Leaving Gecko Island

Jayr POV - Blue Star, East Blue, Gecko Island - 20 GAP

After remembering that my Golden Blood is basically a cure-it-all elixir, I simply stay next to the patients, Kaya's parents, for the next 3 hours to make sure that the blood transfusion process is completed without hiccups and that the patients can make a full recovery, of course, I did send the girls a telepathic message updating them on what happened and what I'm doing so that they can relax with a peace of mind.

At the same time, as I'm waiting for the blood transfusion process to end while constantly checking on the vital parameters of Mr. Fuji and Mrs. Koyo, who are actually the names of Kaya's parents, I also spend the rest of the time teaching Kaya some basic knowledge about medicine that it isn't taught in books, at least not in the books of this world, like the essentials of a first-aid procedure, how to quickly assess the situation, how to organize the situation in case of a sudden influx of patients and so on.

(AN: Since Kaya's name is another name for the Japanese Nutmeg-yew, a slow-growing tree native to Japan, I gave her parents similar names, Fuji for the Japanese Wisteria, and Koyo for the Japanese Rowan.)

Of course, I also give her some tips on how to cure some basic and simple ailments using some natural resources that can be easily found on the island, while also giving her some seeds of medicinal plants that can easily grown in the tropical climate of this island.

After some time, Kaya looks at me worried and suddenly asks in a timid tone, "Uhm... Jayr-san... Are you okay? From what I know it isn't safe to do a blood transfusion on two people at the same time... You are losing too much blood too fast... Are you going to be fine?"

Hearing that, I smile and reply to reassure, "Don't worry, I'm fine. Sure for normal people this is basically a death sentence. But this is nothing for me as I'm a special case. I constantly produce just as much blood as I'm losing it, so no matter how much blood I donate, I won't feel anything and it won't harm me." while thinking, 'My regeneration is just too strong to be harmed by something like that.'

At the same time, I once more check Mr. Fuji and Mrs. Koyo's situation, 'Their situation has now stabilized, their bodies are now totally clean, there isn't any trace of the poison left, and they are now out of danger, and more important, on their way to full recovery as the damage to the organs done by the poison is also quickly recovering. The Golden Blood worked perfectly, they will be back in perfect health without any other issues.'

Then, I also check the status of the Golden Blood running inside their bodies and notice that most of it has now become simple, normal, healthy blood and curiously it even become the same type as the blood receiver, in fact, there is now no difference between my blood coursing into their bodies and their own blood, I can clearly sense that they are exactly the same, there is no trace of what made my blood unique, basically, that isn't my blood anymore, but it is just like the blood produced by Mr. Fuji and Mrs. Koyo's bone marrow.

Perceiving all that I realize, 'It seems that once the Golden Blood has completed its healing effect, then it turns into a perfect copy of the patient's blood making it completely safe for the patient...Good to know.'

Finally, the blood transfusion process is done, and both Mr. Fuji and Mrs. Koyo are safe and back in perfect health even if they are still unconscious, but they can wake up at any moment, so I quickly tell Kaya to call the head maid and Merry and tell them the good news and while Kaya happily rushes outside with a big smile on her face, I remove the IVs and all the other instrument, then I erase the black blood in the basin.

Soon after, the head maid, Merry, and the village doctor rush inside and after a quick look at the peacefully sleeping couple, and a nod from the village doctor who just finished checking on them, both the head maid and Merry bow as the old head maid says, "Jayr-san thank you very much for saving Lord Fuji and Lady Koyo's life. I truly dread what could have happened if you didn't happen to be here... Especially after knowing about Klahadore's... Kuro's true nature. That bastard!"

At this point, a curious Kaya who still didn't know the truth innocently asks, "What's wrong with Klahadore-san?" making Merry and the head maid explain about Kuro and how after knowing that he was a vicious pirate that he is probably the one behind her parents' poisoning much to the young teen shock and horror.

