To the Anti-Spiral Universe

Jayr POV - Earth, Teppelin Region - 1007 AFA-SW

I open my eyes and watch as Nia's figure is glowing in a bright green light hiding her features, but with my senses, I can easily notice the minute changes her body is going through as her infected DNA is quickly overwritten by her clean one erasing the Anti-Spiral Factor from her being.

After a few seconds, the process ends and as soon as her body stops glowing, I also disperse the field causing her time stasis.

The now free Nia, blinks her eyes in confusion then she tilts her head and asks, "Ah? Jayr-san, did you complete your operation?"

I take a quick look at the remaining Mugann and see them becoming more disorganized as the last Jokyu-Mugann gets destroyed by Enkidudu, who sliced into 4 halves, then I gently smile at Nia and reply, "Yes, everything went well. You are no longer afflicted by the Anti-Spiral Factor."

After that, I ask, "How about you? How do you feel? Tell me immediately if you feel that something isn't right." Nia quickly shakes her head, then with a pure smile she replies, "No, everything is fine. In fact, I've never felt better in my life."

Hearing that, makes me feel relieved, then my attention is caught by the frenzied swarm of Soldier Class Mugann that seems about to disperse to lays waste to everything in their path and cause as much destruction as possible, so I look back at Nia and with a grin I ask, "Do you want to join them and take care of these remaining enemies?" making Nia reply with, "Sure!"

A grin forms on my face as I pull out my Silver Core Drill and summon Cratergann and I instantly find myself in its cockpit, at the same time, I open a portal and bring out Galeon and say, "Board on Galeon! We are gonna kick some ass!"

Nia nods and quickly moves toward Galeon then she easily jumps inside the cockpit and takes control of the Gunmen without any problems, once more showing the result of royal upbringing.

Soon after, a window opens on Cratergann's display showing Nia sitting in Galeon's cockpit as she tilts her head and looks at me she cluelessly asks, "Now what should I do? Do I have to yell Combine, now?"

But with still the same grin on my face, I shake my head and reply, "Nope. That's the Dai-Gurren Brigade's way of doing it. Instead, I'd like to honor my childhood memories..."

Then I input my Spiral Power into Cratergann and start to control the mini-type Gunmen so that it runs toward Galeon, and once close enough, Cratergann jumps as I yell out loud, "FUUUSION!"

Then Cratergann pierces the top of Galeon's head and starts the assimilation and transformation process as Galeon's limbs become longer and slimmer and the iconic sunglasses materialize on its chest face, while a crest appears on top of Cratergann's head.

Once the process is complete, I yell out, "Crater Gar!", then I finish by commenting, "After Cratergann fuses with Galeon, they become the mighty Gunmen Crater Gar, the warrior of hope and peace!"

But as soon as I said that, I regretted it a little bit, 'Dear Athena! Now that I've said that out loud, it feels a lot cringer than I thought. For sure it sounded a lot better in my mind...'

At the same time, many other windows open on my display as the pilots of the Dai-Gurren Brigade start to comment on my performance, the first to start is Kamina, who says, "Way to go, Jayr! That's for sure one hell of an entrance! It made my soul burn with even more fighting spirit!" followed by Kittan who says, "I don't know why did he yell "Fusion" instead of "Gattai"(Combine) but for some reason, it feels right!"

Even Simon looks at me with something akin to admiration in his eyes as he comments, "Even the speech after fitted perfectly. It was brief, on point, and with a lot of impact."

Of course, all these compliments and admirations make my embarrassment for this cringy performance grow even more and so I decide to do the only reasonable thing, I vent my frustration on these enemies still swarming around.

The first on the receiving end of my venting is a Soldier Class Mugann that thought that it could take advantage of the current situation to attack me from behind with its deadly laser, but I easily make Crater Gar avoid the attack with a simple side step, then under my control, Crater Gar raises its right hand and from its palm it shoots a single Drill Bullet that easily pierces through the Mugann's energy shield and even the Mugann itself, destroying it in a single blow.

After that, I don't stop but make Crater Gar quickly move, rushing toward another Soldier Class Mugann while making the claws on its wrist jump out while enhancing them with Spiral Power.

