A Wild Pirate Appeared! 

Saint Alfred POV - Blue Star, Grand Line, Paradise - 20 GAP

I slowly open my eyes as I feel the first light of the day enter through the windows of my room, and the first thing that greets my sight is the lithe naked body of my little sister Sharlia as she lies next to me.

I can clearly still see the marks of our last night's activity all over her body, something that always brings a smile to my face as it always reminds me how my little sister's haughty face morphs into one distorted in pleasure under my loving care and attention, especially since she quite enjoys the non-combat use of my Devil Fruit, the Mori Mori no Mi (Woods-Woods Fruit), with which I do something that I like to call Tentacle Play taking inspiration from the many, many research materials I carefully studied in my previous life.

Of course, remembering all of that causes my penis to stand at attention once more, and so, I start to caress Sharlia's little bubble butt to wake her up so that she can help me deal with that.

Obviously, my loving and dear little sister quickly understands my intentions, but she lets out a grunt and turns around, then she mutters, "Alfred-niisama... I'm too tired for that-su... use one of the slaves you are so fond of that we brought with us to deal with your needs-su..." after which she quickly goes back to sleep once more.

Hearing that, I smile and jump out of bed, and after putting on some simple clothes to cover my body, I quickly move out of my room and head outside toward the deck the only way to reach the slaves area of this ship.

Right now, I and my sister are on our family World Noble vessel, which just like any other Celestial Dragon that travels the seas, our mode of transportation takes the form of a large ship with a grandiose design.

The ship possesses four masts, with the frontal sail having the World Government insignia on it, the front three masts have a crow's nest, with the top of each also having the Government flag on top.

The upper part of the ship is cobalt blue with white edges, while the bottom is wooden with steel plating under the keel, there are numerous cannon ports on the sides of the ship.

The ship's figurehead is that of a golden chicken wearing a golden crown with a white mount, with what appears to be golden whiskers coming out from underneath the figurehead, and of course, it is fully manned by people fully loyal to our family.

(Image Here - World Noble Ship)

As I reach the deck and enjoy the salty morning air for a few moments, I can't help but think of the reason why I left the safe Holy Land of Mary Geoise with a grin on my face, 'The last year when that Cipher Pol agent told me the news that a drought started in Arabasta, with the king being suspected of causing it with the use of Dance Powder I knew that the time was ripe for finally take action. I finally know exactly where I can find Nico Robin!'

Indeed, the Buster Call on Ohara already happened a few months before my birth, so I was too late to catch a young Nico Robin and add her to my collection, and since in the anime she was able to escape all that time despite the World Government searching for her, I knew it was useless searching for her, especially since I couldn't do much as a newborn.

So the only sure way to find and catch her before the canon events started with the start of Luffy's journey was to wait for one of the Shichibukai (Seven Warlord of the Seas) Crocodile to make his move on Arabasta, making it a hell lot easier to find and catch her as it would mean that Crocodile hired her and that she is now by his side.

This was also the main reason why I was so careful with my actions limiting them to only little things and only limited around the confines of the Holy Land of Mary Geoise, making sure that I didn't cause too many changes to the canon events.

(AN: This is what this character thinks because just stopping Fisher Tiger from escaping and killing him already changed a lot of things, that he didn't notice yet or cared for, the MC himself has only noticed a little side effect with Nami's situation, but the greater changes can be noticed more easily in the Grand Line.)

Thinking about Nico Robin's voluptuous body that is about to fall into my hands and, more importantly, at all the fun and interesting ways she could use the powers of her Devil Fruit, the Hana Hana no Mi (Flower Flower Fruit) to serve me, I can't help but feel my penis getting even harder almost on the point of exploding.

So I quickly move on to head toward the area where my slaves are resting, at the same time, I also start to think about another character that I'd like to add to my collection, 'Now that I think about it, this is also a good chance to also grab Nefertari Vivi and add her to my collection, especially since she should already be undercover in the Baroque Works at this time making it even easier to catch her.'

While thinking that, I finally reach my destination and see my 4 favorite slaves who are already waiting for me fully naked on their beds.

First I look at the beautiful Gorgon Sisters, Boa Sandersonia, Boa Hancock, and Boa Marigold, after all these years all sign of defiance are gone, and now the 3 sisters only live to satisfy my every whim and needs, and I indulge in their comfort and care daily with great satisfaction.

Of course, to reach this point I had to get creative with the use of the powers from my Mori Mori no Mi (Woods-Woods Fruit) combined with the power of my Blessing to create a plant that would help me in breaking them and years of experiments that may or may have not caused hundreds of deaths, but all that hard work was surely worth it, and the one that died were some lowly non-important slaves so everything is fine.