After that, Merry looks at me and asks, "Talking about that hateful individual, what are we going to do with him? Are we going to give him to the Marines and let them deal with him?"

As Merry reminds me of Kuro's current situation, a certain idea is suddenly sparked in my mind, 'Wait! What if I take a page from Biscuit Krueger's book and use him to train Koby in fighting a pirate aiming for his life... a real-life combat situation completely under my control... me likey!'

And with that, I quickly say, "I don't think it is a good idea, the nearest Marine Branch is the 153rd which is under the control of the Marine Captain "Axe-Hand" Morgan, whose most notable accomplishment is the capture of the pirate Kuro the captain of the Black Cat Pirates, something that earned him his promotion that started his rise through the Marine ranks... But now we know that all that was just as rouse orchestrated by Kuro to escape and start a new life, and what Morgan captured was simply a scapegoat..."

At this point everyone looks at me carefully listening to everything I say as I explain, "To tell you all the truth, I don't know how Morgan would react to the news, what I heard of him isn't stellar, basically from what I hear he is a power-hungry tyrant, ruling Shell Town chiefly through terror, quick to threaten execution for the slightest defiance, and utterly convinced of his own infallibility... I fear that the least he would do is deny that Kuro truly escaped and set him free while blaming you all for some absurd reason or even try to cover everything up and silence everyone that knows the truth."

Hearing that, everyone falls into silence as they digest my words, when all of a sudden, a new weak voice says, "He is right... that is something that a man like "Axe-Hand" Morgan would definitely do..."

Instantly Merry, the head maid, and Kaya, snap out of their munsing and all stare at one of the beds where the middle-aged man with brown short hair, a well-trimmed goatee, and clear blue eyes slowly sits up and looks back at them and more precisely at Kaya with a smile on his face.

Quickly Merry and the head maid greet the awakened man, "Lord Fuji!!" while Kaya rushes toward him crying, "Dad!!" and tightly hugs him.

Mr. Fuji slowly hugs his daughter back and reassures her while apologizing, "There, there... Father is sorry for making you worry so much."

Then he looks at me and while bowing his head he slowly says, "Doctor... thank you for saving my and my wife's life." but I shake my head and reply, "You don't need to thank me. The main reason I chose to become a doctor was to save and help as many people as possible..." I let my word linger for a moment and then with a smirk I add "... And of course, more importantly, because girls love it."

Making Merry and Mr.Fuji chuckle, while the old head maid let out a loud annoyed snort then I add, "But if you really want to thank someone, you should thank young Usopp, he is the one who brought your situation to my attention and who asked me to help... While he does have some flaws, he truly is a loyal and caring friend."

After that, Mr. Fuji sighs out loud and mutters, "I would have never thought that the destitute and kind man I welcomed into my house, would in fact hide such a hideous nature. I truly fear what would have happened to Kaya if everything went according to his plans." which makes Merry comment, "You don't have to worry about that anymore Lord Fuji, Jayr-san has already dealt with that man. Now you only have to focus on recovering well."

At this point, I bring back the topic we were discussing before Mr. Fuji woke up, "Anyway, I'll take care of Kuro and give him to the first Marine that can be trusted, so you don't have to worry about him." making all three of them nod.

I remained with them for another hour to check if everything was fine, and in that hour, Usopp joined us and started to tell Kaya a story under Mr. Fuji's blazing gaze, then Kaya's mother, Mrs. Koyo also woke up and Kaya once more started to cry in joy and relief for the fact that both her parents are now fine, and so I decide that it is finally time, and so I leave the family to their own device.

As Usopp is now being questioned by Mr. Fuji about what he thinks about his daughter and Mrs. Koyo who ara ared from behind enjoying the scene with an embarrassed Kaya.

But before leaving the island, I focus on the main reason I came here and as we walk toward the mansion entrance, I casually let Merry talk about his pet project as I drop the hint about the fact that I created my own ship alone, and with that as a point of connection I ask him to show me his work, and more than happy Merry accepts.

