It's Movie Time! 2

Jayr POV - Earth, Teppelin - 1007 AFA-SW

I quickly replenish the bowls with another load of popcorn and other snacks plus change the glass with a magic-enhanced auto-refill version of them, then I resume the movie from where we left off while thinking, 'There is nothing better than eating this junk food and drinks while watching a good movie... well nothing that isn't rated-R at least. Anyway, I have to remember to take the girls to a cinema when I return home.'

At the same time, the scene on the screen moves forward showing how the people of the Dai-Gurren Brigade are repairing and taking care of the former Cathedral Lazengann now named Super Galaxy Gurren Lagann, while on the bridge of the Super Galaxy Gurren Lagann Simon, Leeron and the others are setting things up with the help of Biocomputer-Lordgenome.

Then the scene moves to the hangars where the pilots of the Dai-Gurren Brigade are commenting about the incredible size of the Space Gunmen and at this moment, Viral appears as he teleports into the hangar and says, "I guess it means that we need things that big to fight the Anti-Spiral."

His sudden appearance surprise most of them, but then one of the pilots explains that that Super Galaxy Gurren Lagann is so big that to move around one must use short warps.

Then Viral starts his speech, "I don't expect to simply let bygones be bygones. Plus, we Beastmen were created through cloning, so we lack Spiral genes. But the Earth is still our homeworld. I want you to understand that it isn't just humans who want to protect it."

This is met by Kittan who yells, "Well, well! If it isn't Viral of the Lordgenome Army! Listen to you, bein' all modest! You don't have to bow and scrape. You were handpicked by Simon. That makes you the same as the rest of us."

And then Yoko adds with a smile showing her support, "We're about to launch a frontal assault on the enemy's stronghold. Don't worry about the little things."

After that, all the other pilots agree, as Gimmy and Darry also warp into the hangar saying that they also would join and Darry adds, "This isn't just about rescuing Nia. The fate of Earth hinges on this battle." followed by Gimmy that says, "That's the Grapearl Squadron's mission, so it's only natural that we should go."

But the other set of twins, the older Jorgun and Balinbow Bakusa pilots of the Twinboekun, quickly disagree and say, "Mission?", "I've never had that before!", ""This is a brawl! A brawl! Yeah, a brawl!""

Kittan also agrees with them and says, "Yeah! It's the biggest brawl in the universe, started by a guy trying to save his love interest. Damn... I know the fate of the Earth is on the line, but part of me is excited. I never shoulda held on to being a government bigshot in the first place." all the pilots agree with him, then Kittan looks at Yoko and says, "Yoko, you're one smart cookie."

Yoko simply keeps her smile on her face and says, "Everyone figure out their path in life at their own pace. It's different for everyone."

Kittan is stunned for a moment, not by what she just said, but by the incredible size of her chest, but soon he recovers and awkwardly praises, "That's a school teacher for ya! Now you can get away with saying stuff like that!"

In response, Yoko stands up making her gravity-defying mountain jiggle, and says, "Still, Kittan... The Dai-Gurren Brigade never would have come this far if it weren't for you. Simon pulled us from above, and you pushed and shoved us from below. That's the way I see it."

A moved Kittan then tries to cover his feelings and says, "I'm happy that you came back, Yoko. It just isn't the Dai-Gurren Brigade without your boobs, you know? Right, guys!?" making all the male pilots agree, ""Yeah!""

Even Guame beside me agrees, and while nodding he says, "Those are for sure an incredible pair..." followed by Lordgenome who mutters with a quiet smile on his face as he watches the scene of the team toasting together, "They are a great group, alas..." and leave the rest unsaid once more masking his feelings behind his cold and cruel facade.

Then the scene moves to Rossiu sitting in a dark room, his office, about to shoot himself, but before he could do it, Simon rushes into the room, opening the door by drilling through the lock with his Spiral Power.

Rossiu points his gun at Simon and yells, "Stay away! I will atone for my own sin by my own hand. In the end, all I was doing was dancing to the Anti-Spiral's tune. I walked right into their trap by sentencing you to death, and I almost lost the Earth and Arc-Gurren. I'm a fool of epic proportions!"

Hearing that, Simon yells back, "Moron, what are you saying!?" then Rossiu once more point his gut at his temple and says, "At least let me face death on my own terms."

But before he could pull the trigger, Kinon walks inside and slaps him then she start to scold him as tears fall from her eyes.