Then my gaze moves to the unexpected find that I chanced upon a few years ago while visiting another World Noble with my family, she is a beautiful young woman with a slim, curvaceous, and pronounced hourglass figure, she has neat, shoulder-length orange hair, and distinctively large and round eyes, she is Koala, which was meant to be a member of the Revolutionary Army, but now she is simply my slave.

(Image Here - Koala)

I was really lucky back then, I was almost unable to recognize her as she was a skinny girl with long, unkempt, dirty brown hair, but since she looked somewhat familiar I focused on her and after many minutes I finally remembered who she was and more importantly, how she would look like with some good nutrition and care, and realizing that, I didn't hesitate to buy her from that World Noble and add her to my collection.

After she started to fill out and some grooming to take care of her unkempt appearance, she quickly became one of my favorites together with Hancock and her sisters, but different from them, Koala already had the lifestyle of a slave ingrained in her blood making everything much easier for me as she is always ready to serve me to the best of her abilities.

Even now she is the first to come forward and help undress me before quickly kneeling and starting to worship my penis licking it with her tongue as she looks at me with those big eyes of hers.

At the same time, I use the power of the Mori Mori no Mi (Woods-Woods Fruit) to make a bunch of vines that end with a very curious shape come out from my back and head toward the expectant Hancock, Marigold, and Sandersonia as they vaginas quickly get wet in anticipation of the pleasure that is about to overwhelm their senses.

I control the vines so that they wound around their bodies and start to massage their tits, tease their hardening nipples, and probe their holes causing the three Gorgon Sisters to moan and twist their bodies in pleasure.

At the same time, as I feel Koala's warm mouth enveloping my penis as her tongue continues to furiously move showing her desperate desire to satisfy me, I say with a smirk on my face, "Girls, it is time to play eh."

Jayr POV - Blue Star, East Blue - 20 GAP

Almost a week passed since we left Dawn Island after our brief encounter with Garp and Luffy and right now we continue to sail toward Polestar Islands, to reach and visit the famous town of the beginning and the end, Loguetown.

Thinking about the meeting with Garp I still can't help but wonder what could have happened if I revealed to him everything I know, especially about the mysterious being sitting on the Empty Throne, the true ruler of the World Government, but for one I didn't know anything more about that figure, not even how it truly looks like, and second, I don't want to worry Garp about such things, or anyone else for the matter, I will just deal with it on my own and leave Dragon and the others to pick off what remains, but that is something I will bother with only after our family vacation is over.

All of a sudden, I hear little Kharna sitting beside me as she yells "Kovyyy!" quickly followed by a giggle and the voice of Galen as he yells, "Go! Go! Go! Don't give up!" he also is sitting beside me but on my other side, both are enjoying the sight of Koby going through is daily tor... training.

Their shouts bring me back from my musing, and I once again focus on Koby as he goes through his morning training, well, a more advanced version of it.

At the moment, Koby is running with his weighted clothes on around the deck as I use telekinesis to throw huge boulders at him, forcing him to use a zig-zag trajectory, a roll, or even some more complex maneuvers like somersaulting or twisting his body mid-air to dodge all the boulders and rocks that fly around when the boulders explode in countless smaller pieces as they crash on the deck.

Moreover, there is also Python that is flying after him ready to bite him and inject a non-lethal dose of Strychnine into his body if he slows down too much.

Strychnine is a poison that prevents the proper operation of the chemical that controls nerve signals to the muscles, these chemicals controlling nerve signals work like the body's "off switch" for muscles, and when this "off switch" does not work correctly, muscles throughout the body have severe, painful spasms, it isn't a nice experience for sure.

Today is my turn to take care of the kids in the morning, so, I decided to bring them with me as I train Koby, and it seems that it was a good idea as both Galen, Kharna, and Python are clearly enjoying the sight of Koby desperate struggle with his training, in fact, it was Galen who asked Python to chase after Koby to up the difficulty a little bit more.

From time to time, even Kharna does something to up the training difficulty by shooting some weak elemental magic at him like fireballs, ice spikes, rock bullets, and many others, but I had to help Koby a few times as she also randomly shoot some small black holes, or even her budding Dragon Breath if she gets too excited, and even if she is just a kid her Dragon Breath still has enough power to destroy a small town, truly my little dragon princess can be pretty wild and dangerous at times.

Luckily Koby is able to conclude the last lap around the deck mostly unharmed, with only some light bruises, cuts, and burn marks caused by Kharna's fireballs, and so, I stop throwing boulders at him and follows after me Kharna, Galen, and Python who stop "playing" with Koby.