So once outside, I first tell Koby the good news about Kaya's parents, then I once again knock out Kuro who in the meantime woke up, and like a sack of trash I drag him, as Koby and I follow Merry toward the hidden location where his masterpiece is resting.

Finally, I'm standing in front of her, the iconic caravel with a figurehead in the shape of a lamb, the one, the only, the Going Merry.

(Image Here - Going Merry)

I walk closer to her and touch the wood of her hull with my hand and mutter trying to hold back the tears that threaten to fall from my eyes as I remember all her moments in the anime, "She is beautiful..."

At the same time, I take advantage of this moment to use Creation Magic to instill Restoration Magic into the Going Merry making so that no matter how much damage she will receive in the future, she will always return to her perfect state.

Then I turn around and compliment the builder, Merry, "You did a wonderful job, sure, it is an old model, but it is built with love and care..." making the human-mink hybrid proudly grin.

After that, I and Koby walk back toward the Athena's God Bidoof while still dragging the sack of human trash that is Kuro, and as we are halfway to our destination, Koby suddenly asks in a worried tone, "J-Jayr-san... Is it truly fine to bring someone like him back with us? In the same place where your girlfriends and children are living?"

Hearing that I snort out loud and say, "Do you think that someone like him could truly be a danger to the kids and girls?"

Seeing him silently and slowly nod, I simply start to laugh for a few moments, then I explain, "First of all, I would never expose my family to a true danger. At the moment, Kuro is powerless to do anything as I have basically paralyzed him, he can't move unless I allow him to do so again, plus, there is Nikita who is also a lot stronger than she appears as you can consider her like someone who ate the Zoan Devil Fruit Inu Inu no Mi, Model: Wolf (Dog Dog Fruit, Model: Wolf)."

Knowing that, Koby let out a sigh of relief, then with a smile I add, "Another important factor that you have to know is that my girls aren't as defenseless as they appear, both Tio and Eri are strong enough to easily wipe out an island like this, and while Saori isn't very prone to fight herself, but if she is forced to do so, then very few can even hope to win against her, and while Seika is the weakest among us, she too isn't as defenseless as her kind appearance and behavior indicates."

And while saying that, I can't help but think back at the shock I received last year soon after I returned from The Boys Universe and discovered that Seika secretly trained with Shaina, Geist, Marin, and Seiya's help, and not only she awakened her 6th Sense and Cosmo but she was even acknowledged by a Bronze Cloth and became herself a Saint of Athena, of course her very special relationship to the Goddess herself may also have helped a little with that.

At the same time, I can't help but smirk while thinking about her Cloth, 'Funnily enough, just like my family has some kind of connection with Snakes, it seems that Seiya and Seika also share a similar connection to the horses, as she fell under the protection of the Equuleus Constellation, the little horse or foal, and became the Equuleus Saint while Saiya is obviously the Pegasus Saint, which is basically the winged horse.'

While thinking that, Koby exclaims in shock and realization, "So that's why you are so sure of Kharna-chan and Galen-chan's safety, everyone on the ship is so strong!"

I then look at Koby and with a relaxed smile I add, "Even if something unexpected happens there is also the kids' last line of defense... the mighty Python."

Hearing that, Koby looks a little confused as he asks, "That cute little snake you keep as a family pet?" I nod and explain, "Yes, he is a gift from Saori's father. He can easily control his size at will, and while he mostly appears as a small winged serpent, he can easily grow as big as the Athena's God Bidoof and his scales are impenetrable so much that not even a volley of cannon balls can harm him, not only that, but his poison is so potent that can basically kill anything... And all that despite the fact that he is a few months old, which means that he will continue to grow stronger and bigger the older he becomes."

