All Is Well What- What the Fuck?

Jayr POV - Anti-Spiral Universe - 1007 AFA-SW

As I watch Antispiral's Granzeboma crash onto the mega galaxy that function as our floor, I hear Kamina's voice as he says as Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann steps next to me, "Thanks Jayr. Without your help, I'm not sure how we could have faced that monster." following that Lordgenome warns, "It is still too soon for that. Don't lower your guard yet as we still have to truly defeat them."

At the same time, I notice that now all the other Tengen Toppa Gunmen are standing behind me ready to once more face the Anti-Spiral, at the same time, through the communication channel, I hear Guame as he chuckles and suggests, "He, he, I think that our opponents need a reminder..."

Hearing that, I look at the slowly standing Granzeboma and understand what he means, a grin forms on my face as I say, "Did you see this, Anti-Spiral? This is my resolve, this is our resolve! The resolve of the Tengen Toppa Dai-Gurren Brigade!"

At this point it seems that everyone else also catches on as Simon yells, "We'll say it as often as it takes!" and all together we shout, ""WHO THE HELL DO YOU THINK WE ARE!!?""

At the same time, while getting chills for being part of such an iconic moment, I feel their Spiral Power surge even more as their willpower, hopes, and dreams get stronger and firmer influencing it.

But that is quickly followed by a surge of Antispiral's Anti-Spiral Power as it is enraged by our defiance, so much that Granzeboma grows a few sizes bigger while the Anti-Spiral storm coming from Granzeboma's core erupts like a volcanic explosion with some blue electrical discharge all around.

At the same time, Antispiral yells, "This is not over yet! Such arrogance comes from a lowly species that is kept suppressed by us and a visitor from another universe that seems keen on bringing this one on the path to its destruction! We will make you regret your arrogance!"

While yelling that, Granzeboma grabs two nearby Super Spiral galaxies in the Anti-Spiral Space with its shoulder arms, crushes them together, and compresses their matter and energy into a ball while also inputting its Anti-Spiral Power.

Then as everyone is worrying about the absolutely scary level of energy, Antispiral yells, "Infinity Big Bang Storm!"

Granzaboma then unleashes the resulting pressure, combined with the Anti-Spiral's own energy, as an enormous blast of raw energy.

As the multiverse-ending energy wave comes crashing toward us with an impossible concentration of power and energy, so much so that the whole Anti-Spiral Universe shakes before its might.

I step forward and concentrate my Spiral Cosmo into the Protect Arm's power, at the same time, Tengen Toppa GunCraterGar steps forward and raises its left hand, as I make my Spiral Cosmo surge and yell, "Protect Shade!"

The next moment, from the left hand a massive spiral energy barrier made of Spiral Cosmo is generated, and soon after, the Infinity Big Bang Storm crashes against the energy barrier and I instantly notice that an endless series of Super Spiral galaxies literally flies from the point of impact.

At the same time, I hear Antispiral's voice as it says, "Burn in the everlasting hellfire of the universe's creation! Be utterly annihilated, down to the very last scrap of DNA!"

Meanwhile, as I'm on the receiving end of its ultimate technique, constantly powering the Protect Shade with my Spiral Cosmo feeling for the first time since I acquired my Spiral Cosmo a strain for trying to keep up with this kind of energy levels.

And so, while doing everything possible to protect everyone behind me, I can't help but internally scream in equally excitement and anxiousness, 'Holy crap! This is crazy! Until now the most I dealt with was attacks with the power that were on par with that of the Big Bang! But this energy wave has the power of an infinite number of Big Bangs, it has literally enough energy to birth countless universes... and the most crazy thing is that together with Tengen Toppa GunCraterGar I can withstand and keep up! For the first time, I truly realized what kind of power level I truly have reached!'

While I was thinking that, from the communication channel I hear Kamina's worried voice as he asks, "Jayr! Are you okay!?" followed by everyone else who also show their concern for me while also asking if I need help, then Lordgenome who misunderstood my silence says, "Jayr! it's fine... Leave this to me! I'll do what I have to do, I'll give my life to give you a chance to open a path to a brighter tomorrow for all Spiral life."