Seeing that, Guame casually comments while munching on popcorn, "Those two are clearly a pair..." which earns a nod from the girls that make up Lordgenome's harem.

At the same time, Simon on the screens says, "Good for you. You have someone who will slug you one." which makes me almost comment, "Nope, that isn't good. That is domestic abuse in this care and should be reported." but then I remember that this is an Anime Universe and that Kinon was effectively stopping Rossiu from offing himself, moreover, I kinda planned to do the same to Lordgenome in case he doesn't listen and continues to stay that way.

Meanwhile, Simon continues, "I lost my way once, too. But I was punched, and I snapped out of it. I had someone there who would hit me. If you make a mistake, you can try again. Rossiu, I believe in you. So you should believe in yourself, too. I think that's the only way there is to beat absolute despair. We can still go down the same path. Am I right?"

As he said this, Simon offers his hand which Rossiu holds and the two look at each other as they shake their hands as a sign of reconciliation.

Seeing this scene, Lordgenome murmurs in a low tone, "The only way there is to beat absolute despair... huh..." and I realize that probably Lordgenome is seeing some kind of parallel between Rossiu's situation and his own, and indeed they are similar.

Both of them can be considered a broken heroes who willingly became the destroyer of worlds and cast away everything they cared for to save what they could, even more so in Lordgenome's case, who despise being full of negative emotions he is still driven by his selflessness but twisted intent to protect mankind.

But the difference between them is that Rossiu is a lot weaker than Lordgenome in both strength and willpower, as unable to handle the guilt he decided to end his life instead of persisting and awakening his Anit-Spiral Power, and more important he still had people who care for him and are able to help him find the way he once lost, something that Lordgenome didn't have, as Guame at that time was still a simple armadillo.

While I was reflecting on the difference between the two very similar character arcs, the movie continues with the scene of Super Galaxy Gurren Lagann pulling out the real moon from the pocked dimension in which the Anti-Spiral hid it.

After that, Super Galaxy Gurren Lagann uses its Perceptual Teleportation using Nia's ring as a focus to breach into the Anti-Spiral's homeworld hidden in a pocket universe between dimensions and during the journey, Bio-Lordgenome starts to explain the logic behind the difficulty in finding the Anti-Spiral homeworld and some "basic" laws of the universe which causes all the pilots of the Dai-Gurren Brigade to sleep as they are unable to follow.

At least not until Leeron translates it into a more comprehensible language, "He means that the only thing we were able to detect was Nia's ring. Basically, Simon and Nia's love uncovered their hidden universe, right?"

Hearing that Guame quickly scoffs, "Heh. As if something as ridiculous as the power of love exists." but I quickly rebut, "Actually, you shouldn't underestimate such things. In some other Universe, the Power of Love, the Power of Friendship, or other things like that actually exist. And their ability to pull off all kinds bullshit and warp reality is very scary. My own home Universe has something similar. We call it the power of Miracles, the only real gift the Gods gave to humanity. With its power, it is possible for a mortal to do the impossible, even face and defeat the Gods. And it is something I experienced myself."

That stumps Guame, meanwhile, Lordgenome looks at me and asks, "Gods? Such beings truly exist?" to which I simply nod then we all focus back on the movie as the Super Galaxy Gurren Lagann just got out of the warp.

As soon as they enter the hidden pocket universe, the Dai-Gurren Brigade, is greeted by a blinding light, then Antispiral's voice says, "Hear me, foolish heir to the Spiral races. You who would dare to unbalance the equilibrium of this universe."

At the same time, their sensor picks up the signals of countless enemies approaching, and so the Gunmen are deployed as Antispiral's voice continues as now even his creepy face can also be seen in the middle of the blinding light, "It is the karma of Spiral races to cling to life as you struggle and suffer. When Spiral lifeforms give themselves over to the pleasure of evolution, it causes destruction in this universe. Experience firsthand the gravity of that sin."

Then the bullshit starts with an immense tsunami of black water approaching the moon-sized Super Galaxy Gurren Lagann that compared to that tidal wave looks like a normal small human, moreover, the Anti-Spiral battleships are riding on top of that tidal wave.

Soon the Super Galaxy Gurren Lagann starts to sink into the black "water" which Leeron explains is, in fact, waves of ultra-compressed space akin to the ones found in a black hole.