At this point, Koby pales and shakes a little remembering the fact that he carelessly played with Python and the kids to the point that he even let Python give him some bites during a play, but of course, he was safe the whole time as Python has perfect control over his poison so much that can not only decide if inject it or not, but he can even use the poison as medicine to prolong someone life in case they need it, truly Zeus didn't go half-measures when creating him, and the Spiral Cosmo I gave him enhanced him even more.

Then I look at Koby and with an evil smirk, I say, "Hehehe. You know, Koby? You shouldn't worry about the others, now you should worry about yourself, because I had a very nice idea. You see, I don't like the idea that Kuro here will freeload on us until we give him to some trustworthy Marine, so he will earn his keep by becoming your sparring partner for the afternoon part of your training and as an incentive to him to do a good job, the more he will be able to beat you up, the more lavish his meal and treatment will be..."

Quickly Koby's head snaps in my direction as he exclaims, "W-Wait, Jayr-san-." but I interrupt him and say, "Koby, he is only a pirate with a bounty of 16.000.000 Beli in the weakest of the Four Seas, he is a small weak fish in a smaller and weaker pond... And to fulfill your dream you will meet countless pirates like him, some of the nameless and bountyless pirate grunts in the Grand Line can effortlessly kill someone like him, to not talk about the main members and the captains with bigger bounties, and I'm talking about the first half of the Grand Line the one named Paradise because it is the least dangerous one. The monster living in the second half called New World won't even need to make a move as the natural hazards there are more than enough to kill him, he will never amount to much more."

Then I put a hand on his shoulder and said, "True, right now he is dangerous and stronger than you, but in the end, he will be only your stepping stone, the first of the many pirates that you will defeat. I believe in you and in your will to move forward, so can you believe in yourself? Can you believe that you will make your dream come true as long as work hard and persevere through all the hardships?"

Koby looks back at me with eyes shining in resolution as he replies in a confident tone "Yes, Jayr-san! I belie- Ouch!" then he suddenly stumbles and falls on the ground, the reason for that is because when I put my hand on his shoulder I also took advantage of the moment to increase the weight of his weighted clothes as he got too used to them and are now too light for him to work as effective training, and as grandpa Jayr taught me, the best way to train is too always push yourself beyond your limits, and a little more beyond that too, sure it isn't recommended if you don't have the means to heal yourself back to perfect health or some kind of energy that will help you survive or even the good judgment to know when to stop before it is too late.

This is also the main reason why so many Saint Trainees died, they all follow this training philosophy but they push themselves too far and too fast without being properly prepared for what is expected to happen afterwards.

In the meantime, Koby struggles to stand up as he questions still surprised by the unexpected change, "W-What happened? Why did my clothes suddenly get heavier!?" making me quickly explain to him the reason behind the change.

After that, Koby slowly gets up and we both continue to walk back toward the Athena God's Bidoof as I already start to think about our next destination, 'Now that I've made sure that the Going Merry is going to survive no matter what, it's time to check the last location I had in mind before we sail toward the Grand Line where this world truly becomes adventurous and where we can enjoy some truly enchanting and unexpected sights. It's time to sail toward Dawn Island and check on the protagonist of this universe.'

Age POV - Blue Star, West Blue - 20 GAP

'I'm so glad that devious bastard chose to send me into this world...' that's what I'm thinking as I look at the young bounty hunter with short blond hair as she slowly moves her hand up and down my shaft, as she teases the tip of my penis with her tongue and stares at me with her bright green eyes.

Then as she lowers her head and welcomes my penis into her warm mouth, I let out a content sigh as my mind wanders thinking back about how I found myself in this situation.

Everything was going well for me after I successfully escaped from my home universe because of that lunatic monster in a red suit and arrived at my new destination, the Heroes Universe, exactly in the year 2006, just before the start of the event of the season 1 of the tv show.