Quickly after that I move next to Koby and heal his wounds while saying, "Good job, Koby! With that your morning training is now over, you can rest now. As always you are free to do as you like."

Koby nods and quickly starts to lie on the deck taking some deep breaths, at the same time, he replies, "O-Okay, Jayr-san... Haaa... I will rest here for now... Haa..."

After that, I go back to Galen, Kharna, and Python to continue to play with them, but before that, I punish Kharna for being so heavy-handed with Koby, and so, with a heavy heart I start to tickle her until she gives up and admits her faults, but like the good little brother he is Galen comes to his sister's rescue with Python following him, and so an epic tickle war starts on the deck of the Athena's God Bidoof, which still ends with my victory as I'm way too strong and experience to be defeated by my kids which end up laughing and crying at the same time while begging for forgiveness.

Sometime later, as we are all relaxing on the deck of the Athena's God Bidoof, all of a sudden, a familiar 3 jointed high-pitched sound that reminds me of an alarm can be heard which is quickly followed by a cute female voice that says, "A wild Pirate appeared!"

Soon after that, the iconic music of the Wild Pokemon Battle Theme from the 1st generation of Pokemon games can be heard.

At the same time, Koby jumps up in surprise as he starts to warily look around while yelling, "Pirates!? Wait! What was that!? What's going on? What's up with this music!?"

I quickly reassure him, "Calm down, this is just Athena's God Bidoof's alarm system, which activates when no one is sitting on the captain seat or any other position on the bridge. It just advises us that the Athena's God Bidoof's radar picked up an incoming hostile vessel."

Hearing my explanation, Koby calms down but then he asks, "Okay... but why this music...?"

I move my gaze away from Koby and look at the endless expanse of blue beyond the horizon and reply, "Koby... somethings are just meant to be like that."

After a few minutes, the incoming pirate ship can be seen in the distance, and I immediately realize that they are some no-name mob, not only their vessel is a simple single mast caravel, but more important, their jolly roger couldn't be more basic, a simple skull with crossed bones, nothing to distinguish them or make them unique, probably these guys don't even have a bounty.

Seeing that, I sigh in disappointment before I look at Koby, and with still the Wild Pokemon Battle Theme in my ears, a brilliant idea comes to my mind.

I move toward Koby and say, "It is time to see the result of your training." making him tilt his head as he lets out a confused, "Eh?"

Then without any hesitation, I grab Koby from the scuff of his shirt and aim at the incoming pirate vessel at the same time, Koby starts to realize what I'm going to do and exclaims in panic, "W-Wait, Jayr-san! I'm not ready y-."

But I show him a bright smile, then I yell, "Go, Koby! I chose you!" while throwing Koby toward the pirate ship, right in the middle of all the pirates while Kharna and Galen giggle happily seeing Koby flying as he cries out in panic.

Koby POV - Blue Star, East Blue - 20 GAP

"Go Koby, I chose you!" these are the last words I hear before Jayr-san throws me, and now all I can see is the pirate ship getting bigger as I soar closer to them, luckily, my glasses are somewhat protecting my eyes from the strong winds impacting my body so that I can somewhat control where and how I land.

As I quickly search for the best way to land, I can't help but think, 'Oh my god! Sometimes Jayr-san can be so reckless... doesn't he realize how dangerous this is? I'm not talking about the pirates themselves because after fighting with Kuro for so long, I somewhat got used to it. But how can he just grab someone and throw him like that with such power!? I'm basically flying, and if I crash at such speed I will surely break something!'

While complaining a little in my mind, the time for me to act finally comes, so I quickly reach out with my hand and grab the nearby sail and use it to slow my momentum and break my fall so that I can safely land on this ship without breaking some bones.

After landing, I try to grasp my surroundings, but before I can do that, I hear a male voice full of malice as he says, "Hehehe. Look here, guys! The people on that strange ship are so defenseless and desperate that instead of using cannonballs to attack us, they just threw some lousy kid!"

Quickly after that another voice suggests, "Maybe they offered him to us hoping that we will let them go? Hahaha! How naive, we are pirates, we will take everything they own, even that strange ship as it seems of good quality!" followed by another one that says, "But before that, let just play a little with their gift... as now that I look at him he isn't bad looking."

The last one especially makes me shudder a little, and as I look around, I notice that I'm surrounded by dozens of dirty-looking and unkempt men, all of them armed with some low-quality sabers and guns.

Noticing that, my whole body tense up as this is my first time facing a group of armed people, moreover, this can be truly considered my first real fight against pirates.

The pirates didn't give me any time to think about that as soon one of them let out a roar and started to rush toward me with his saber raised and a face full of malice, ready to deliver an attack.