Once close enough, it quickly rips the Mugann apart the claws, and the destroyed Mugann turns into small explosives that devastate anything around me, causing Nia to shriek in surprise.

But I quickly tell her, "Don't worry, these explosions won't be able to cause any harm to Crater Gar." I also make sure to tell the others the same so that they don't get distracted by what is happening here.

At the same time, I think, 'It is natural that such a weak explosion is unable to cause any damage, after all, different from the usual Gunmen, Crater Gar has exactly the same durability as my Cloth. Nothing short of a blow capable of destroying the Universe will be able to cause any kind of damage to it.'

Then, I take advantage of the cover of the dust raised by the Soldier Class Mugann's self-destruction to shoot down a few more clueless Muganns with the Drill Bullets.

Finally, as the cloud of dust is about to clear and I vented enough frustration on the Soldier Class Mugann, I open a communication screen with Nia and ask, "Hey Nia, do you want to give it a try?"

Nia looks surprised for a moment, but then she timidly replies with, "Um... Sure... it could be fun..."

Meanwhile, I also want to test another feature of Crater Gar and see if it would work with someone else.

Then, I smile encouragingly and let go of the controls then I say, "Go, it's all yours." Nia nods and starts to control Crater Gar, and quickly starts to display an unexpected mastery as she makes the Gunmen weave through the Soldier Class Mugann's laser with quite a bit of finesse and grace and she is able to easily land critical strikes with Crater Gar's claws destroying a couple of Soldier Class Mugann, but she seems to be bothered by something.

And just as I'm about to question, I hear Nia's timid voice as she asks, "Un... Jayr-san... I'm seeing some weird things on the display, some kind of phantom image that seems to show the Mugann's attack pattern and movement before they actually do it, is it something I should be worried about, am I still being affected by the Anti-Spiral Factor or something?"

Hearing that, I quickly reassure her, "Do not worry. Nothing is wrong with you. I just activated one of Gar Cratergann's features, the Future Sight." then I explain, "It allows you to see a projection of the future, and predict your opponents' next moves before they can even think about them."

Nia let out a sigh of relief then she says, "I'm so glad it is simply something like that. I was getting a little worried." then she adds, "Jayr-san, I think I had enough. Fighting isn't something I truly enjoy, but thank you for the opportunity of letting me experience what Father, Simon, and the others usually go through,"

Hearing that I nod and take control of Crater Gar back from Nia, after that I take a quick look at the current situation and mutter, "It's time to end this play..."

Then I input more Spiral Power into Gar Cratergann making it produce five Spiral Balls that, under my control shoot out like homing missiles as I yell, "Ball Breaker!"

After soon that the five Spiral Balls all shoot out in different directions and as they draw their trajectories in the sky they quickly reach their targets, piercing through and destroying them in an instant before they start to chase after their next victim and the one after them, causing the destruction of all the remaining Soldier Class Mugann and a canopy of explosions that would make a certain blonde long haired ninja of another universe soil his underwears from a different kind of explosion.

Of course, to avoid causing damage to Gurren Lagann and the other Gunmen of the Dai-Gurren Brigade, I make the Spiral Balls spin around the explosions while also employing my Spiral Power to form a barrier around them, containing and compressing the explosions in the spherical barrier that gets smaller each passing moment.

As I admire my handiwork, I also hear Nia as she exclaims in wonder, "Wow..." followed by Kittan who yells out, "Holy crap! That was some crazy explosion!"

At the same time, an annoyed Viral complains, "You could have at least warned us one of those Soldier Class Mugann practically exploded in front of me..."

I look at a Viral image on the display and with a wry smile, I say, "Sorry, sorry. It's just that I had already made sure that you all were safe from the initial explosions, and that I also had enough time to safely contain them."

After that, we make sure to thoroughly clean up the battlefield so as to avoid any nasty surprises from the Anti-Spiral, I even use my Spiral Power to purify the whole area and to make sure that I left nothing to chance, I even spread my Spiral Power into the ground to eliminate all Anti-Spiral traces.