But just as Tengen Toppa Lazengann is about to step forward I finally reply, "Where the hell are you going, baldy!? I'm still fine. I was just entranced by the realization of what I'm currently capable of. Just stay still and enjoy the show!"

Then as I look back at the Infinity Big Bang Storm and more importantly at Antispiral, who notices that I'm still enduring the full might of its attack and exclaims, "Impossible! Nothing should be able to withstand our power!"

Hearing that, a grin forms on my face as I yell, "Mark my words! I'll defeat you! I'll bring an end to your oppression! And end the threat that the Spiral Nemesis poses to this universe once and for all!!"

After saying that, I focus on the energy barrier generated by the Protect Shade and make it spin, and soon, the Infinity Big Bang Storm is absorbed by it merging it with my Spiral Cosmo making Tengen Toppa GunCraterGar shine in the pure golden light of my Spiral Cosmo which start overflowing, and at the same time, makes me instantly understand the proprieties of Anti-Spiral Power which merges with my Spiral Cosmo, basically creating my own Anti-Spiral Cosmo.

Feeling that change, I mutter, "How funny, Spiral Power and Anti-Spiral Power, in the end, are different faces of the same coin, the only difference is their power sources, Spiral Power is powered by positive emotions, granting it a less "aggressive" and a quite beneficial nature making it very suitable to speed up the evolution of a Spiral being but ironically also a lot more "lively" and prone to go out of control, while Anti-Spiral Power is powered by negative emotions, it is more "aggressive" and harmful but that also makes it way less prone to get out of control as it feels quite "dull", in fact, it is a lot easier to manipulate and control compared with the Spiral Power."

Meanwhile, Antispiral, who saw that I absorbed its ultimate attack and heard what I just said, exclaims in shock, "What in the world!?"

But before he could do anything else, I unleash Tengen Toppa GunCraterGar's ultimate technique, taking advantage of my new ability to also generate Anti-Spiral Cosmo.

And so, under my command, Tengen Toppa GunGraterGar's tail splits into 6 sections that start hover over Tengen Toppa GunGraterGar, at the same time, the hands reconfigure to add an extra finger joint making them longer and appear even more feral.

At this point, the sections break into dozens of shards that collect over both hands, forming gigantic black claws on all fingers except the thumbs.

Then I shout, "Hell & Heaven!" while at the same time, I unleash the full power of my energy and concentrate it toward the Tengen Toppa GunGraterGar's arms, only I concentrate the newly gained Anti-Spiral Cosmo into the Broken Arm, which starts shining in pure purple color as it discharges flame-like energy that rotates around the Broken Arm, at the same time, I feel the rules of time and space on the right side of Tengen Toppa GunGraterGar slowly ripping apart.

Meanwhile, in the Protect Arm, I gather the usual Spiral Cosmo making it shine with pure gold light as it releases golden concentric waves of energy, and different from the right side, on the left, I feel the rules of time and space bending around and soon these two strange phenomena start to merge generating a quite dizzy sight.

But soon the strangely freaky phenomena stop, and under my control, Tengen Toppa GunCraterGar holds its hands at the same height as it slowly brings them together in a perfect balance as I chant in Greek, "Dýo exousíes se mía. (Two powers into one.)"

As Tengen Toppa GunCraterGar clasps its hands together, a titanic purple-golden tornado of Spiral Cosmo forms around the Granzeboma binding it in an absolute lock as the purple-golden tornado instantly rips apart anything that Antispiral could try to use to escape.

Realizing this, Antispiral exclaims in shock, "You lowly lifeform have mastered such a vast amount of energy? Unbelievable!"

I look at the bound Granzeboma and say, "I evolved beyond the person I was before I came to this universe. And I'll continue to evolve, going even beyond that, all to protect what I care for and to aid anyone I think needs help without caring about the consequences as I'll become strong enough to hold the sky for them if there will be a need and even rip it apart. This is the goal I'm pursuing!"

Granzeboma tries to move and break free but the purple-golden tornado hold is too strong even from it as it continuously disperses any Anti-Spiral Power it tries to gather, and an enraged and frustrated Antispiral yells, "That is the path that leads to extinction! Why can't you see the limitation of the Spiral race?"