Once there, I took advantage of my Asgardian Physique and my knowledge of the show to quickly deal with all the individuals that could easily become a threat even to me, especially at that specific moment as the spark of Odin Force in me was on the cusp of its awakening giving me the chance to become a true Asgardian God like Thor, Heimdal and the others.

And so I quickly hunted down and killed every known possible threat, Peter Petrelli, Sylar, Hiro Nakamura, The Haitian, Arthur Petrelli, Matt Parkman, Stephen Canfield, Samuel Sullivan, Adam Monroe, Claire Bennet, and many others, basically I spared no one, and made sure to get rid of every little nuisance.

Then during my hunt it finally happened, the Odin Force spark in me finally bloomed and I fully became the Asgardian God of Destruction, mostly thanks to my Blessing that gave me some affinity with the concept and the ability to shoot energy beams from my eyes capable of destroying all matter, something that isn't as great as it sounds as it can only destroy the exact area hit by the beam, basically an area as big as my eyeballs, something useless against the red-suited menace as no matter how much I destroyed his body chucks, he always regenerated.

Anyway, I spent the rest of the time in that universe enjoying myself with some random hot women and getting used to my new godly powers when the time for that fucking Random Battle finally came.

I entered that Random Universe full of confidence, after all, Marvel's Asgardians are one of the strongest races that I knew, of course, there are also the Kryptonians but from what I know from the TV Shows and Movies they are more or less equal, sure the Kryptonians are physically stronger but they also have well-acknowledged weaknesses, so I was quite confident of my chances.

Then soon after, I arrived in the new universe, and that dreaded blue translucent box appeared in front of me.

[System Initialization... 0% ... 1%...]

Seeing that, I quickly thought that I was in one of those Universe described in many stories that I heard were quite popular in my previous life where all of a sudden a System Apocalypse happens out of nowhere and everyone is fucked up as monsters start to appear all over the place, especially since the System fucked up with the rules of reality and made all the pre-system weapons useless, and the next blue box seems to confirm this.

[...100%! Ding!]

[Welcome people of planet FE00178369! You are about to be integrated into the omnipotent Multiversal System. The world as you know it is about to change forever as monsters from stories and legends are about to appear all over the world, and if you want to have a chance at surviving what is about to come it is necessary that you all agree to the integration so that it can grant you the ability to constantly evolve and become stronger and give you the chance to survive the coming ordeal.]

[Do you agree to the integration of the Multiversal System?]

[Yes] [No]

I looked at the blue box in front of me thinking that it was a good chance to grow even stronger, and without hesitation, I chose [Yes]

And immediately after that, I knew I fucked up as I suddenly felt like I lost something important, and the next blue box confirmed that as a quick series of notifications started to cover my vision.

[Age Svedson, The Champion of Destruction agreed to bind itself to the Champion of Restoration and serve him until the end of time. The Champion of Destruction surrended his Blessing to the Champion of Restoration.]

[Age Svedson gained the title Player.]

[Age Svedson lost the title Champion of Destruction.]

[Age Svedson gained the hidden title System Slave]

[Age Svedson gained the title Fool]...

After that, I was forced to follow his every order in the form of quests that if failed would have taken my life, but if successful would grant me a lot of experience that I could use to raise my Skills and Level, making me stronger without putting as much effort as before.

And now, here I'm in the One Piece Universe hunting down other Champions for the bastard that enslaved me and the only reason I'm following his orders and completing his quests is that I'm hoping for a chance to free myself from his influence, while also taking advantage of this situation to empower myself.

Luckily the bastard doesn't care how I complete his quests, and that gives me a chance to enjoy myself while doing so, just like I subdued this bounty hunter bitch sucking my penis as soon as I came to this universe.

At the moment we are both on a ship heading toward the Grand Line with the intent of joining a certain bounty hunter organization where I hope I'll find a very hot brunette with a killer body.

And while thinking about Nico Robin's hot body, I hold her head with my hand and release everything into my companion's mouth while thinking, 'I'll do anything to make her mine.'