Then I open a portal that leads everyone to Cathedral Terra's bridge, where after we reunite with Lordgenome and Guame who are still occupied with tuning up Cathedral Terra and making sure that there isn't anything compromised, something that becomes a lot easier to do, now that I, Leeron, and the other engineers are here.

Once we fully secured Cathedral Terra, we all decide to throw a big party for Nia, who is now finally fully free from the Anti-Spiral's influence.

At the party, I can't help but smile seeing everyone, Humans and Beastmen, enjoying this party together despite the fact that they were enemies just a few weeks ago, then I hear Lordgenome's voice beside me as he says, "I have never thought possible that I could see such a beautiful sight once more. Their eyes are full of hope for tomorrow. Their happy smiles. This lively mood..."

I glance at Lordgenome and notice that his eyes are full of longing, then I say, "Sure, this is good enough for now. But this is only the start, there are many things that still have to be resolved. Some Humans are still full of grudges and hate for what the Beastmen did. And some Beastmen would for sure be resentful about the Humans' resurgence and losing their position as rulers of the surface. Moreover, there will also be Humans who will seek to remain underground, and the Tengen Toppa Dai-Gurren Brigade has to make sure to not forget about them. And let's not forget about Earth's current situation, the planet needs to be restored to the breathtaking beauty of its past."

Hearing that, Lordgenome's soft gaze hardens once more, and with a steeled resolve, he says, "Indeed there are still a lot of things to do, but before we have to worry about all that, we have to first defeat Antispiral, and the Anti-Spiral once and for all. This time I won't succumb to despair, my will won't break, and I will burn my very soul if it can open a path to a brighter future for those kids. This is the least I can do to atone for all the suffering I've caused."

Hearing that and feeling the guilt and self-hate in his tone, I walk in front of Lordgenome and look straight into his Rinnegan-like eyes, and say, "Lordgenome, I want you to listen to what I'm about to say with attention. Yes, you caused a lot of suffering and death, but not with a grand sacrifice that you will atone for what you did. You must live to continue to atone for your actions. Free as many people as you have oppressed, bring as much hope as you brought despair. You must live, as only by living you can find a way to move forward and maybe even forgive yourself and find happiness."

Lordgenome looks at me with clear confusion in his eyes as he asks, "How could you even think that someone like me deserves another chance after everything I have done?"

I smile wryly and reply, "You aren't the first person that for some reason or another lost his way and became a piece of shit. The same thing happened to three of my fellow Saints Deathmask, Saga, and Kanon. They too lost their way and caused much death, destruction, and suffering, even to innocent people. But despite that, the Goddess Athena realized that in their own way, their actions were still guided by their good intentions, and so she forgave them and gave them the chance to atone for their sins and prove to them that they can still fight for the right reasons."

After hearing that, Lordgenome looks thoughtful as he mutters, "The Goddess Athena, huh..." but soon after, it seems that he realizes something as his eyes open wide, then he looks at me and asks, "Wait!? Didn't you tell me that one of your girlfriends is the reincarnation of the Goddess Athena, the Goddess the Saints worship, fight for, and swore to protect? You're telling me that your girlfriend is THAT Goddess!?"

Hearing his question, I simply nod with a mixture of embarrassment and pride, then Lordgenome asks genuinely curious, "So how does this work? In fact, how did your fellow Saints react to this situation? No, more important... did you do it? How it was!? I'd like to know for... you know... research purpose."

And so, Lordgenome's mood improves and we spent the rest of the party enjoying ourselves in the company of the merry Dai-Gurren Brigade and the Beastmen manning Cathedral Terra.

At some point, I even had fun cockblocking Kamina who was about to get some alone time with Yoko by getting close to him and whispering two simple ominous words, and pranking Guame by giving him some particular data storage which contains some steamy video that I downloaded back when I was in Arifureta's Earth for true research purposes as you'll never know what could happen in the Omniverse, only among them there are also a few copies of a certain instrument of torture named Boku no Pico, all with different names so that he could witness it many times.

And so the day passed as we ate, drank, and simply had fun together as we relax from the pressure of what we are going to face tomorrow.

