "It's latched onto us!" making Leeron question out loud, "What!? For what purpose?"

At the same time, inside the bridge of the Dai-Gunkai, Viral commands, "Full ballast! Drag them down and drown them all!", and the serpentine mobile fortress starts to drag the Dai-Gurren underwater.

(AN: For those who don't know, ballast is any substance that is used in ships or hot-air balloons to make them heavier and more stable. In this case, it is used to make the Dai-Gunkai heavier so that it can drag down the Dai-Gurren more easily)

As the Dai-Gurren slowly sink, Rossiu who notices what is going on warns Simon, "Simon-san! Dai-Gurren is..." making Simon yell, "Everyone!" but this distraction is almost fatal as Adiane takes advantage of it to use its claws to grab the Gurren Lagann and hold it in place, at the same time she mocks, "Have you got time to be looking elsewhere when you're in front of me? Don't underestimate me!"

Then the Sayrune starts to relentlessly hit Gurren Lagann with its long and sharp tail making Rossiu lament, "It's no good, she's moving too fast."

Simon and Rossiu are unable to help because they have their hands full with Adiane, and so the other guys start to panic when water starts pouring into the bridge.

But to everyone's surprise, it is Nia who tells them to calm down, "Everyone! Please calm down. It'll be okay. I'm sure Simon will come up with something." but soon Yoko asks, "Why do you think that?" and with a cute smile, she replies, "No particular reason." surprising Yoko who repeats her words in confusion, then Nia adds, "There's no basis for saying so, but... if it's Simon, he'll come up with something. That's what I think."

Meanwhile, the Dai-Gurren continues to get dragged down, and the water pressure starts to damage its hull as it starts to cave in, and seeing that scene, I think back to my training in the Mariana Trench, 'Haa... that brings back some fond memories, like the first time I trained at its bottom, God! It is one of the worst experiences in my life... in fact, it is in my top five, the Mariana Trench, eating monster meat, the fight with Hades, almost dying of the conflict between my energies, and the worst mistake in my previous life, watching the first few minutes of Boku no Pico because I thought that the MC was a female until I saw the surprise! After that day, I never trusted hentai's covers anymore and always checked the tags and summary many times before watching it!'

While I shudder thinking back at that traumatic experience, Rossiu, who notices the Dai-Gurren's plight, yells, "This is bad! Dai-Gurren is about to go beyond its pressure limit!" at the same time, Adiane continues to mock them, "What will you do? Your friends are about to face death here."

With his friends facing the real threat of death, Simon finally becomes determined enough to put on his goggles and fully power up the Gurren Lagann as he says, "You know... We don't have the time... to be screwing around in a place like this!"

Then he transforms Gurren Lagann's arms into drills to free it from the Sayrune's grasp, he then creates a huge drill on its head to allow it to propel its way back towards the surface, shocking Adiane who yells, "What!? You won't escape!" as she chases after it, but Gurren Lagann speeds upward faster than the Sayrune can catch it.

In desperation, Adiane yells, "Bloody Ckamper!" and throws Sayrune's wings like a boomerang, but they simply shatter on contact with the drill making her exclaim, "Ridiculous! I'm number one in the sea!"

At the same time, the crew of the Dai-Gunkai notices the approaching Gurren Lagann, and under Viral's command they fire off a volley of torpedos, but they all miss as the drilling mecha is way too fast at the moment and quickly move past the Dai-Gunkai and hit the Dai-Gurren in the same place the Sayrune cut off the lower viewport.

The force of the Gurren Lagann hitting the Dai-Gurren is enough to send it back above the water, ripping off Dai-Gunkai's arms in the process, making the crew of the Dai-Gurren cheer out loud.

But the battle is far from over, Adiane yells, "Not so fast!" as the Sayrune leaps out of the water onto the deck of the Dai-Gurren and plunges its arm into the bridge, then she grabs and pulls out Nia from it and yells, "So it came down to this... It looks like the princess is useful once again!".

Simon yells, "Let go of Nia!" as the Gurren Lagann also jumps on the deck.

But with Nia in her mecha's claws, Adiane warns, "Hold it. Move an inch and I'll turn the princess into a meat dumpling."

At the same time, the Dai-Gunkai emerges and points its cannons at Gurren Lagann as Viral says, "I'll open fire." but Adiane orders, "Wait, Viral. Now that we've taken a hostage, let them sweat for a bit."