Seeing this scene on the screen, Lordgenome realizes what is going on and mutters, "The Death Spiral Machine, huh... It is a machine created by the Anti-Spirals to kill Spiral life forms by absorbing Spiral Power and converting it into ultra-dense space that resembles water forming the Galactic Spiral Abyss or as Antispiral likes to call it the Spiral Graveyard. It is something that I learned of during the last Anti-Spiral War when searching for any kind of information about the enemy back then. In fact, it is something I found in the archives of Lazengann it was very well-hidden information."

Soon Super Galaxy Gurren Lagann gets drained of most of its Spiral Power and turns back into its battleship form called Super Galaxy Dai-Gurren, and on the screen, Bio-Lordgenome makes almost the same explanation, and then they finally find the mini-type Gunmen of the late Spiral Warrior that faced the Anti-Spiral before and fell into the same trap as Antispiral kindly explains in the effort to make them fall into despair.

Seeing that, I continue to analyze Antispiral's personality and actions, and can't help but mutter as I realize something, "I understand... once they fall into despair they will be unable to produce Spiral Power basically defeating them without the need to actually kill them... After all, the goal of the Anti-Spiral is to preserve life at all costs even if they must commit atrocities to do it, for the sake of existence as they know it. Antispiral doesn't want to harm or kill anyone but it does it because it believes there is no other way. Antispiral showed mercy way too many times despite its immense power, it always tries several times to give the Spirals a way out, which considering the fact that a whole race sacrificed its evolution and put itself into stasis to protect the universe is pretty telling."

Meanwhile, the Dai-Gurren Brigade finally comes up with a plan to get out of that nasty situation and Simon proposes the most effective one, destroying the Death Spiral Machine, and so Simon pushes himself to produce enough Spiral Power, but he struggles with it, so Boota the small pigmole that was with him since he first found Lagann helps him in generating the necessary Spiral Power and starts to shine in the familiar bright green light.

This scene causes Guame to smile wryly as he says, "It's funny how history seems to tend to repeat itself. Once more a human and a beast join forces together to fight against an insurmountable threat with their bond supporting them..."

Hearing that, I smile and say, "You are right... But I want to believe that, just like a spiral, history keeps evolving and getting better through each iteration. This is what I think is the true purpose of Spiral Power, and the Spiral Nemesis, while yes being a catastrophic event, I think that its true purpose is simply to start a new and better iteration of the universe. After all that is the cycle of life."

My words cause both Guame and Lordgenome to fall into silence as their face clearly shows that they are in deep thought, reflecting on what they just heard.

At the same time, while I said that, I don't know why but I have the theme of a pretty famous animated movie.

But then focus back on the movie as Leeron and the Bio-Lordgenome come up with a plan to destroy the Death Spiral Machine: fire a Super Spiral Missile into the Spiral Conversion Field around the machine, disrupting the mass-to-Spiral-Power effect this has to protect the machine from the pressure it generates around itself, then lob in another missile to destroy the Machine.

But two Missiles are the max that they are able to produce, since Simon is really running himself into the ground and soon a Giga Drill that Gurren Lagann is using to generate Spiral Power shatters, and Simon and Boota scream in pain and Simon even vomits blood.

And so despite still having the drive to go on, he cannot generate Spiral Power with so much pressure.

Soon the Super Galaxy Dai-Gurren is within firing range, and without hesitation, they launch the Spiral Missile, but it collapses due to the extreme density of space.

Then the Super Galaxy Dai-Gurren's Spiral Power falls to zero, and super-dense space begins to break in.

Seeing the dire situation, Yoko wants the Missile attached to her Space Gunmen, but Kittan insists he does it despite Zorthy, Kid, Iraak, Makken, Jorgun, and Balinbow's protests.

Kittan defends his actions by confirming with Leyte, the main engineer, that Space King Kittan's bullet mode is the toughest of the Space Gunmen.

Then he says, "You heard the lady. This is the last Super Spiral Missile that Simon worked himself to death to make. We can't let it go to waste."

Hearing that, Gimmy says, "This is a suicide mission. Aren't you afraid of dying? It's no fair. I want to be like you and go out in a blaze of glory... But I just can't" and as he says this, he clenches his fist hard as it starts to shake, and his sister Darry, hold his hand with her owns showing her support.