Jayr POV - Earth's orbit, Cathedral Terra - 1007 AFA-SW

Even if it is somewhat difficult to track time in space, it's a new day and the first thing I have to do in the morning is to regroup with Lordgenome and the Dai-Gurren Brigade's members on the bridge of Cathedral Terra to list today's objectives and elaborate plans for them.

So, once I'm awake, I get up, take a relaxing cold shower, and once dressed and ready, I prepare to get into the bridge, but since the size of this battleship is truly staggering, the only way to move around in this behemoth is through teleportation, in fact, there are teleportation panels all over the ship that one can use for moving around to any location desired.

I simply give a glance at the panel then I simply teleport into the bridge while thinking, 'Of course, for me such things are mostly useless because, I can easily teleport on my own, but for all the other people in this battleship unable to teleport these are a true blessing.'

Once on the bridge, I instantly notice that there are already many people here, Lordgenome, Guame who is glaring at me for some strange reason, Leeron, Nia, an awkward Simon, Kamina and Yoko, Kittan and his sisters, Viral, and all the others, it seems that I'm the last one to come.

I also notice that Lordgenome and Leeron seem to be discussing something important, especially since Leeron continues to calculate something with his pad.

Intrigued, I greet everyone and walk closer while asking, "Good morning, everyone! Is there something troubling you?"

Soon after the two scientific genius notices my presence, and Lordgenome explains, "Good morning, Jayr. We were just calculating the exact position we have to take to use the Dimensional Anchor so that we can pierce into the imaginary space where the true Moon resides and bring it out."

Hearing that, I clap my hands and exclaim, "That's right! I forgot about the Moon!" Lordgenome nods and says, "For now Earth is fine because Cathedral Lazengann is still taking over the Moon's place, but if we leave and do not fix the Moon back to its place, things on Earth would get nasty pretty quickly."

Hearing that Kittan, Simon, and Kamina ask at the same time, ""Why is the moon so important?""

I smile wryly and calmly explain, "The Moon plays an important role in stabilizing the earth's rotation and maintaining its climate. Without the Moon, the Earth's rotation would become erratic, causing major changes in the climate and weather patterns. The absence of the Moon could also lead to a decrease in ocean tides. Tides also help to mix and distribute nutrients in the oceans, which supports the growth of phytoplankton and other organisms. In conclusion, while Humans and Beastmen can technically live without the Moon, the Earth's environment, ecosystem, and climate would change significantly, which could indirectly affect your life and even cause a mass extinction."

As the trio loudly gulps, Leeron adds, "Basically, it is better to put the Moon back to its rightful place as soon as possible..."

Then I look at Lordgenome and ask, "Can you please move Cathedral Terra back a little?" making him look at me in confusion for a few moments before he realizes what I mean and orders the Beastmen to make Cathedral Terra slowly retreat under the confused gaze of the others that still don't understand what is going on.

After a few moments, one of the Beastmen manning the bridge reports, "Commander! We are in position!" Lordgenome then simply nods his head and gives me the signal that I can make my move.

I focus my senses to the maximum, but I don't pick up any spatial distortion nearby, then I remember that Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann is, in fact, a Multiverse with infinite possible universes that become real once observed, 'Yes, Gurren Lagann Universe has additional dimensions beyond the typical observed four-dimensional spacetime, also known as length, width, depth, and duration. The universes of the multiverse are 10-dimensional universes restricted to membranes (branes), so it does follow the string theory, and the extra dimensions are not happened to be compactified at Planck-length and do trivialize the lower dimensions since it has the usage of brane cosmology.'

Remembering that, I continue to follow that train of thought, 'Moreover, the Anti-Spiral created an isolated universe between two membranes as an imaginary oscillating spacetime which would correspond with complex projective space or imaginary space, so it complements the 10th and 11th dimensions to form a complex manifold, a non-euclidean universal manifold of space and time consisting of 10 dimensions of space and 1 dimension of time.'

And so, I focus on my senses even more and finally feel the existence of this whole multiverse faintly feeling all the "island universes" out there all coexisting in gravitational equilibrium, then using what I felt when I gained the Seed of Culture of this Universe, I also pick up a small imaginary 11-dimensional space connected to this universe, one just big enough to contain a small planetoid, and of course, inside this imaginary space there is the Moon.