But before I can really panic I calm down, focus on the incoming pirate, and quickly notice something that makes me question in wonder, 'Huh...? Why is he so slow?'

Indeed, even if he is running with his all, the pirate in front of me is way too slow, he is even slower than me, and that is considering that I'm still wearing the weighted clothes.

And so, as he attacks me with a diagonal slash of his saber, I calmly take a step back to dodge while thinking 'This is way too slow... He is basically standing still if I compare him with Kuro's speed whose figure I can barely follow after fighting him all this time...'

I take advantage of the opening left behind by his previous attack to quickly hit him with a low kick to his pivot leg to disturb his balance, but as my shin impacts his right leg, I hear a clear and loud disturbing sound which is quickly followed by the painful wails of the pirate as his body flips and crashes on the ground.

This scene stuns me and everyone else on the ship as everyone looks at the now passed-out pirate with a leg bent in an unnatural direction, at the same time, a heavy silence falls onto the ship.

Every pirate then looks at me with clear shock and surprise on their faces, but no one is more surprised than me as I just used the same level of power I always use when I refine my techniques on that block of wood, 'How could a human body be so much weaker than a random block of wood? Wait! Is that block of wood even normal to be with? After all, I've been punching that thing with all my strength for more than a month now, but if you ignore the mark left behind by my blood, that block of wood is practically unchanged...'

But I don't have the time to question that, as another pirate snaps out of his stunned state and draws his saber yelling, "You bastard!!"

His shout wakes up both me and the other pirates who also draw out their weapons and quickly start to attack me.

I quickly react to the sound of a flintlock pistol that is about to shoot by rolling away from my previous position, and just in time as soon after, I hear the deafening sound of the shoot being fired which misses me and hits another pirate in my place, making another pirate shout, "Don't shot, you idiot! We are surrounding him if you miss, you will hit one of us!! Use your fucking swords!!"

At the same time, I can't help but be glad of the fact that my training with Jayr-san is showing its result, as even if I can't see all my enemies with my eyes, I can still more or less guess their positions, and movements using my other senses.

I quickly get up from my roll and punch the pirate in front of me in his stomach, this time using less power than before, but despite that, the pirate still easily crumbles down while holding his stomach and showing the white of his eyes.

Next, I hear the footsteps of someone behind me and from them, I realize that he is about to attack me, meanwhile, another two pirates are also rushing from my sides, so without hesitation, I crouch down and with a circular sweep kick I make all three of them crash on the ground to buy some time while kicking the closest one on the head to knock him down, this time I use even less power than before, and since I didn't break his neck while knocking him out, maybe this is the right amount of force to use.

I take advantage of this brief moment of respite to check the current situation, '1 knocked out with a broken leg, 1 shot by friendly fire, another 1 knocked out with a punch in his gut, and of the three on the ground, only one is out cold. If I remember well, there were 12 pirates on this ship, this means that with 4 of them taken care of only 8 remain...'

But while I was thinking that, one of the two downed pirates recovered from his stunned state and grabbed my legs and tried to trip me, making me lose my balance while another 3 pirates jumped over the bodies of their downed friends to attack me.

Panicking I quickly reacted on instinct using the techniques that Jayr-san drilled in my body, and so I threw a sidekick using the leg grabbed by the pirate dragging and throwing him toward the mid-air pirates sending all four of them overboard and into the sea, then I quickly knock out the other still stunned pirate to avoid a repeat of the previous situation.

This leaves only 4 pirates standing, but this also gives them enough room to safely use their flintlock pistols, something that they also realize as they quickly throw away their sabers and draw their guns ready to shoot me.

But this quickly brings me back to this morning's hellish training where I had to run while dodging the boulder thrown by Jayr-san, and Kharna-chan's lethal attacks, so I quickly rush toward the closest pirate with a zig-zag pattern making it difficult for them to aim.

The pirate panics and carelessly shoots, but I already predicted the bullet's trajectory and easily dodge it, then once close enough, I grab the pirate in a chokehold and use him as a human shield against the bullets shot by the other 3 pirates, and after their volley, I quickly move toward the next closest one and neutralize him with a chop on his neck, at the same time, I grab his flintlock pistol and throw it toward the furthest pirate hitting him in the face and also knocking him out cold.

The last remaining pirate was a lot easier to deal with as he was now too scared to do anything else, so, I easily knocked him out cold with a punch to his face, immediately after that, I looked at my fist and at my now peaceful surroundings with surprise and wonder as I mutter, "I did it... I truly defeated them all by myself... I defeated some true pirates using only my own abilities..."