But seeing that, Kittan shouts, "What are you, some kinda moron? Show me the person who ain't afraid of dying! But I got no choice! This is all I'm good at! We do this because we want to! You gotta move forward, and that goes double when you're scared! I'll just say this. It's because you guys are here that I can get crazy. I can move forward because you guys are there behind me. If Simon pulled us from above, and I pushed from below, it only worked because you all were pushing ME from behind. I'm looking forward to seeing how far you guys will go."

Then he calls out to Yoko and suddenly steals a kiss from her, and seeing this scene, I can't help but think, 'Another one bites the dust... so let's all sing! Raise your flag... Koe no kagiri. Koe no kagiri. Koe no kagiri sakende! (Raise your flag. Keep screaming. Keep screaming. Keep screaming. Until your voice gives out!)'

Soon Space King Kittan in bullet mode deploys and reaches the Spiral Conversion Field, and the Super Spiral Missile detonates, exposing the Death Spiral Machine.

Kittan tries to fire his missiles, but the pressure has sealed the barrels, and Space King Kittan collapses and explodes, but King Kittan inside the destroyed Space Gunmen keeps going, having borrowed one of Gurren Lagann's broken Giga Drills.

At the same time, Kittan yells, "My King Kittan is still doin' fine! I borrowed one of Gurren Lagann's drills as a good luck charm! And I'm gonna put it to good use!"

Then a close-up of his face is shown and the Spiral pattern in his eyes can be clearly seen shining with power.

Seeing that, Lordgenome let out a sigh and mutters, "He also fully awakened his Spiral Power in front of sure death, just like Kamina before him"

At the same time, Guame comments, "Why is it that every one that is about to do something clearly suicidal kisses that Yoko girl? It's like kissing her, or even being simply liked by her is a death sentence!"

Meanwhile, on the screen, Kittan pours all his Spiral Power into King Kittan and Gurren Lagann's drill while yelling, "This is Simon's... Dai-Gurren Brigade's... Humanity's... No, my soul! You think it's gonna be wiped out by the likes of you!?"

His Spiral Power reaches and merges the drill with King Kittan, then Kittan yells, "King Kittan..." making the drill turn into a Giga Drill easily twice the size of the usual one used by Gurren Lagann, "Giga Drill Breeeaak!!" and rushes toward the Death Spiral Machine obliterating at the cost of his life, leaving behind as his last words with a wide content grin on his face, "So this is the power of the Spiral, huh? Okay, I'm impressed..."

Meanwhile, on the Super Galaxy Dai-Gurren, Bio-Lordgenome comments on how this operation had a chance of success at exactly 0%, then muses that perhaps logical calculations are meaningless when put up against the Dai-Gurren Brigade.

Then the Death Spiral Field begins to convert back to Spiral Power, and Super Galaxy Dai-Gurren's Super Spiral Gauges climb rapidly and Simon uses this opportunity to honor Kittan's last wish.

Super Galaxy Dai-Gurren transforms back into its humanoid mode, as Simon's digging goggles transform into Kamina's V-shaped sunglasses, then into star-shaped sunglasses, and Super Galaxy Gurren Lagann stands reborn with the same kind of glasses added on both its faces.

Then as the Super Galaxy Gurren Lagann raises from the water-like ultra-compressed space that is slowly being turned back into pure Spiral Power, Simon says, "Our friend's hopes and dreams are etched into its body... Transforming the infinite darkness into light! Unmatched in the Heaven and Earth... One machine, equal to the gods! Super Galaxy Gurren Lagann! We're gonna show you... the power... of the human race!!"

(Image Here - Super Galaxy Gurren Lagann)

At the same time, the Super Galaxy Gurren Lagann destroys one of the Anti-Spiral's two Ashtanga battleships with ease.

The Ashtanga Class are immense space-faring dreadnaughts bigger than a planet that acts as the flagships for the Anti-Spiral forces and are bizarre mecha, even by this universe standards, resembling nothing so much as large, fat worms made of multiple stone faces and black arms.

Moreover, coming out of these abominations are the hand-shaped Hastagry Class and the foot-like Pada Class, which are the Mass-Produced Anti-Spiral Space Mecha.

(Image Here - Anti-Spiral Mecha)

The Space Gunmen and Space Gunmarls are dispatched to deal with the Hastagry and Pada mechas the Anti-Spiral has deployed.

And after a degree of fighting, Yoko fires off all of Space Yoko W Tank's weaponry, destroying thousands of Anti-Spiral mechas at once.