But I quickly rebut, "No, that's your limitation! You sit here in your closed-off universe, locking away other lifeforms like you're some kind of god! That's nobody's limitation but your own created by your own fears! Spiral lifeforms have limitless potential, they can become something much bigger than they ever thought possible! I believe in that potential because I, myself, have taken that initial step and that already gave me enough power to overcome you and help the lifeform of this universe survive the Spiral Nemesis, I can even stop it from happening if I desire! That's why I'll stop you! That's why I'll save you all from your self-imposed hell and make you live once more!"

At this point, I unleash the full might of my Spiral Cosmo as Tengen Toppa GunCraterGar charges into the Granzeboma as I yell in Greek, "ZOI!! (LIVE!!)"

Granzeboma tries to stop my advance with tentacles fired from first the Granzeboma and then the Anti-Spiral homeworld itself but Tengen Toppa GunCraterGar's charge is unstoppable and rips them apart before they can even touch it.

Then Tengen Toppa GunCraterGar smashes its gathered fist into the enemy core, the Anti-Spiral's homeworld, smashing Granzeboma apart, after that, it tears the Anti-Spiral's homeworld out holding it in both hands.

At this point, I use the full might of the abilities I gained through my ascension to godhood, I focus on my 9th Sense gathering all the information I need, and then I impose my will onto reality creating a perfect copy of the Anti-Spiral's homeworld when it was at its primal state and place it back in the normal universe, after that I concentrate on every being on the Anti-Spiral's homeworld and send them into a temporany cycle of reincarnation I just created giving them the opportunity to be reborn in the newly created world and live a life without the constant fear of the Spiral Nemesis.

Seeing what I'm doing and feeling itself growing weaker and weaker as each Anti-Spiral race member slowly enters the temporary cycle of reincarnation, Antispiral lets out a resigned sigh accepting its defeat, and slowly says, "If this is how it must be, protect the universe at all costs..."

Hearing that, I smile, then as the last of the Anti-Spiral race went into the temporary cycle of reincarnation I say, "Of course, I'll make sure to protect this universe from all threat... So just enjoy your life free from fear!"

As I say that, Tengen Toppa GunCraterGar crushes the Anti-Spiral's homeworld killing Antispiral with it causing the Anti-Spiral universe to start collapsing onto itself.

So I quickly use Spirit Magic to create a soul for Antispiral's remaining will which I instantly purify to remove all its memories just like I did for all the other Anti-Spirals, then send it into the temporary circle of reincarnation to give the self-claimed guardian of the universe a chance to truly become an individual and live a fulfilling life on its own as despise its flawed and extreme methods, it never was truly evil as he never enjoyed what it had to do to prevent the Spiral Nemesis.

Done with that, I reign in my Spiral Cosmo, and so my Gunmen immediately gets out of its Tengen Toppa state and returns back to its Space Gunmen one, which is basically with the simple difference that it is only 1300 km tall and that the energy storm coming out of its head is now bright green as now I'm simply using Spiral Power as an energy source.

As the Anti-Spiral Universe continues to collapse, I quickly open a space-time tunnel that leads back to the Dai-Gurren Brigade's Universe and without hesitation, I push everyone's Gunmen, who in the meantime also reverted back to their normal very battered state, into it escaping this universe that is about to collapse on itself.

Back on the Dai-Gurren Brigade Universe, I watch as the Anti-Spiral Universe, which fully collapsed onto itself, explodes with such force that can not only be felt even in this universe but can even be seen, in fact, thanks to my awareness, I notice that it can be seen from all the possible universes of the Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann's Universe.

But despite that, the explosion itself doesn't harm any of the other universes thanks to the fact, that the Anti-Spiral Universe was totally isolated universe between two membranes in an imaginary oscillating spacetime.

After that, I hear Lordgenome's voice through the communication channel as he mutters, "It's finally over..." but I quickly connect to the channel and correct him, "Lordgenome, you are wrong. This isn't the end, it is only the start. It is the start of a new and hopefully better future, but as with all the beginnings it will need a lot of hard work to make sure that everything will go well."