Then showing her sadistic side, she orders using her hostage as leverage, "Human scum... Target your cannons on Gurren Lagann." Dayakka is forced to comply, as no one is willing to risk hurting Nia, then she continues, "Listen up. When I give the signal, destroy Gurren Lagann. If you don't..."

But at this moment, Yoko, who isn't about to stand down just because Nia's been taken hostage, stands in the hole left behind by Sayrune's attack, she draws her rifle and prepares to fire straight at the girl.

Seeing that, Adiane taunts her, "What's this? Something like that won't work on Sayrune. Or perhaps you plan to kill the princess so I won't have a hostage?" and her teammates gasp in horror as Yoko looks through her scope and yells, "Be quiet." Nia simply closes her eyes and soon after Yoko pulls the trigger.

Yoko's first bullet manages to miss Nia's head, though it goes through much of her hair.

The Dai-Gurren crew nearly dies of shock, Simon cries out to Yoko, and Adiane snidely asks, "Interesting. Where will you shoot next? Hand? Leg? It'll be a shame if you hurt this little princess too much."

However, Yoko sees her target, and her next shot rips through even more of Nia's hair but also hits Sayrune's shoulder making Adian cry out, "What? My shoulder!?" and causing it to drop Nia.

Fortunately, the free-falling girl is caught by Old Coco before she hits Dai-Gurren's deck, and looking at him in shock Nia asks, "Oji-san, why are you here?" but he simply smiles at her.

At the same time, I remember what I read about him, 'If I remember well, he is Old Coco, a Beastman, and more important, a Beastmen created by Lordgenome to take care of the newborn Nia until she grew old enough. It seems that he recognized her and resumed his duty as her guardian.'

Meanwhile, with Adiane's leverage gone, the Dai-Gurren crew turns its cannons on the Sayrune.

Desperate, Adiane claims, "If you fire at this angle, the shells will collide and the resulting explosion will destroy us all. Are you humans really that stupid?"

Hearing that, I mutter a quote from a certain famous scientist, "Two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity; and I'm not sure about the universe."

Quickly after I said that I hear Yoko yell, "Unfortunately... we are that stupid."

And without hesitation, the crew member with the glasses whose name I never cared to learn yells, "Who cares! Fire!" while slamming his fist on the command, blasting Adiane with a point-blank salvo from Dai-Gurren's cannons.

Horrified, Viral sends the Dai-Gunkai lunging at the Dai-Gurren, but Simon uses the Gurren Lagann to drill straight through the serpentine Gunmen.

As Dai-Gunkai falls apart and explodes, Adiane whispers an apology to Thymilph before her own Gunman detonates.

The subsequent explosion, almost rivaling a nuclear blast, creates a huge wave that the Dai-Gurren rides to the other side of the ocean, with everyone cheering the victory.

Seeing that, I calmly follow after them while muttering, "Another one bites the dust... And I still didn't complete my Gunmen, Byakou, Sayrune, and Gember, all three of them can be considered the some of the strongest Gunmen in circulation, but none of them felt right to combine with Cratergann."

I think back at what I felt from Cratergann and continue, "Well, it is more precise to say that Cratergann told me that they weren't the right ones to unleash our full power. I hope I will find the right one before my fight with Lordgenome. For my Goddess' sake, I want to have a good mecha fight! I don't want to kick Lordgenome's ass with my fist!"

After a while, while following the Dai-Gurren, that now finally reached the other shore, I see that Nia approaches Yoko with a request, to trim and even out her now-tattered hair, which she accepts.

As she cuts, Yoko asks Nia why she closed her eyes when Yoko was about to fire at her in the earlier battle and Nia's response is that Yoko is a rifle expert, so she trusted her.

At that, Yoko calls herself an idiot and apologizes to Nia for being suspicious of her.

Yoko eventually finishes cutting Nia's hair to a shorter style that both girls are happy with, and Nia immediately runs off to show Simon.

Seeing that scene, I nod and open a portal to my Soulbound Territory to rest, then as flying into the portal, I mutter, "Simon's growth is on the right path, I think it is about time to be more active and try to change the fate of this world for the better. The faster I get things done here, the faster I can get back to the girls."