Then the remaining Ashtanga throws planets at Super Galaxy Gurren Lagann, but its Spiral shield is unaffected, so Simon uses Super Galaxy Gurren Lagann's sunglasses as a boomerang to destroy it.

Seeing this fight, I can't help but think, 'No matter how many times I see this. It is still crazy when I think about it! The Ashtanga battleship is literally throwing planets at Super Galaxy Gurren Lagann...'

At the same time, I see that no one is commenting anymore, as they all are staring at the screen without blinking in fear of missing some of the action.

Soon after the Ashtanga's destruction, the space rips open, and through a crack between worlds, the immense figure of the Antispiral makes its appearance, which looks like a living shadow, a dark humanoid silhouette with shifting patterns within, its facial features are white and look like they have been "crudely painted" on the face.

(Image Here - Antispiral)

At the same time, it appears, Antispiral says in a very cordial tone, "I hate to interrupt, but that is quite enough, men of the Spiral. You would sacrifice one of your own in order to escape the sea of darkness. In order to survive, you destroy without a second thought. Such is the karma of the people of the Spiral."

Then it explains that Spiral Power is the force that binds life and the universe and that life cannot control Spiral Power, and if evolution is left unchecked, life forms across the universe will begin to evolve into full-sized galaxies.

The sudden increase in mass will cause galaxies to devour each other, forming a universal black hole that will return the universe to nothing, that is the Spiral Nemesis.

Instinctively realizing the truth in its words, Simon is too stunned to react to Antispiral's next move as he locks all of Dai-Gurren Brigade members in the Extradimensional Labyrinth, where they will forever be locked in the hell of infinite possibility.

We see how Simon is back in his youth, with Kamina once more alive, as they steal gold and valuables from Beastmen jewelry shops, really enjoys his living.

Then the scene moves to a trapped Nia as she is writing a letter to Kamina through her voice, saying that the future he dreamed of gives her strength because she believes Simon and the others can realize this future.

Antispiral notes with interest how Nia, the Irregular, is reliving her past experiences to maintain her sense of self.

However, it wants to analyze Nia's data, as it has grown tired of suppressing Spiral life, given how Spiral races continually rise up one after another.

It wants to terminate the factor precluding rebellion, and so entangling Nia in many tentacles, they prepare to take in Nia's data.

And as Nia cries out Simon's name in pain as her data is being devoured by Antispiral, I can clearly feel the building rage within Lordgenome as he is clenching his fists so hard that they started to bleed.

Focusing back on the movie, I see that it is showing the scene of Simon in the Extradimensional Labyrinth, where he and Kamina are confronted by Beastmen police.

Kamina is bowing like crazy, apologizing like it's going out of style. Simon backs into a large box and sees a Core Drill insertion mark on the front, but realizes he has nothing of the sort.

Then Kamina's voice is heard asking what's wrong, and he sees another Kamina sitting on the box.

This Kamina says he won't stand for another Kamina, and tells Simon to pick the one he prefers, he also tells Simon that he can't dawdle around in here forever, asking what Simon's drill is supposed to do.

Then Simon is pulled down by the Extradimensional Labyrinth's Kamina, who insists that Simon apologize, too.

Simon punches him in the face, yelling, "My drill... My drill... is the drill that's gonna pierce the Heavens!"

Then he says, "My drill is my soul." and his Core Drill appears in his hand.

Simon opens the box with his Core Drill, breaking the oppressive clouds overhead.

And Kamina tells Simon, who is an adult once more, "Get going, Simon. Don't let the what-ifs, maybes, and if-onlys distract you. The one thing that you chose yourself, THAT is the truth of your universe." making Simon agree with him.

Then Kittan appears, but Kamina doesn't remember him at first, then tells the irate Kittan that he couldn't forget anyway.

After that Simon tells Kamina, "It's time for me to leave, Aniki." Kamina says, "Yeah. This time, it's goodbye for real. Get going, brother." but Simon says while pointing at his heart, "This isn't goodbye. You're always with me, right?" making Kamina smile and say, "Yeah!"

Then all the infinite universes before him are shown and as Simon lifts his Core Drill, the alternate realities converge onto himself, transforming his hand which held the core drill into a giant drill, then his body starts to transform into parts of Gurren Lagann, and then transforms fully into Gurren Lagann, taking to the sky as a glowing green comet.