At this point, Guame says, "Jayr is right. We not only have to restore Earth but also build a working and fair society that will include both Beastmen and Humans while also teaching them about the dangers of Spiral Power... after all, even if Jayr here can stop the Spiral Nemesis or make it harmless for the all the lifeforms, it doesn't mean that we have the right to be reckless with it."

Leeron then follows after Guame as he adds, "Moreover we also have to contact the other freed Spiral races and see if they want to join us in building a brighter future for everyone... Aaah there will be a lot of work to do... I can already feel my beautiful smooth skin starting to wrinkle at the thought..."

Hearing what Leeron said, Lordgenome then jokes, "Well, if you are so afraid to get older just put your body in biological stasis, you don't even need Spiral Power for that as it isn't something too hard to do using our current technology..." which makes Leeron says in a coy tone, "Haa, Lordgenome-chama did I ever told you how manly and handsome you are? Say, can you lend a hand to a friend in need, someone who stood by your side as you fought an almost almighty being?"

After that, we all continued to joke around as we calmly returned back to Earth at cruise speed which took a week more or less, and once there we were welcomed by a massive cheering crowd formed by the members of the Dai-Gurren Brigade who remained behind, some humans groups that came to the surface, and other more remote and peaceful Beastmen groups, who joined in the effort of building the city which will host the new budding society and welcome all those who choose to join.

Confused by the sight of such a gathering as it is way too soon for so many people to join, we all ask Rossiu what is going on, and he told us that Antispiral basically showed our battle to everyone in the Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann Universe, probably tried to show their might and our eventual defeat to bring despair to the whole universe and so reduce the chance that the Spiral lifeform would rise against them once more and the chance that they could awaken their Spiral Power.

In the end, all it was able to do was promote the Tengen Toppa Dai-Gurren Brigade hailing us as heroes throughout the universe, and at the same time, it also redeemed the Beastmen's reputation as they fought by our side showing their valor and honors instead of the more brutal sides that they were know among the Humans, first among them all Viral, who got very popular and respected, this also helped in making the Humans accept the Beastmen more easily, bringing them together.

And so after our heroic return and the victory celebration, everyone starts to move on and focus on building the newly named Tengen Toppa City, which gets faster and faster as more and more people willingly join in the effort.

But during all this, something unexpected happened, I started to get an increasing amount of faith energy from this universe, not only from remote zones of the universe where some less developed Spiral lifeform probably started to worship me as a godly being, something that I had already somewhat expected since I learned of the Anti-Spiral's broadcast, but even from within this very budding city.

And after using my senses and awareness, I finally found out the reason.

It appears that the people of that village I helped when I first came to this universe also migrated here and joined in the effort of building Tengen Toppa City, and most of them started to help with taking care of the injuries that result from the usual accidents that happen in a construction site, while also taking care of the ills using the knowledge I granted them together with the gifts of my blessing I give them when I tested my newly gained divinity making them much appreciated among the people.

Moreover, it seems that they also built a small temple and started to preach in my name using the Healer's Oath, the few random things I told them before, and what they saw during the fight with Antispiral to form their own religion, which is surprisingly quite similar to the one that is currently still spreading on Tortus, based on helping the others in their moment of need, and to not condone injustice.

Add the fact that the whole universe saw me fighting against a colossal demonic-looking titan with powers way beyond their comprehension, and it seems obvious that this religion started spreading all over Tengen Toppa City.

The funny thing is that not even Kamina, Simon, Lordgenome, and the others are spared from the misunderstanding, as they became some kind of holy warriors that fought by God's side to defeat the mighty evil God.

With things having reached this point it is already too late to stop them, moreover, their Faith energy is still helpful so I simply leave things as they are and materialize the same Holy Scripture which is used in Tortus.

Meanwhile, Guame realized the potential of this which could be used to teach everyone about the Spiral Power and its dangers.

And so he also wrote a book with the title Tengen Toppa Chronicles, which epically narrates the story of this world, from the First Anti-Spiral War to Lordgenome's beginning as a Spiral Warrior, his meeting with Antispiral and fall into despair learning the truth behind the war, his raise as the tyrannical Spiral King without conceailing anything about his cruel rule, the creation of the Beastmen race and the true reason behind their actions and behavior.