Once I confirmed its position, without hesitation I move to the next part, I raise my hand and point at the empty space with my finger, then I simply use my Telekinesis to grab a hold of the moon and use my Spiral Power to open a portal into that imaginary space so that the Moon can pass through it.

Then I carefully pull the Moon out of the imaginary space and back into its regular position, under the surprise and awe of all the people in the bridge that finally understood what I'm doing.

After that, we start to discuss the most important topic at hand, who will come with me to the Anti-Spiral Universe to deal with Antispiral once and for all.

It is useless to say, that everyone wanted to come but Lordgenome quickly shoots them down, "Don't be such fools! You guys aren't ready yet! Do you have any idea how what we are going to face!?" but before he could continue, Simon interrupts him and says, "Yes we all know! We are going to face the greatest challenge we have ever faced. A being so strong and powerful that winning against him is almost impossible."

Simon holds Nia's hand and looks at her, then he glances at all his friends of the Dai-Gurren Brigade and continues, "But facing him is the only way to move forward. So even if it is truly impossible to win we will still do it and will win, because that is what we do best!"

Hearing that, all the members of the Dai-Gurren Brigade cheers after his speech, and Kamina yells out loud, "That's right, Simon! Well said! That's the Dai-Gurren Brigade's way!!"

Then all together they yell, ""KICK LOGIC TO THE CURB AND DO THE IMPOSSIBLE!!""

At this point, all Lordgenome can do is let out a sigh and accept this outcome, at the same time, I move closer to him and whisper, "You know that it is impossible to stop them once they decide on something. Moreover, these people already defeated Antispiral once, yes, their circumstances are different now, but that doesn't mean that they are any weaker."

Lordgenome slowly nods, then he says, "Very well, but before we leave for the Anti-Spiral Universe, we have to be sure to be fully prepared for what we are going to face. First, we will leave behind all the non-essential combat individuals to take care of things on Earth, like my concubines, Nia, and the children-"

But at this point, Nia says with a tone full of conviction, "I will come too, Father! There is no way I'll stay behind."

Seeing that he won't be able to change her mind, Lordgenome let out a defeated sigh and continues, "Then we will use Cathedral Terra's capabilities to produce Space Gunmen like Dekabutsu for everyone, because trust me, they will be needed."

Then an evil grin forms on his face as he says, "Most important, I'm going to train you guys so that you can at least have some basic control over your Spiral Power especially you Simon! Your Spiral Power is way stronger than mine and you are clearly on the cusp of fully awakening it, but your control truly sucks, basically, you are a kid wielding a bazooka, it is a miracle that you did blow yourself up!"

After that, we spent a few weeks preparing and building enough Space Gunmen for all the pilots, and so, Arc-Gurren Lagann, Space King Kittan, and all the others made their appearance, moreover, Lordgenome also built a Gunmen for Nia under her request, of course, the Gunmen in question is called Solverina, and is very similar to the one that appeared in the movie, only without hair, and much smaller, at the same time, he also converted Dayakkaiser into Yoko M Tank as Dayakka will take control of the bridge with Guame.

At the same time, Rossiu, Lordgenome's concubines, the kids Gimmy and Darry, and Kittan's sister were all dealing with things on Earth focusing on building a new city for the people that want to live on the surface, while I and Lordgenome torture- ehm, trained Simon and the others until we deemed them ready.

And finally, the day to face Antispiral finally came, and standing on the bridge of Cathedral Terra, I'm focusing my senses to feel the position of the Anti-Spiral Universe, then I open my eyes and says, "Found it!" and using my Spiral Power I input the coordinates into Cathedral Terra.

At the same time, Dayakka commands, "Cathedral Terra, launch!" followed by Lordgenome's voice, as he says, "Got it! To all the personnel, prepare for the Perceptual Teleportation! Spiral Realm Perceptual Teleportation System, activate!"

I watch as a huge green portal opens in front of the battleship and as we slowly fly through it, with a smile, I say, "Anti-Spiral Universe we are coming!"