Then it narrates the start of the Dai-Gurren Brigade Rebellion and the first appearance of Jayr, the God of Healing and Justice, how he rekindled the Spiral King's hope making him start his journey to redemption while preparing humanity for what is about to come using the Battle of Teppelin, after that it narrates the fight of the Tengen Toppa Dai-Gurren Brigade against the Anti-Spiral while also telling about the reason behind Anti-Spiral's actions, the Spiral Nemesis.

Overall, it is quite an expansive book that, while historically accurate, is also written with the same flair of an epic story, as a result, it became quite popular among the people who can read, as currently, the literacy rate is still quite low, but something about it is already being done as there are lessons every day open to everyone.

Another thing I did while helping, was to install all the helpful advanced knowledge in Lordgenome's possession into Cratergann, and giving a quick look at the virtual library, I can't help but mutter, "Damn it is absurd how much knowledge Lordgenome acquired in his life, for sure he is a brilliant scientist who made many breakthroughs in the field of genetic engineering through his experiments with cloning technology, physics through his experiments in spacial-temporal travel, and engineering with his creation of the Gunmen, but his knowledge in computer science and other subjects is also nothing to laugh at. Sometimes, I forget that all the current scientific breakthroughs originate from his designs."

But while I was relaxing reading on how to hack into a quantum computer-powered AI, all of a sudden, I heard a familiar mechanical voice at it say, [AttEnTiOn! AttEnTiOn! WarP To rAnDoM UnIvERse WiLL StaRt in 30 MiNuTeS! WarP To rAnDoM UnIvERse WiLL StaRt in 30 MiNuTeS! Be PreSent oR iT WilL bE CoNsiDereD AS yoUR wIthDrawAl FroM The Battle Across The Omniverse and So yoU wilL Lose YouR BLESSING witH All ItS PrivileGes! I RePeAt! Be PreSent oR iT WilL bE CoNsiDereD AS yoUR wIthDrawAl FroM The Battle Across The Omniverse and So yoU wilL Lose YouR BLESSING witH All ItS PrivileGes! THIS MESSAGE WILL BE REPEATED EVERY 5 MINUTES UNLESS YOU STAND IN FRONT OF THE UNIGATE!]

Hearing that, I stand stunned on the spot for a few seconds, then I realize what it means and quickly ask, "Culture! What is going on!? Shouldn't this happen on the day of my 18th birthday? Why it is happening so soon!?"

Soon I hear Culture's voice as he shyly replies, [Ahh! You see... I kind of messed up! I forgot to warn you about this! For the 3rd year random battle starts sooner because the time of birth of the Champion of the first Concept is used as a mark to start it as an advantage for the previous winner so the Champion has more time than the others to prepare.]

Hearing that I curse out loud, then I ask, "Damn it! Are there other important things I should know about this Random Battle?"

Culture then quickly replies, [Yes. First of all, this Random Battle as it says in the name will randomly pair you with another Champion and then you will be sent to a random universe, that is if you aren't lucky to get a bye as your numbers are odd, in that case, you can simply do as you like while all the other will compete.]

Until now Culture didn't tell me anything new, but soon it adds, [Second, you can't access your Soulbound Territory during your Random Battle, you can only use it to bring out objects or allies but you can't go inside to hide or escape a dangerous situation.]

Hearing that I frown while thinking, 'Okay, that isn't as bad as it sounds, sure I can't hide inside it, but the same is true for my opponent, and I can always escape by telepo...'

But just as I was thinking that Culture chuckles and continues clearly listening to my thoughts, [Third, it is forbidden to escape the Random Battle by teleporting to another Universe through techniques, magic, technology or any kind of object or artifact, such attempt will always result in failure. The only way to leave that Universe will be by killing your opponent or defeating it in an approved challenge. Another thing is that this Random Battle will last for a year, which means if a year passes but there isn't a winner yet, then it will deemed a draw and both Champions will be able to leave with the Unigate or their own means.]